Dishwasher cleaner: how to choose, instructions for use

Modern dishwashing devices perfectly clean any plates and mugs from dirt, but even such devices need regular cleaning. Therefore, dishwasher cleaner is already an integral element in the kitchen for many people. After all, it is precisely this that can efficiently and reliably rid the device of dust, scale and grease, thereby preparing it for a new load of dirty dishes.

Dishwasher dirty

Dishwasher cleaner can remove grease and other contaminants that remain after washing dishes. Unfortunately, not all contaminants can be neutralized with hot water or powder, since they settle at the bottom of the working compartment in layers, and over time it becomes more and more difficult to clean them.

Most often, they linger on the mesh filters, thereby preventing the dishwasher from functioning normally. As a rule, in such cases, professionals recommend removing the filters and cleaning them, but this is quite difficult to do. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly clean the dishwasher from grease or scale using special products, the components of which perform cleaning functions. If you systematically use tablets and liquids, the device will not break suddenly and create inconvenience for the owner.

Manual or automatic cleaning

Most people think that if they buy dishwasher cleaner and then follow the instructions, they won't need to do anything else. In fact, this is a mistaken opinion. A single automatic cleaning will not rid the car of all the dirt accumulated over a long time. Whatever one may say, you still have to work with your hands. If a huge amount of grease or scale accumulates, experts advise starting cleaning manually.

It is not necessary to completely disassemble the dishwasher, since only some of its elements need to be cleaned:

  • garbage filter;
  • rubber seals;
  • impeller nozzles;
  • baskets for dishes;
  • inner walls.

Having cleaned the above elements, you can immediately begin automatic cleaning. To do this, you need to do a simple machine cleaning, but instead of dishwashing detergent, use dishwasher cleaner.

Only if all the above rules are followed, the machine will serve its owner for a long time and reliably.

TOP 5 best compositions for the care of PMM

You should carefully select dishwasher cleaning products that will effectively remove grease, detergent residues, scale, and mold. At the same time, they should not damage delicate parts of the equipment - rubber seals, drum coating, etc. They also pay attention to the price, because frequent cleanings with expensive drugs can simply ruin you.

Finish brand compositions for washing dishes and caring for PMM are unrivaled. They are leaders in sales on the Russian household chemicals market.

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Detergents and salt

Finish All in 1 tablets

Finish Calgonit Powder

Finish brand salt

The Finish brand is still popular, but is no longer a monopolist on the market. There are several other products that are highly rated by customers. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the rating based on user reviews.

Place #1 – Finish Rinse and Calgonit Fusion Power

Finish Rinse and Calgonit Fusion Power are designed to remove limescale deposits that form on parts of dishwashers and washing machines. They dissolve fat well, support the operation of equipment, and disinfect.

Feature of Finish Rinse : creates a special protective film with dirt-repellent properties. Thanks to this, scale does not form on the internal parts of the machines for some time, and fat particles do not stick to the surface. The concentrated composition is economically used, cleans surfaces made of any materials efficiently, so after cleaning there are no problems with washing dishes for another 3-4 months.

Bacteria multiply in the dishwasher and enter the tank with food debris. This provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Finish kills microorganisms and leaves behind a pleasant aroma

Calgonit Fusion Power is a two-component composition. The first layer (blue) dissolves fat, disinfects, and eliminates mold. And the second (transparent) removes limescale. The product is intended for monthly cleaning of cars.

Among the shortcomings, users note only the strong aroma of Finish brand preparations.

Place #2 - UniPlus

The product is a concentrated liquid preparation intended for use approximately once a month. There are instructions in Russian. UniPlus perfectly removes greasy deposits, creates a protective film on surfaces, and eliminates odors.

When purchasing the drug, you should carefully read the instructions in advance. You need to make sure that the model of the machine that will be cleaned can maintain the temperature. If the required mode is not available, it is better to choose another product

Buyers have no complaints about the quality of the drug, but the packaging raises questions. The bottle has a hook for hanging in the dishwasher. Theoretically, it should make the composition easier to use. In practice, it is absolutely useless, because... Most car models don't have enough space. A hanging bottle is tilted at an angle and may fall off.

When cleaning PMM with UniPlus, you must strictly adhere to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Problems may arise precisely because of the packaging. The wax used to seal the holes does not dissolve if the temperature is lower than required, and the composition simply does not flow out of the bottle.

Place #3 – Somat Machine Cleaner

A cleaner for PMM from the well-known manufacturer Henkel will please the most picky housewives. The product is available in the form of gel and tablets, so each buyer can choose a form that is convenient for themselves. The product deeply cleans pipes, filters, machine sprinklers, and removes grease and limescale deposits.

The composition contains aggressive chemicals, so you need to handle it carefully and protect your hands and eyes. If the drug gets on the skin or mucous membranes, it should be washed off with plenty of water.

The product is used approximately once a month. If you use it regularly, you can forget about the problem of dirt, unpleasant odor and scale forever. One package of Somat Machine Cleaner is enough for three starts of the dishwasher in automatic cleaning mode.

Place #4 – Milit

The manufacturer recommends using Milit 1-2 times a month, but housewives usually focus on the degree of contamination of the equipment. If grease has accumulated under the gaskets and there is an unpleasant odor in the tank, it’s time to grab a bottle of product and start cleaning.

The dosage of the bottle is designed for one procedure. This is convenient if you do not want to monitor the consumption of the product, but it is not liked by buyers who are accustomed to using household chemicals sparingly. The only thing that reconciles them with Milit is the low price and decent quality of the composition.

Milit perfectly cleans plaque and scale. After using the product, the car shines as if it had just been brought from the store. The manufacturer does not use aggressive flavors. Milit disinfects, eliminates stench, and after using the product the machine emits a faint pleasant smell

Like many other cleaners, the product comes in a bottle with a useless hook. It is turned over and placed upside down in the spoon compartment. During the automatic car washing process, the wax covering the holes dissolves and the product enters the chamber.

Place #5 – Domol Maschinen Pfleger

There are no complaints about the quality of automatic cleaning with this composition. It really perfectly washes out grease and scale from the most difficult to reach places in the dishwasher. Filters, grilles, and chamber remain spotlessly clean and shiny. The only thing that may confuse the buyer is the powerful flavoring. When the cycle ends, the smell becomes less pronounced, but is still noticeable.

Domol Maschinen Pfleger has such an intense aroma that it is strongly felt even when the machine door is closed and the cleaning process is in progress. The smell can hardly be called unpleasant, but many people associate it with sweet carbonated drinks

When using Domol Maschinen Pfleger, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions. The water temperature during cleaning should be no lower than 65 degrees. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every 30 cycles of using the dishwasher. 1 bottle of 250 ml is designed for 1 use.

Best Store Products

Having understood the cleaning algorithm, you need to consider existing products and select the most suitable one. When choosing, you should take into account many parameters, for example, the product must cope not only with grease and scale, but also with mold. In addition, the liquid should not harm the most vulnerable components of the machine.

Below are the best dishwasher cleaning liquids and tablets. It is thanks to them that you will be able to save time, but at the same time get a good result.

Calgonit Fusion Power

The average cost is 300 rubles per bottle (250 ml). Quite effective and guaranteed safe product from Finish for dishwashers. It provides two layers of high-quality cleaning fluid:

  • blue - fights grease and provides disinfection, and also instantly deals with mold;
  • transparent - works great only with scale.

The manufacturer himself claims that cleaning the dishwasher from scale or grease using this product should only be done once a month. It is suitable for all machines and does not harm their elements, so you don’t have to worry about the integrity and safety of the dishwasher.

Finish Rinse

Another product from Finish for dishwashers, the price of which is about 400 rubles per 60 ml. This is a powerful and concentrated product that is produced in Japan. The main feature is the creation of a special chemical layer on machine parts that prevents the deposition of various pollutants. Its components destroy scale quite quickly and efficiently and prevent it from forming in the near future.

This liquid can be used once every 3-4 months. But it is worth considering that it should not be used to clean a dishwasher that does not have a special dispenser designed for rinsing.

Tips for care and use

It’s easy to minimize machine maintenance if you follow standard recommendations for operation and maintenance of equipment:

  • Before loading dishes into the dishwasher, remove large stains with a napkin;
  • It is necessary to install devices in baskets in strict compliance with the requirements from the manufacturer;
  • It is better to use special salt in addition to the detergent every time you start;
  • The coarse filter must be cleaned after each cycle;
  • Upon completion of washing, it is worth checking the compartment for cleaning substances for any remaining insoluble components;
  • The unit must be used at least 3 times a week - long periods of downtime are detrimental to the structure.

Advice! Do not use rough metal brushes for cleaning to avoid damaging the coating of the parts. It is better to give preference to soft fabrics.

Watch a video on how to clean your dishwasher


Uniplus for dishwashers is packaged in designer packaging in quantities of 250 ml, and its average price is 500 rubles per bottle. This product is produced by German professionals and has many advantages. It is able to completely clean the dishwasher of any type of contaminant, while creating a protective film that is an excellent barrier to the growth of mold and bacteria.

Cleaning should be done once every two months, but before that, manual cleaning must be done.

Other means

In addition to the products that have many positive reviews and are extremely popular in many countries, there are other options that give no less effect. Among their variety, each person will be able to choose the best one that suits its functions and cost:

  • Indesit powder (about 600 rubles) - intended only for descaling, has no aroma;
  • De La Mark salt (about 200 rubles) - simultaneously cleans both dishes and the dishwasher itself, softens water, and destroys dried dirt;
  • Grean Clean liquid (250-400 rubles) - removes scale based on organic acids, thanks to this product the costs of detergent and electricity are significantly reduced;
  • liquid "Filtero" (500-600 rubles) - has a wider range of capabilities: it most effectively gets rid of scale and dried food residues, cleans machine filters and nozzles from the largest layers of fat, destroys unpleasant odors;
  • Electrolux degreaser (about 300 rubles) - has no aroma, but destroys all fat very well;
  • liquid "Doctor Backman" (300-400 rubles) - a German product designed to eliminate bad odors, ensures the elimination of plaque, bacteria and germs, a fresh aroma of dishes and hygienic cleanliness of the machine, this product is especially good for machines that are constantly in working order .

Using PMM cleaning products

Before using household chemicals, it is advisable to mechanically clean the bottom and walls of the dishwasher bin.

Standard procedure:

  1. Disconnect the device from the network.
  2. Remove the baskets, remove and clean the filter.
  3. Check the pump impeller - the blades should turn easily.
  4. Clean the sealing rubber with a soft sponge and wipe the walls inside the chamber.

It is advisable to check the condition of the drain and inlet hoses. If necessary, they must be cleaned by disconnecting them and placing them under running water. After the manipulations have been completed, following the instructions, you can use the cleaner.

Detergents for the dishwasher chamber are designed for use in an empty dishwasher; most models have a specialized cycle for cleaning the hopper

Home Remedies

If there is no opportunity or desire to purchase a special product in the store, then there are other cleaning methods. Without any extra effort, you can prepare your own solution, which will clean your dishwasher of grease and other dirt just as well as chemical agents.

Cleaning your dishwasher with vinegar and baking soda always comes first as it is the most effective. It is done in a few simple steps and does not take too much time, although you will have to spend a little more effort than when using a purchased cleaner.

From the dishwasher you need to remove the garbage filter, the mesh, as well as the basket where all the dishes are stored, and the impeller. All these parts should be dipped in a solution of vinegar and soda (2 tablespoons per glass of vinegar). Then you need to wash all the elements with soapy water and put them back in the machine. At the very bottom you need to place a glass of vinegar (9%), and carefully treat all other parts with soda. After this, you will need to run the longest washing cycle (necessarily at a temperature of 60 degrees) and wait for perfect cleanliness.

In second place is the cleaning method using powdered borax. It takes almost the same amount of time as the previous method, but the effect will be slightly worse. First you need to clean the machine by hand, and then thoroughly and carefully rinse the walls and all parts with a damp sponge. Next, you will need to take the main component - powdered borax. You should fill absolutely all the internal elements of the dishwasher with it, and then, just as in the previous method, run a long cycle and wait for the result.

Another effective solution is baking soda and natural hydrogen peroxide. To do this, you will need a whole pack of baking soda, which must be mixed with a bottle of peroxide. If desired, you can add a couple of dozen drops of any essential oil to create a greater effect and pleasant aroma. This mixture must be thoroughly mixed and placed in the freezer for about 20-30 minutes. After the time has passed, you should take out the resulting mass and form it into a lump that is not too large. It must be placed in the dish basket and then run again on the longest cycle at the highest temperature.

Reasons for a major cleaning


Despite the fact that manufacturers recommend cleaning every month, much still depends on the operating characteristics of the device. The frequency of cleaning activities depends on various factors:

  • Preferred operating modes - some people use the machine every day to wash any dishes, others - only when there is a large accumulation of them, for example, after the holidays;
  • The degree of contamination of kitchen appliances - if you do not first clean the dishes from food residues and grease, all these elements will accumulate under the seals and in other hard-to-reach places;
  • Selectable temperature intervals - different programs wash at different temperatures, if the owner prefers cleaning in cool water instead of hot, debris will accumulate faster;
  • The cleaning agents used are more aggressive substances that do a better job of cleaning; on the other hand, they are not as safe for health (at the same time, environmentally friendly detergents are not as effective at getting rid of grease and dried food).

The main indicator by which you can judge whether the dishwasher needs cleaning or not is the result of washing. If the dishes shine and squeak, then the unit is working properly. Cleaning is necessary if there are stains, remains of dried food or dirt on the cutlery.

If you are not satisfied with the washing result, you need to clean the car. Helpful! Another compelling argument in favor of urgent cleaning procedures is the unpleasant odor from the equipment. This indicates the development of bacteria in the tank, which must be disposed of immediately.

Requirements for detergents

The large range of existing cleaning substances in stores makes purchasing difficult. To make the right choice, you should immediately decide on your preferences:

  • Price - you shouldn’t expect excellent results from cheap cleaners, at the same time, the highest prices are not an indicator of excellent quality, you need to look for a middle ground;
  • Manufacturer - popular brands usually value their reputation, so they work tirelessly to improve the quality of their products;
  • Variety - there are different forms of release - gels, powders, tablets, users choose a specific option depending on the characteristics of use and expectations;
  • Ease of use - some prefer to combine different drugs with a specific purpose, while others find it easier to use one multifunctional product;
  • Composition - there are substances with various components; when purchasing, you should read the information on the packaging;
  • Safety - you need to use substances with aggressive compounds with caution, as they can cause allergies and lead to health problems;
  • Reviews - before purchasing, it would be useful to read the opinions of people who have already tried this or that drug.

Important! Certain types of detergents are not suitable for specific dishwasher models. A final decision can only be made after testing different options.

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