The best way to wash laminate floors: 3 cleaning steps and cleaning products

Due to advanced technologies, in the modern world the demand for steam cleaners is increasing. The presented device provides the user with a quick process for eliminating contaminants on various surfaces. However, not all people know which structures are allowed to be cleaned and which ones should be avoided. In this article, we will look in detail at the features and study the instructions for interacting with the structure. We will find out whether it is possible to wash laminate flooring with a steam cleaner?

Is it possible to wash laminate flooring with a steam cleaner?

Laminate is the most popular floor covering, combining visual appeal, durability and low cost. It is easy to care for, but it has its own nuances. Cleaning the floor with large amounts of water is prohibited; the slabs quickly absorb moisture, become wet and become deformed.

A convenient cleaning tool is a steam cleaner. It works using water, but very little gets onto the floor surface. Removal of dirt occurs not due to the dissolution of the latter, but mainly due to the steam boost; the jet simply knocks deposits off the outer layer of the laminate. In this case, the condensate with which the floor comes into contact evaporates almost instantly and does not have time to damage the sensitive material.

Attention! For normal cleaning using water, a special moisture-resistant laminate is suitable. However, it can also suffer from constant mopping.

Laminate flooring of class 33 or 34 with temperature resistance is suitable for steam cleaning

Clean laminate flooring with special compounds

Manufacturers now produce detergents specifically designed for laminate flooring. If you don't care about the cost of cleaning, use them. Here are the best specialty products for laminate floors:

German composition for laundering laminate.

Advantages : repels moisture, adds shine to the coating, effectively removes dirt and grease.

Price: 480 ₽ per liter bottle

German product for cleaning laminated floors of the luxury category.

Advantages : modest cost, excellent quality, washes all types of stains well, leaves no streaks, the composition is scented.

Price: 300 ₽ per liter bottle

This Israeli composition is optimal in terms of cost/quality ratio.

Advantages - it washes away fresh dirt well and adds shine to the coating (it contains flax oil).

Price: 360 ₽ per liter bottle

Denkmit/Laminat and Korkpflege
German composition for the care of all types of wooden floors.

Advantages - the product carefully and delicately cares for the coating, gives the laminate shine, thanks to the wax included in the composition.

Price: 450 ₽ per liter package.

Loba/Laminate Cleaner
German product for cleaning all types of wood floors.

Advantages - the composition cleans old dirt well and degreases floors.

Price: 700 ₽ per liter bottle.

German preparation for cleaning all types of wooden floor coverings.

Advantages - the product repels dirt, gives the laminate a gloss thanks to the wax included in the composition.

Price: 600 ₽ per liter bottle

Mr. Proper/Ocean freshness
A universal American preparation for cleaning all types of floors.

Advantages - the composition is inexpensive, effectively removes dirt and grease stains, is economical, and does not need to be washed off.

Price: 120 ₽ per 0.75 l bottle

Russian composition for cleaning all types of floors.

Advantages - it is inexpensive and copes with all types of dirt on laminate flooring.

Price: 250 ₽ per liter bottle

How to use specialized laminate products:

  • the composition (in the volume indicated on the package) is added to the water for cleaning;
  • moisten in the solution, then wring out the mop head or floor cloth;
  • then the floor is washed;
  • then it is washed with a cloth moistened in clean water;
  • At the end, the coating is wiped with a dry cloth.

The photo shows a grave mistake - laminate floors cannot be wetted too much, otherwise the surface will deteriorate

Which steam cleaner can be used to clean laminate flooring?

If the coating is of sufficient quality and suitable for hot steam cleaning, it can be processed with almost any unit. All steam cleaners operate according to the same principle and help quickly get rid of dust, dirt, hair and old greasy stains on the floor.

For regular cleaning, it is better to use equipment with the ability to adjust the temperature and intensity of the jet. Since the laminated surface is sensitive to moisture, it is better to set the minimum settings for the household unit before cleaning.

An important requirement for a cleaning device is that it must be equipped with a special fabric attachment. You cannot clean laminate flooring with hard brushes. They are designed to use a steam cleaner to treat small contaminated areas, but they will not be able to cope well with a wide area of ​​the floor. In addition, brushes can leave microscopic scratches on the outer layer of the laminate. Over time, more damage will occur, and the floor covering will lose its attractive appearance and quality characteristics. A napkin made of natural soft material, meanwhile, does not harm the surface and does not disrupt its structure in any way.

Maintain laminate flooring in 3 steps

I remove laminate flooring in three stages. For each of them you need to prepare separate tools:

Stage 1. Dry cleaning
Before washing the floor, you need to sweep it to remove dust and small debris. It is important here not to scratch the protective film of the floor covering.

Therefore, for dry cleaning of laminate flooring, use:

  • vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment;
  • an ordinary vegetable broom;
  • broom with soft artificial bristles

Stage 2. Wet cleaning
Needed to remove remaining dust, dirt and grease stains.

What is the best way to clean laminate floors:

  • butterfly mop with a soft cloth attachment:
  • flounder (aluminum mop with a flat platform) with a microfiber mop (washing attachment).
  • rope mop with a special squeezing bucket.

If the room is not very crowded, then you can walk on the floor with just a rag without a mop.

Which rag is best to wash laminate flooring:

  • flannel;
  • cotton;
  • linen.

To avoid leaving streaks on the floor, change dirty water more often. Rinse the bucket, mop head or rag thoroughly before filling.

Stage 3. Wiping the floors after washing
This is necessary to remove residual moisture and possible stains on the coating.

To wipe the laminate dry you can use:

  • flannel rags;
  • non-woven canvas-stitched fabric (HPP);
  • nylon rag;
  • microfiber cloth

How to properly clean laminate flooring with a steam cleaner

Washing laminate flooring with a steam cleaner follows a simple algorithm. The scheme allows you to effectively remove dirt from the floor surface without damaging the coating itself:

  1. The first step before cleaning is to prepare the room for wet cleaning. All large debris and scattered items are picked up from the floor. Furniture is moved so as to provide convenient access to walls and corners.
  2. Before cleaning, remove dust, wool and other dry dirt from the surface of the laminate with a vacuum cleaner or broom. If you skip this step, then after using the steam cleaner, microscopic scratches may remain on the coating.
  3. The required amount of water is poured into the unit in accordance with the instructions and put into operation. A special fabric nozzle is installed. If you don’t have one, you can tightly wrap a wide brush with a regular rag, but this is not advisable. Hard lint can still pass through the fabric and scratch the floor.
  4. After the steam cleaner reports that it is ready for use, begin the actual cleaning. The floor in the room is washed in the direction from the windows to the doors; there is no need to press the nozzle firmly against the coating. Cleaning steam is released in batches to effectively distribute the impact force.
  5. Complex stains on the floor can be treated several times. This increases the likelihood of surface damage, but a steam cleaner is still gentler on laminate flooring than a wet mop. On old stains, you can apply a little vinegar or a mild chemical and additionally rub the problem areas with force with a regular rag.

When cleaning laminate flooring, do not use gels or solutions containing glycerin or beeswax. Under the influence of a steam cleaner, they will melt and leave a new stain on the coating, and it will be almost impossible to remove it. For the same reason, laminate with mastic and wax as part of the top layer cannot be processed at high temperatures. A steam cleaner will ruin the floor in the apartment and ruin its integrity and attractiveness.

A steam cleaner not only removes dirt from the floor, but also disinfects the surface

Warning! Laminate flooring should be cleaned with steam regularly - once every 1-2 weeks. This will avoid the occurrence of complex contaminants and reduce the load on the coating during cleaning.

How does it work

The principle of operation of the device is completely simple. First, the container is filled with the required amount of water. To cope with heavily soiled surfaces, you can add powder or other detergent to the water. Connect the device to the mains. Next, press the button, thereby activating the heating element. After a few minutes, the water heats up and then turns into steam. That's all - the steam cleaner is ready for cleaning, all you have to do is press the trigger gun. A high-pressure steam jet will appear through the hole in the nozzle, which will destroy harmful bacteria in the most inaccessible places.

Reviews about whether laminate flooring can be cleaned with a steam cleaner

Andrey Vladimirovich Ivanov, Moscow
After the renovation, at first, out of habit, I washed the laminate flooring with a mop. But then I found out that this was harmful for the coating, and besides, there were still contaminants in the narrow joints between the boards. I decided to use a steam generator and did not regret it. It takes very little time to clean the floor, the effect is much better than manual cleaning, dirt can be removed even from hard-to-reach places. There is no deformation on the laminate - it looks like new.

Kuznetsova Anastasia Aleksandrovna, 28 years old, Ryazan

For the first time after purchase, I used the steam cleaner only when cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, as well as for cleaning windows. But then I found out that you can also wash laminate flooring with it. After the first cleaning, the floor was literally transformed; it was visible to the naked eye that it had become much cleaner. The unit did not cause any harm to the laminate. But I’m still wary of using it weekly and carry out general cleaning once a month, and the rest of the time I wipe the floor with a slightly damp cloth.

How to properly remove various stains from laminate flooring with a steam mop

The appearance of stains and damage to the laminate surface is almost impossible to avoid. But it is quite possible to clean them, especially if the floor covering was laid using the adhesive method. Then you can safely call on washing vacuum cleaners and steam mops for help.

Most stains can be removed with special chemicals, powder or soap solutions, alcohol or aerosols. Under no circumstances should abrasive products be used. Contamination is wiped with a sponge or rag with the applied substance and thoroughly washed off with water.

Small scratches can be repaired with tint sealant or wax crayons. After treatment, the laminate is cleaned with a steam mop, leaving it crystal clean.

Cleaning the floor after renovation

Preventing trouble is often easier than correcting its consequences. Before you start renovating a room with linoleum, cover the entire floor with newspaper. This way you will protect yourself from subsequent lengthy and labor-intensive cleaning. But if the renovation has already been completed and there are piles of garbage on the linoleum-covered floor, start with dry cleaning.

  1. Carefully remove all construction debris and sweep the floor with a broom. Just in case, you can also use a vacuum cleaner. Now wash the floor with clean water, and then with water with a few drops of vinegar or potassium permanganate.
  2. After repairs, foam may remain on the floor. It sticks to linoleum no worse than to other surfaces. Take a very sharp knife and scrape off the foam, only very carefully so as not to damage the floor covering. Place a rag soaked in water on the remaining stain and leave for at least a day or overnight. During this time, the foam should soak. Better yet, immediately, while the stain is still fresh, use a special solution for removing polyurethane foam. You can buy it at a hardware store. After using it, thoroughly wipe the linoleum with a damp, clean cloth.
  3. Wipe off the paint that often remains on the floor after repairs with nail polish remover. The same applies to nail polish, which constantly tends to spill on the linoleum. Remove the stain carefully so that the liquid does not interact with the coating for too long, then wipe the treated area with a damp, clean cloth.
  4. A solution of bleach in a large amount of water (literally 50 g of the substance per bucket) will help you get rid of rust and mold. If you are afraid of the aggressive effects of bleach on linoleum, use lemon juice. Dampen a clean rag in it and wipe off the dirt until it disappears completely.
  5. Any glue that gets on linoleum must be wiped off immediately. To remove a dried stain, you will have to use gasoline or white spirit. Use these products carefully to avoid rubbing the top layer of linoleum to the point of discoloration, and wash the area with clean water after treatment.

Special means

If local contamination appears, it is best to use a special linoleum cleaner, which can be purchased at household chemicals departments. The problem that has arisen can be dealt with using a product such as Mellerud. There are several types of this substance. Each type of product is capable of removing certain types of contaminants.

It is enough to apply the product to the dirt, and then rub everything with a thin cloth. It is important to rub until the linoleum dries. If desired, you can use another linoleum detergent. The main thing is that it helps.

Get organized with simple tools

Any floor covering needs regular cleaning, and laminate flooring is no exception. Let us remind you that laminate is multi-layered durable boards, which are based on recycled wood, protected on top with a durable resin film. Laminate boards are fastened together with a special locking system and form a single sheet.

Let us first describe the traditional and simplest cleaning rules. It is performed as needed or prescribed on certain days of the week. It is enough to remove the dust with a vacuum cleaner, and then work with a slightly damp cloth to put the floor in order.

So, first clean the laminate floor with a vacuum cleaner using a regular floor nozzle. If suddenly you don’t have a vacuum cleaner, then you can do this cleaning with a broom or brush.

Premium price segment (from 20,000 rubles)

KARCHER SC 5 EasyFix Premium Iron

An example of a high-power steam cleaner for the home. This floor-standing option has two bowls: a 1.5-liter tank and a 0.5-liter boiler for water. The heating period is 3 minutes. The maximum steam pressure is 4.2 bar.

List of additional accessories:

  • Brush attachment
  • Rotary
  • For floor
  • Spot
  • Iron attachment
  • Wipes for floor nozzles

Expert opinion

Borodina Galina Valerievna

A steam cleaner is able to clean dirt from any surface: grease, soot, splashes, limescale, stone, traces of rust. Steam is supplied with the same pressure force throughout the entire operating period. This significantly speeds up cleaning.

The steam supply tube is extended to 2.5 meters. Which simplifies the processing of pairs of ceilings and curtains. The length of the power cord is 6 meters, allowing you to bypass the apartment with one network connection.

Has 4 levels of steam supply. It allows you to deeply disinfect soft toys and textile surfaces of interior items. With the help of KARCHER SC 5 EasyFix Premium Iron it is easy to get rid of harmful mold in the joint space of tiles in the bathroom and toilet.

An additional iron attachment allows you to iron clothes and linens. The remaining devices make it easier to process different surfaces: fabric, with pile, or absolutely smooth, narrow, hard-to-reach corners. A special compartment has been designed for the attachments for convenient storage. There is one minus - the high price is about 37,000 rubles.

Is a steam cleaner already helping in your home?

Constantly! No, but it will be!

Among the many new household appliances, it is worth paying attention to steam cleaners. Especially for families with small children or people suffering from allergies. They are designed for quick cleaning of complex contaminants: grease, carbon deposits, dust. The devices perfectly disinfect wall and floor surfaces. The most popular representatives are models from the German brand KARCHER.


  1. Price . Most models are presented by German manufacturers. Therefore, the cost of a steam cleaner with a set of additional functions or attachments is high.
  2. Compliance with safety regulations . The work takes place with steam whose temperature exceeds 100 °C. If there are cracks in the supply tube or visible damage, do not turn on the electrical appliance and start working. It is important to handle steam carefully while cleaning.
  3. Not 100% effective . Even a powerful steam cleaner will not remove old, deeply ingrained dirt.
  4. High humidity is dangerous for some surfaces . It is not recommended to use a steam generator to clean the seams of MDF cabinets. This leads to swelling in the area where the film is applied. Do not steam the joints of the window sill and the wall or window cracks with silicone. It lags behind and loses its insulating properties.

Features of laminate care

Regardless of the coating class, contact with water should be avoided. If moisture accidentally gets in, it must be wiped off immediately; if it gets constantly wet, the floor can swell and delaminate. Hot water poses the greatest danger; prolonged contact can lead to rapid deformation and loss of original appearance.

Laminate for rooms with high humidity has a vulnerable fastening system, so even this type of coating must be wiped dry if water gets in.

During cleaning, a number of rules must be observed:

  • do not carry out frequent wet cleaning;
  • use a minimum amount of water;
  • wipe the surface with a soft material to avoid scratches;
  • use cleaning solutions without abrasive particles with a neutral pH.

Before washing, sweep the floor with a soft broom and vacuum it so that remaining dirt does not leave scratches. When using a rag, choose a soft microfiber cloth that does not leave streaks.

User manual

  1. Fill the steam generator tank with water to the maximum level. At the same time, hold the mop at an angle, without plugging it into the mains.
  2. Set the intensity of the steam supply - to clean the laminate, a medium supply level is enough.
  3. Plug in the mop and start cleaning, moving it smoothly across the surface.

Please note that the mop is designed for a certain period of use, which should not be exceeded. Otherwise, the device will quickly fail.

Mop with wooden base

This is a classic version of the device, which is a long handle with a narrow long base. The nozzle can be made in the form of a brush (hard bristles are not suitable for laminate; for cleaning the floor, a soft cloth rag is wrapped around the device).

The advantages of this option are low price (about 100 rubles), durability and ease of operation. This option is suitable for cleaning laminated flooring if there is little furniture and a lot of space in the room. If there are hard-to-reach places, the mop will not work, because... characterized by low maneuverability. Another disadvantage is the impossibility of mechanical spinning.

Household mop

The handle of a household mop is adjustable and has a height of 1.5 to 2 m. A base is attached to the handle, which in different models can be stationary or rotate 360°. Fabric attachments are attached to the platform. A special latch securely holds the material. Velcro fasteners are not durable, so it is recommended not to use them.

This version of the device is suitable for cleaning in corners and under low furniture. The average cost is 2000 rubles.

Mop with loops

The device has a plastic handle; in the lower part there is a bell with inserted looped fabric. This option is effective for collecting dust and washing surfaces with old stains. The main advantage of such models is the absence of the need for manual spinning and contact with dirty water (the design provides for mechanical spinning). Another advantage is the ability to quickly wash a large area (thanks to the large volume of fabric).

A loop mop for laminate flooring is not recommended due to the lack of absorbency of the material. After using the device, streaks and fine lint remain. This mop will not be able to clean the floor under low furniture.

Price in stores - from 500 rubles.

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