Which dryer for vegetables and fruits is better - 5 rules for choosing. Rating of popular models.

Summer is coming to an end, you have collected a harvest of berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and all this needs to be somehow prepared for the winter.
And not in the old-fashioned way, but with the help of modern devices. Therefore, if you want to have the most delicious and healthy dried fruits all year round, then you cannot do without an electric dryer.

With its help, you will provide yourself with healthy vitamins from the dacha for the entire 12 months.

In the article we will consider the most affordable and popular brands of vertical dehydrators; do not confuse them with horizontal dehydrators.

They have different designs and hot air supply technologies.

In vertical dehydrators, air is pumped from below, and in horizontal dehydrators, air is pumped from the back wall in a horizontal direction.

Their airflow is more uniform, but such devices already belong to a more expensive category.

How to choose the best dryer from the huge variety? Let's define 5 factors or rules that you should focus on before going to the store.

Metal or plastic

First of all, they are divided according to the material of manufacture. Metal models are several times more expensive than their plastic counterparts.

And they perform the same function. Is it worth spending the extra money?

Sometimes it is much easier to buy ready-made dried fruits in winter than to wait until such an expensive unit pays for itself.

Plastic dryers are very light and transportable. There are really compact models.

Would you like to dry fruits right at your dacha? They simply took it apart, wrapped it in a bag and transported it without any problems, even on public transport.

But with a metal one, without your own car, it’s unlikely to be possible. And it will take up a lot of space at home.

In addition, during operation, the metal sometimes heats up to such temperatures that you can actually get burned on its walls. They may come with special silicone gloves for removing trays.

It is also very important that the plastic is transparent.

And you can control the entire drying process in real time, without removing the lid.

Vegetable dryer Alaska

When the warm season ends, there comes a period of sharp shortage of vitamins in the human body, so you want to prepare more healthy foods for the winter. This can be done in various ways: canning, freezing or drying. Each of the above methods has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but still drying food is the most optimal option for long-term storage. Simply, excess liquid is removed from the product being dried, then it can be stored for a year.

The dryer for fruits and vegetables called “ALASKA FD1250” is an excellent choice for any housewife. The power of the automatic installation is 250 W. Thanks to optimal air circulation, drying is carried out evenly. The dryer is protected against overheating, so you don’t have to worry about the safety of the process.

The manufacturer of the Alaska vegetable dryer is China. The product has a plastic case. Nevertheless, the appearance of the device is quite decent, the plastic has no smell, and there are no nicks or inconsistencies in the seams on the body. The dryer consists of five trays, which is very convenient: you can dry different types of fruit at the same time.

A full load of apples fits approximately half a bucket of apples into the dryer. Again, it all depends on the thickness of the fruit slices. Of the five available dryer racks, you can use all five at the same time or just one of them. There is a heating element with a fan on top. Externally, the Alaska dryer resembles an ordinary hair dryer, although the power is slightly less.

The Alaska Vegetable Dryer is a great way to dry any food, from apples, pears and plums to fish or meat. The food should be washed, placed on racks in the dryer and turned on. In a few hours you can already get the finished product. The dried product is distinguished by its taste and beautiful appearance. For example, dried apples are light yellow and fragrant. Plums do not burst after drying, and there is no burnt skin on the fruit. In winter, such dried fruits can be used to add to a pie as a filling or to cook a delicious compote from them. You can dry vegetables, fruits and herbs in the Alaska dryer.

Please note: the heating element in the dryer is located on top so that moisture does not get on it and the device does not malfunction. The racks in the dryer can be swapped as the food dries, because the lower ones dry a little faster. In addition, the drying process should be controlled: pears and apples should not break, but ideally retain their elasticity.

Another positive point is the cost of the product: it is quite affordable so that every ordinary user can afford such a useful purchase.
Again, like every product, the ALASKA FD1250 dryer has certain disadvantages. The absence of a timer is, in principle, a positive thing, because you can control the process manually, but on the other hand, it would be more convenient to set the operating mode for a certain period. During operation of the drying structure, some noise is created because it has a built-in fan. In the instructions, the manufacturer indicates the continuous operation time of the dryer - six hours. After this, you need to let the product rest - and you can continue to stock up on dried vegetables and fruits: two hours will be enough to fully restore the product’s functionality. In general, we can say that for the home preparation of fruits and vegetables, the Alaska dryer is a completely suitable and affordable option. Found a mistake?
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Odor and food grade plastic

The basic rule for any household appliances is that if you come across devices that smell bad of some kind of plastic or chemical, avoid them immediately. Do not believe sales consultants who assure you that everything will disappear after the first hours of work.

All high-quality electric dryers should be made of food-grade plastic. It does not contain any toxic substances that poison the body.

Check the quality of the plastic by the corresponding icons on its body.

If they are, you can safely use the dryer without worrying about harm to your health.

Almost all models spread around themselves abundant odors of the products that are dried inside. It would seem, what's wrong with that?

But the fact is that if you have a gas boiler and there is a special sensor in the kitchen, do not be surprised when it suddenly starts to work for unknown reasons.

Some odors from your dryer could be to blame.

Therefore, if the boiler heats water, you will have to turn it off completely in order to prepare some marshmallows or dried fruits.

Number of tiers and trays

Of course, it is very convenient to lay out food in different tiers when drying. And it would seem that the more there are, the better.

But everything is not so simple. Each electric dryer has a certain power.

For example, there are models 250W-350W-500W-1000W. So, if the power of your model is 350W, then for high-quality work it should have a maximum of 4 to 5 pallets.

The store can sell it to you in a large number of trays. But what happens when such a “Tower of Babel” works?

The fan itself with the heating element is located at the bottom. As a result, it turns out that those fruits that are closer to them become overdried. They require much less drying time than those located on the upper tiers.

Thus, by increasing the pallets, you will of course increase productivity, but you will spoil the vegetables themselves. The first row will be too dry, and the last row will not even be ready for use.

For normal operation, you will have to juggle pallets every hour.

Therefore, remember that the ideal average option is 4-5 pieces for direct-flow models with a power of 350W.

Slightly more expensive models have a slightly different air supply. They are separating streams. The air is uniformly accelerated not directly through the cells in the trays, but along the edges of the walls through technological holes.

Then it passes along each tray separately and exits in the center.

Due to this, it is possible to increase the number of tiers from 15 pieces for domestic manufacturers and up to 30 pieces for foreign ones. True, if you read the instructions carefully, then at this height only herbs or flowers will dry well.

Some people generally believe that it is better to dry them naturally. But firstly, this will take you several days, not several hours. And secondly, with natural shrinkage there will definitely be curious and uninvited guests.

For heavier products, the engine power for such a tower will still not be enough.

In addition, with low power up to 500W, such dryers are good for cooking only marshmallows. Everything else with this method of accelerating air requires much more time.

Here you will already need 1000W models. With this power, 15 pallets can be loaded with one and a half buckets of cherries, apples, plums or about 7 liters of marshmallow at a time.

Such drying will take up to 24 hours of continuous operation of the device. Here are summary tables of drying hours for fruits and vegetables on a medium power dryer:

A standard set of five grids fits only half a bucket. One tray requires 3-4 full apples. This is so that you understand the real volumes.

Not only the quantity, but also the quality of pallets matters.

Keep in mind - the thinner the plates, the easier it is for dried fruits, vegetables and other products to peel off.

To prevent small berries from falling out through large holes, purchase models whose trays have a finely perforated mesh.

These dryers are more versatile. Or look at the package in advance. Some types have special small meshes available.

These meshes can also be used simply as spacers, so that the main plastic is less contaminated by sticky fruits and berries. They are much easier to clean than curly plastic cells.

Pay attention to the height of the pallet. The higher they are, the larger the pieces of dried fruit can be placed. In some models they are even adjustable.

It is not yet recommended to reduce the factory number of trays. For example, the Ezidri brand should initially have 5 pieces, but you only have 3 pieces of fruit, what should you do?

In this case, still assemble the machine with five pallets.

Just two of them (make them top) will remain empty. This affects airflow and proper air circulation.

Also, do not try to install the electric dryer on the floor. It should only be placed on a clean surface of a table or kitchen unit.

They take in air through the bottom. And if you install it on a dirty floor, then all the dust and debris will end up inside it. You can say goodbye to the harvest.

Engine power and location

Electric dryers come in different capacities. What does this power depend on, and which one should you choose?

If you use a unit with direct-flow bottom air supply through mesh trays only for drying fruits, berries and vegetables, and in small quantities, then choose options up to 350W.

More powerful models are needed to work with slightly different volumes and different foods. For example, for drying fish or marinated meat.

In this case, it will take less time and the food will be of better quality. When your choice is on models with side air distribution, then the options from 500W to 1000W are more versatile.

Never forget what this unit is. In most cases, this is a plastic case in which a motor with a fan is built in, creating air flows.

Warm air here is generated by heating element, and its design can be different. If the model is standard, then the case usually contains one fan and one heating element.

Juice always drips from the juicy berries as you work. Therefore, the motor in good dryers should be located on some kind of hill or hill so that you don’t get the following:

If it is slightly elevated, then it will not be so afraid of the streams flowing down from the berries and fruits. However, it still depends on the amount of moisture.

For example, the bottom tray may overflow. Or you will initially place the dryer on an uneven base, in which case the liquid will definitely fall on the heating element. In the well-known Ezidri models, there is protection against this.

When the bowl is overfilled, all excess will go out through the technological hole in the bottom. The maximum that threatens you here is a wet spot on the table.

Another point that is worth paying special attention to: do not load pastille puree or other berries or fruits directly onto the tray already in the unit.

This will protect you from accidentally spilling liquid into the central hole where the air comes from and where the engine is located.

Therefore, first you fill the tray on the table, and only then, when it’s already filled, load it into the machine.

There are also models with an overhead engine. They definitely won’t short out anything and won’t leak onto the working mechanisms.

However, such species are quite rare, and they already “bite” in price.

Device and characteristics

The design features of the apparatus elements are a decisive factor when choosing a model. First of all, when choosing, pay attention to:

  • body and pallet material;
  • capacity of the electric dryer;
  • power;
  • control method;
  • location of the heating element;
  • loading trays.

Material of housing and removable trays

The body of the electric dryer and trays are made of stainless steel or food-grade plastic. The plastic body and trays are easier to maintain, easy to wash, and such a unit weighs less than a steel one. At the same time, plastic is subject to mechanical damage; the plastic case or tray may crack or break.

For the manufacture of structural elements of convective electric dryers, translucent or opaque plastic is used. The advantages of a metal body are strength and durability, but the cost of an electric dryer made of steel is higher.

When buying a dryer, it is better to give preference to models made of opaque plastic, this will eliminate the negative impact of sunlight on the product being processed.


The capacity of an electric dryer directly depends on the functional purpose of the device. If you plan to prepare food for a small family, it is rational to purchase a medium-sized unit capable of processing up to 3 kg of products at a time. Large models can dry up to 9 kg of fresh supplies at a time.


Power affects the drying time of food. The market of modern household appliances includes models of convective electric dryers with a power from 165 to 1000 W. The power of the drying unit is considered to be 400-600 W as a rational indicator. Devices with a power of 600 W or more reduce drying time. The downside of powerful electric dryers is excessive noise during operation.

Control method

The electric drying machine for fruits and vegetables is controlled mechanically or electronically.

Advantages of electronic control:

  • process automation;
  • hygiene (touch buttons prevent dirt from entering).

However, electronic control, unlike manual control, fails more often.

Heating element location

A significant selection criterion. In most models it is located in the upper or lower part. With a vertical supply of hot air, regardless of the location of the heating element, during the drying process it is necessary to rearrange the loading trays in order to uniformly process the product.

There are models on the market with a lateral (horizontal) arrangement of the heating element, however, they are not very common due to the increased dimensions of the drying unit.

From a safety point of view, a rational solution would be to purchase an electric dryer with a top-mounted heating element; this will prevent moisture and water from entering the heating element, which will have a positive effect on its service life.

Loading trays

The number of loading trays, depending on the model, ranges from 2 to 8.

Choose a model that additionally includes trays for preparing marmalade and marshmallows. This will expand the functionality. The household appliances market offers models of electric kitchen dryers with the function of making yogurt and proofing dough.

The height of the pallets matters. The tray's height of one centimeter will allow you to dry berries, herbs or medicinal herbs. A side height of 2 cm is the most practical and will allow you to dry whole mushrooms and pieces of fruit.

Additional functions

Each dryer, depending on its cost, has additional control functions. Very often, when choosing kitchen appliances, many experts argue that additional functions are not particularly important here.

And if you don’t want to overpay, then you shouldn’t look at fancy and smart models.

But with dryers it’s a completely different situation. Here, additional costs will not only save money in the future, but also make the products more tasty.

Here are the features you can't do without:

  • thermostat

At temperatures between 45 and 60 degrees, food enzymes are destroyed. Moreover, the gradation differs for different products. If you “overcook” it, then the whole idea of ​​proper nutrition disappears.

And with the thermostat you can set the desired heating temperature in order to preserve all the beneficial substances in the products to the maximum.

  • timer

With it, you don’t have to constantly run to the kitchen and check the operation of the device. We set the set time based on the previously prepared products, and calmly went about other things.

Without a timer, you can sometimes really ruin plastic baking trays on pallets. They will simply melt or burst.

If you do not have this function, then use a timer socket and plug the unit’s plug through it.

  • cooling

Due to this, global overdrying will not occur. When this function is turned on, the heating element is turned off and the injection of warm air stops.

Cool air begins to blow, and thus dried fruits and berries are brought to the desired condition.

Also note that models with temperature control cannot immediately turn off the power. First, the regulator is set to zero and cooling of the hot heating element begins.

Only when the air starts to come out cool can you turn off the power completely. Otherwise, you will either burn the heating element or melt the bottom pan.

It would be good if there was no fire.


The presence of additional functions makes it possible to simplify and secure the operation of the dryer.

When choosing an apparatus for drying food products, it is desirable to have the following functionality:

  • overheat protection;
  • thermostat;
  • timer;
  • backlight;
  • cooling.

The “overheat protection” function is designed to turn off the electric dryer in the event of an unexpected temperature increase. Has a beneficial effect on the service life of the unit.

The thermostat sets the required temperature for drying a particular product, as a result, optimal conditions for processing the product are provided. The thermostat provides three temperature options:

“low” – food processing occurs at temperatures up to 35-400;

“medium” – maximum air flow temperature 550;

“high” – heating temperature from 55 to 800.

The timer function allows you to program the drying time. After the set time has elapsed, the dryer switches off automatically.

The “backlight” function allows you to monitor the drying process without having to open the lid of the device every time.

The “cooling” function provides for turning off the heating element and automatically turning on the airflow to bring the products to their final condition and prevents the products from overdrying.

The best brands of electric dryers

What models of electric dryers are the best and what do housewives recommend based on their experience with them?

In our market, the most popular and good quality brands are Ezidri and Walter. In order for the unit to cope with the drying process overnight, and not have to run it all day, choose 1000W models - Ezidri FD1000 and Walter 1000 Lux.

What is their difference? The first brand is a foreign manufacturer, the second is a Russian one.

  • pallet height

Isidri's height is small, VolTer's is larger. As mentioned above, higher height is always preferable.

However, the maximum number of pallets for Ezidri can be increased to 30, while for Walter it can only be increased to 15.

  • noisiness

Here you will hardly hear the difference. None of them can be called too loud. The noise reaches 45 dB, which is about a little louder than the operation of a refrigerator.

  • price

But here the difference is almost three times. Our manufacturer wins, it is cheaper. And the quality is almost as good.

  • smells

The ventilation design of both options is such that they can dry different products at the same time. There is no mixing of odors.

  • drying time

And here the result after a real comparison is the same for both models. Here is video confirmation and feedback from the Brovchenko family:

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