Reasons why the refrigerator doesn't freeze

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A refrigerator is a complex high-tech device, which is not so easy to understand. Such a household appliance usually lasts a long time, but sometimes an incomprehensible problem arises: the Samsung refrigerator is a two-chamber refrigerator - the upper chamber does not cool, but the freezer freezes. It seems that the refrigerator is working, but in reality it is not. This problem is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. First of all, the refrigerator may completely break down, which can lead to significant financial losses. If food is stored at the wrong temperature, it is a direct threat to health. Let's try to figure out what happened, why the refrigerator is blinking, and whether it can be fixed.

Refrigerator and freezer operation

The Frost Know refrigerator has stopped cooling. How to avoid refrigerator malfunctions? The compressor is the heart of the refrigerator. The general operating diagram of the device looks like this:

  • Thanks to it, pressure is formed. It is with the help of the generated pressure that the refrigerant moves to the condenser, where the gas turns into liquid.
  • The process generates heat, which can be felt when you touch the back wall of the refrigerator.
  • Freon, passing through narrow tubes, turns back into gas.
  • After freon enters the evaporator, it boils. Cold is generated in the evaporator.
  • The tubes are located around the freezer, from where the cold spreads further. That is, if the freezer does not freeze, there will be no cold in the refrigerator compartment.
  • The refrigerant then returns to the compressor and the cycle is completed.

Malfunctions of the Stinol refrigerator

Stinol refrigerators, as well as other brands, are characterized by typical malfunctions. Users of dual-compressor models encounter the following breakdown: there is no cold in the upper chamber, the engine does not start, but the light is on. Perhaps one of the compressors is hot while the other is not heating up.

What is the cause of the problem:

  1. Problems with the operation of the thermostat or air sensor. In this case, the motor turns on as usual, but its “rest” takes a long time. The electronic module does not receive a signal from the sensors, so the camera does not cool.
  2. The start protection relay has failed. Perhaps it is stuck in one position, so the engine does not start. The faulty part is diagnosed and replaced.
  3. Problems with the fan operation. You noticed that the fan is blocked by ice, and you defrosted the refrigerator. But after defrosting, the part did not start working. You will have to check and replace the fan motor.

As in previous cases, the cause of the breakdown could be the motor-compressor or a refrigerant leak. A complete diagnostic of refrigeration equipment is carried out.

Causes of problems

If the freezer section of a refrigerator works but the refrigerator compartment does not, this does not always indicate a serious problem. First you need to check everything:

  • The first thing to check is how tightly the door closes. Loose closure leads to a violation of the seal of the chamber, and accordingly, the cold simply escapes beyond its limits. If you realize that this is the problem, read our post about the refrigerator seal and its repair.
  • Cooling problems may occur due to freezing of the fan. This happens if you don't defrost the refrigerator for a long time. The problem can be solved simply - the device is disconnected from the network and defrosted.

Important! After defrosting, be sure to wipe down plastic and metal parts, since when you turn on the refrigerator, they may become even more icy. To make such problems less likely to occur, learn more about proper refrigerator care.

  • If the temperature in the apartment is high, the compressor may not be able to cope with the high load. In this case, there is only enough power for the freezer. This problem can be resolved by setting the cooling regulator from maximum to medium temperature. Our instructions from another article will tell you how to properly set up the thermostat. After this, the cold will be distributed evenly across the compartments.
  • Foreign matter may clog the capillary tube in the evaporator. Because of this, the circulation of freon is disrupted and the low temperature cannot reach the refrigeration chamber. In this case, repairs are required immediately, since the most expensive part of the refrigerator - the compressor - may break.
  • If water or food residue gets on the temperature sensor in the refrigerator compartment, it may break. It needs to be changed immediately, otherwise a large load on the compressor will lead to breakdown.
  • If the copper or aluminum tubes are defective, freon leaks in the evaporator system. The compressor starts working continuously to restore pressure in the system. The result is a breakdown of the compressor and evaporator system.

Important! If the upper chamber does not work in a Samsung two-chamber refrigerator, then the cause is a compressor failure. In models with two chambers, the cold is produced separately for each of them.

Failures in conductive systems

If the refrigerator does not work, but the freezer works properly, the first thing to assume is a dysfunction of the capillary system. The coolant travels quite a long way. If a blockage forms in one of the areas, its movement stops. This leads to a change in the temperature inside the chamber. The main causes of blockage: moisture, oil or contaminants entering the system due to a dirty filter.

This problem is often hidden. Signs of malfunction of the unit in this case are the same as in the case when the evaporator fails. To understand what caused the temperature increase in the main chamber, you need to check the operation of the compressor-motor pair. If these components are not subject to intense heating, then the main factor contributing to the violation of the temperature regime of the unit is blockage.

When a problem is detected immediately, you can fix it on your own.

In this case, lightly tapping the tube where there is likely to be a blockage will help. Do not put pressure on the pipeline, as it may become deformed, which will complicate the situation. If after such manipulations the problem has not been resolved, it is better to invite a specialist. The advantage of this measure is the ability to replace freon, purge the tube, remove blockages and install a new filter.

What to do if there is no cold?

As soon as you notice that the upper chamber of the refrigerator is not freezing, you need to determine the nature of the breakdown. This is necessary in order to provide information to the master, and he could understand why the freezer compartment in the refrigerator works, but the refrigerator does not.

So, the order of your actions:

  • We clearly determine that it is the upper chamber that is not working, but everything is in order with the freezer.
  • We check the presence of heating devices next to the refrigerator. Batteries must be insulated.
  • All regulators are carefully checked.
  • Inspect the sealing rubber on the door.
  • It turns out if there are rusty, oily or other stains on the outer surface of the refrigerator, and if there is ice and snow in the freezer.
  • The last stage is to inspect the elements and the inner surface for deformation.

Important! To make household appliances malfunction less often, it is a good idea to choose a suitable voltage stabilizer for the refrigerator.

The upper chamber in the Bosch refrigerator does not work

When using Bosch equipment, you may encounter various malfunctions.

You can handle some of them yourself:

  1. Door depressurization. A worn or dirty rubber seal cannot ensure proper closure of the door. Therefore, such a seal is either replaced or cleaned and its shape restored.

  2. Fan operation. Do you have a refrigerator with No Frost? Then fan failure will lead to an increase in temperature in the chamber. Defrosting the equipment for at least 10 hours will help correct the situation.

Reasons that require repair (preferably professional intervention by a craftsman):

  1. Refrigerant leak.
  2. Damage to the start relay or thermostat.
  3. Compressor failure.

What can you do to make your refrigerator last long?

You can't do without a refrigerator. This purchase cannot be called cheap, but it will last a very long time if you follow simple rules:

  1. The refrigerator must be located in the places specified in the instructions. If you install it near a window, it will be exposed to sunlight, which will have a negative impact on performance and power consumption. If placed near a stove, damage to the housing may occur.

Important! Heating appliances should be located at a distance of at least 50 centimeters.

  1. Each product has its place. There is a division of the internal space into zones. There are compartments with a lid on the door to store butter and cheese. There are special stands for eggs. Narrow sides on the doors are intended for milk, and wine must be stored in special compartments. Food for cooking is stored in the lower part (fresh meat and fish are stored for no more than a day).

Important! Products must be packaged, as odors are absorbed by the refrigerator.

  1. The refrigerator must be cleaned. To do this, use a soft cloth or sponge without a hard coating. It is better to replace cleaning products with soapy water. To get rid of the smell, use regular soda, activated carbon, lemon. Stores also sell special odor absorbers.

DIY repair

There are a few simple steps that will help bring your refrigerator back to life. If the doors sag, which is determined by ice in the area where they move away from the body, it is necessary to adjust the position of the hinges.

Dry or deformed rubber bands are wiped or spilled with hot water. You can moisten the area of ​​loose fit and warm it with a hairdryer.

The drainage system, the outlet of which is located at the bottom of the refrigerator body, can be cleaned with a thin, rigid wire . In this case, water is supplied for washing using a rubber bulb with a nozzle. It is especially worth noting that when repairing a refrigerator, you should not use aggressive chemicals, as they can damage the plastic parts.

Cleaning the refrigerator drainage system

Preventative measures to prevent breakdowns

Following simple recommendations will allow refrigerators with the No Frost system to serve for a long time and without failure.

  1. You should not defrost such units manually: here it is allowed to do auto-defrosting once a year to wash and clean the device and its parts.
  2. The drip-type compartment is defrosted in only one chamber.
  3. If you need to clean the unit while it is on, it is best to do this in cool weather, otherwise the overheated refrigerator will break.
  4. The device should be washed without using abrasive chemicals - a solution of soda and water is sufficient. After the procedure, wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth. Any stains that appear should be removed immediately.
  5. The back surface should also be cleaned of dust and dirt - they can become embedded in other parts and components of the device.
  6. Products are stored in packages and bags.
  7. Do not use the device outdoors or expose it to running water (for example, rain).
  8. The refrigerator should be kept away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

Samsung two-chamber refrigerators with the No Frost system are one of the most popular models among consumers. Reliable, economical and silent models have gained popularity due to their ability to independently set the required temperature. Good care and timely maintenance of two-chamber refrigerators from Samsung will increase the service life of the devices and prevent malfunctions and breakdowns.

Sticking of the transition valve between modes

In a single-engine unit with a No Frost system and a crying evaporator, this valve can “freeze” in the simultaneous cooling mode of the upper and lower compartments. As a result, the motor operates under overload and is not able to fully cool all compartments. The problem is solved by replacing the valve.

Without experience and special equipment, it is impossible to perform high-quality repairs of such complex equipment. For example, replacing a thermostat with a sample of inappropriate resistance often results in the failure of an expensive motor-compressor.

Leave requests for refrigerator repairs online on the website or by phone: 8 (495) 000-00-01

. Specialists come to your home any day. The guarantee of the quality of the repairs and replacement parts is the warranty card. All consultations are provided free of charge.

A working refrigerator in the kitchen pleases the ear. Especially if his work resembles the rustle of spring grass. But it also happens that its sound has nothing to do with its direct function - cooling and freezing food. If your Samsung refrigerator is working, but there is no trace of cooling, your home assistant has malfunctioned. Let's try to understand the reasons why a Samsung refrigerator may require repair and why it still works but does not cool.

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