How and how to descale an iron at home

Reasons for the formation of soot and scale on the sole of the iron

The main reason for the formation of carbon deposits is improper ironing of items made from synthetic fabrics. If you make a mistake in setting the mode and choose too high a temperature, the synthetic material melts under the sole and its particles stick tightly to the surface. You may not notice this right away. The problem will only appear after you start ironing the next item.

Melted synthetic fibers will prevent the sole from sliding freely over the surface and can, like hot glue, stick the iron to the fabric

Scale formation is another common problem. It appears as rusty or whitish marks on the fabric. The source of the problem is tap water. Believe me, this is not a whim of the manufacturers - the recommendation is to fill the iron with filtered or distilled liquid. This is a real look at the quality of our tap water.

The quality of plain tap water usually does not meet the requirements of imported heating units

Traces of scale: how to clean an iron at home

Let's start with the problem of scale. This is not the worst thing that can happen to your device. There are several effective methods for removing scale.

How to simultaneously clean an iron from scale and carbon deposits: universal industrial products

German manufacturers have been most successful in this matter: they offer a wide range of chemicals for simultaneously cleaning the soleplate of a heating device from soot and scale.

Method 1 – chemical cleaner

The most popular products in this segment are products from Topperr , Bosch and Filtero . It’s not difficult to use them; the algorithm is the same for all. How to clean a steam iron: you need to dilute the chemical in water in a ratio of 1:3, warm up the device as much as possible, turn it off and place it with the sole down in the tank with the cleaning agent. After a couple of hours, you need to wash the sole with water. Before ironing again, press the steam release lever five to six times.

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How to descale an iron: folk remedies

Factory chemicals are not always available in your home. It doesn’t matter, you can clean it using folk remedies. You probably have most of the ingredients in your home, so here are some ideas on how to descale your iron.

How to effectively clean the inside of an iron from scale with citric acid, vinegar or soda

Method 2 – Citric Acid Powder

To descale an iron at home, dissolve 10 g of powder in half a glass of heated water, wet a soft cloth with this solution and apply it to the sole of the inverted appliance for half an hour. Then clean the steam vents with cotton swabs. For internal cleaning, pour lemon juice solution into a water container and turn on the device at maximum mode. Release steam from the heated unit several times.

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Method 3 – sparkling water

To clean the iron from scale inside, pour carbonated mineral water into the liquid reservoir. Then the algorithm is the same as when cleaning the iron with citric acid: warming up and releasing steam.

Method 4 – vinegar

Another popular way to clean a device from contamination is to use table vinegar. Do not use concentrated acid for this purpose, it will damage the iron. Lightly dampen a rag with 6% table vinegar and iron it with a heated iron. Traces of rust will disappear without a trace.

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Special means

If traditional methods are powerless in the fight against limescale, special chemicals will come to the rescue. TOP 5 most popular and effective special products:

Antiscale powder

Antiscale powder is an effective product for removing scale from various surfaces.

The method of application is simple: 1 tbsp. powder is dissolved in 1.5 liters of clean water. The resulting solution is poured into a water tank.

Heat the iron to maximum temperature, turn off the device from the mains, and place it vertically on a table or ironing board. After half an hour, holding the iron horizontally over a sink or basin, press the steam release button several times.

The drug contains acid. It is better to work with Antiscale with gloves and a protective mask .

The average cost of the drug is 16 rubles. (100 g bag).

Top House

Top House scale cleaner is a liquid that helps quickly remove lime deposits and prevent the formation of corrosion. The special product was produced in Germany using the latest technology.

Before pouring the liquid, it is diluted with water (ratio 1:2). Afterwards, the iron is placed in a vertical position and heated to maximum temperature.

Then the device is placed horizontally on the ironing board (with pencils placed under the sole) and left for ten minutes . The final stage of cleaning is to shake the device and press the steam release button.

The average cost of a Top House descaling cleaner is 225 rubles.

Magic Power

Magic Power descaler is a universal product, the special formula of which allows you to use the liquid to clean any irons.

Directions for use: the concentrated composition is diluted with water (ratio 1:2), and then poured into a special container. The device is heated to maximum in a vertical position, after which it is placed on the sole for two hours to cool.

Final cleaning - shake the device and press the steam button . The average cost of Magic Power is 100 rubles. (250 ml bottle).

Bon cleaning pencil

The Bon cleaning pencil will help you deal not only with lime deposits, but also with carbon stains.

Using a pencil is simple: rub the sole of the iron, preheated to maximum, with a pencil, after which you begin to iron the unnecessary old fabric, removing dirt, plaque, and carbon deposits along with the chalk residue.

Attention: you can rub with chalk only when the device is unplugged . The average cost of a chalk is 150 rubles. (bar 25 g).

Paterra tablets

Paterra anti-scale tablets will quickly clean the inside of your household appliance from limescale deposits.

It is enough to dissolve one tablet in 500 ml of warm water and pour the resulting liquid into the iron. Then the device is heated to maximum in steam mode.

Lime deposits and other contaminants will come out along with the steam through the holes in the soleplate of the iron. The average cost of the drug is 160 rubles. (pack of 4 tablets).

How to quickly clean the iron from carbon deposits on the outside

Method 5 – paraffin candle

Fresh deposits on the soleplate of the iron can be easily removed using a regular candle. Rub the surface of the sole with it, and then vigorously wipe off the wax with hard paper. Instead of a candle, you can use a piece of soap.

Method 6 – salt

Fine “Extra” salt should be sprinkled on a newspaper and a hot iron should be moved over it with force. Salt will absorb all impurities. Please note that this technique is not suitable for devices with Teflon soles.

Method 7 - soda

Plaque and scale are easily cleaned with soda solution. Soda is moistened with water to form a paste. Rub the sole with it, using grains of soda as an abrasive.

Method 8 – matchbox

Another simple answer to the question of how to remove scale from an iron is to use a matchbox. Its sticker, which is struck with a match, perfectly removes traces of lime and rust from the sole.

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How to clean an iron from burning if the sole is made of ceramic or Teflon

Expensive, good irons from well-known companies such as Tefal or Philips are equipped with modern soles. How to clean such a device without hopelessly damaging it?

Ceramic sole

Method 9 – cleaning agents for glass-ceramic hobs

While special compositions for cleaning irons cannot be found in every hardware store, compositions for electric stoves are available almost everywhere. This paste is applied to the sole and carbon deposits are removed using soft circular movements.

Method 10 – hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide solution is an excellent home remedy for descaling. How to descale a Philips iron with peroxide: wet a piece of cotton, preferably linen, fabric with the solution and iron it with a hot iron.

Method 11 – toothpaste

An excellent tip from experienced housewives is to clean ceramic soles with toothpaste. Apply the paste to the warm sole, rubbing particularly dirty areas with light force. Once dry, wipe off the paste with a dry cloth.

How to descale an iron if it has a Teflon sole

Method 12 – nail polish remover with acetone

Acetone will help get rid of traces of burnt synthetics or polyethylene. Soak a cotton pad in nail polish remover and apply to the stain for a couple of minutes. Then wipe the sole with the same cotton wool. You should know that cleaning with acetone is only done on a cold surface!

Method 13 – chalk

Now we clean the Teflon iron at home with regular chalk: heat the device and run the chalk directly over the surface of the sole. All dirt is easily washed off. Chalk residues can be easily removed with a paper napkin.

Method 14 - ammonia

Not a very pleasant, but effective option on how to get rid of scale from your iron. Moisten the cloth with a solution of ammonia and wipe the sole. In difficult cases, you need to iron the damp fabric with a hot iron. Take care of your lungs, use a respirator and open the windows!

Method 15 – dishwashing liquid

The Teflon sole can be cleaned from burnt synthetics with dishwashing detergent. Wet the cloth with it and rub the heated sole. Then wipe with a damp cloth to remove any remaining soap.

By the way, if your Teflon device has begun to lose its sliding properties, you can extend its service life. Mix paraffin wax with Extra salt, place it between two layers of a handkerchief and iron with a hot iron. You will have to throw away the tissues, but the device itself will last for some time. Some service shops offer services for restoring Teflon coating, but this is not a cheap pleasure, so it is perhaps easier to buy a new device.

Preparation of the solution

Plaque can be removed using citric acid, which reacts with hardness salts and converts them into a soluble form.

The substance is not inferior in effectiveness to ready-made preparations, and from the point of view of safety for human health, it is more harmless than cleaning products sold in stores.

Making a solution is not difficult, the main condition is that the concentration of the acid should be such that it does not damage the plastic or rubber elements of the iron :

  • pour 200 ml of purified water into a small bowl;
  • Pour 25 g of citric acid (1.5 level tablespoons of powder) into the liquid and stir thoroughly;
  • Pour the prepared mixture into the iron reservoir and close the lid.

Citric acid is great for cleaning your microwave from grease inside and out. Read about how to clean your dishwasher here.

How to use the Self clean function on an iron

“Self Clean” is a self-cleaning function that significantly extends the life of the device. If your iron has this feature, use it periodically. Such devices are not cleaned with chemicals.

To control this function there is a special button on the case

Just fill the water tank and turn on the iron at full power. When the heating indicator goes out, you need to unplug the cord from the outlet, place the device over a basin or sink, press the “Self Clean” button and hold it until all the water has drained out. In the process, you will see dirt and debris pouring out of the sole. After cleaning, turn on the device again and iron the unnecessary cloth with it. With regular cleaning, your device will last a very long time.

Features of descaling an iron with an anti-lime rod or cassettes

Some devices from well-known companies, such as Brown or Mulinex, are equipped with an anti-lime rod or special cassettes. These additional devices prevent the formation of scale inside the iron. You just need to clean them periodically. To do this, the rod is removed and placed overnight in a glass of lemon juice. After it should be rinsed with water. Instead of lemon juice, you can use descaling agent or bleach.

It is important to remember that the rod should not be touched with your fingers.

Advantages and disadvantages of citric acid treatment

To prevent scale formation, manufacturers strongly recommend pouring distillate into the steamer. However, this precaution does not protect against sediment covering the bottom, walls and gaps of the steam channels.

The good news is that the device can be cleaned using safe, folk remedies. They effectively remove salt deposits and are also very easy to prepare. “Limontka” is very popular and effective.

Like every cleaning agent, citric acid has a number of pros and cons that you need to know in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

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