Low Frost system in modern refrigerators: pros and cons

Not all buyers understand what Love Frost, Less Frost, No Frost or Frost Free means. People of the previous generation prefer technology that has been proven over the years, although in reality it is not so convenient. Older models need to be defrosted almost every month; the newest ones do not have this need.

Low Frost is a cooling system in modern refrigerators.

Characteristics of Low Frost technology in modern refrigerators

The operation is as follows:

  1. The freezer has a double-walled chamber.
  2. The refrigerant fills the entire evaporator.
  3. All chambers heat and cool evenly. The difference between this system will be immediately noticeable after using a conventional refrigerator.

Unlike other cooling systems, Low Frost ensures the same temperature for all cooling chambers.

See also “Freshness zone” in the refrigerator - what is it?

Fighting ice in refrigeration units

The fight against ice depends on several methods. You can regulate the positive internal temperature, as in the Free Frost system. Taking into account its effect on the chamber walls and interior space, you can gradually cool the entire volume of the freezer. This method is automatic. The result is a “crying wall” effect.

The method is far from effective. The Low Frost cold control system looks much better - an improved version of classic developments in the field of refrigeration technology. Strictly speaking, the order of the internal operation of the refrigerator answers the question of what Low Frost is. For those who are interested, in brief the working process of a refrigerator with the appropriate type of cold generation installed inside is as follows:

  • The evaporator design has no tubes. The chamber consists of double walls.
  • The supply of refrigerant occurs and is carried out simultaneously covering the entire evaporator. The temperature decreases less and the chamber walls gradually and evenly cool.

What is low frost in the refrigerator?

Low Frost translated from English means low frost. The evaporator is located along the entire perimeter of the refrigerator, due to which ice does not form or appears in very small quantities. Many people wonder what it is to catch frost in refrigerators, but the answer is that it is a very convenient innovation.

Translated from English, Love Frost means low frost.

See also “no frost” technology in refrigerators.


Effects of the technology: frost does not form in the inner chamber; due to the fact that the temperature changes smoothly, condensation almost does not form. There is little difference between the temperature of the walls and the inner chamber, there are no temperature jumps. You only need to defrost once a year, which will significantly save your time. Low Frost models can be equipped with drip defrosting. The same system is found in No Frost refrigerators.

Unlike older models, new systems do not need to be defrosted every month.

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Low Frost System

There are many technology terms that can easily get confusing. During the purchase, we carefully study the device: its functions, quality, appearance. You should understand the features of household appliances in order to know which specific product is needed. Refrigerators are equipped with different defrosting systems, and each of them has distinctive features. One of the systems is low frost.

Translated from English “low frost” - “low frost”.
This is the main functional feature. The design of the refrigerator is designed in such a way that the food cools simultaneously and there are no warm areas left in the chamber.
The evaporator is located around the entire perimeter of the inner walls of the freezer, so that large ice build-ups do not form. The system minimizes temperature changes, and the cold inside the refrigerator covers the walls with only a thin layer of ice, which is almost invisible.

Peculiarities . Defrosting is still worth doing, but the advantage is that the procedure will take no more than two hours and it only needs to be done once a year.

It is worth noting that the Love Frost technology is used only in a separate refrigeration compartment (freezer), since this is where there is a risk of detecting growths from a thick layer of ice. Thanks to the evaporator, uniform humidity is maintained, and you don’t have to worry about the quality of the food. Also, if the power goes out in the house, you won’t have to worry about a possible flood.

Evolution of low frost

Improved refrigerator models continue to amaze every year. Modern units complement everything with new functions that make the process of operating equipment more comfortable. One of the features is less frost. What's that in the refrigerator?

To begin with, it is worth noting that the operating principle of such a system is not particularly advertised, since this is only a modernization of low frost technology. Less Frost in the refrigerator functions in a similar way. Its main difference is the enhanced thermal insulation of the body, which increases energy efficiency.

The phrase translated from English means “frost-free.” The principle of operation of the technology is to prevent the formation of ice, both on the walls of the freezer chamber and on the products. The function does not imply a complete absence of ice, but the need to manually defrost the refrigerator is halved.

The main developer of the Love Frost system is the German company Bosch. The range of devices of this brand is very wide. Today, the system is also used by other manufacturers of household appliances, such as AEG, Siemens and Gorenje.

To make the selection process easier, consider the rating of the best refrigerators equipped with LowFrost technology:

  1. Bosch LOW FROST KGV39VK23R has a stylish design and high-quality assembly. The main advantages of the model are spaciousness and quiet operation. The disadvantages include the fact that the unit takes a long time to adapt to the ambient temperature.
  2. SHARP SJ-B132ZR-WH is a model that has no disadvantages. High quality materials and workmanship indicate the durability of the equipment. It features good equipment and quiet operation.
  3. SIEMENS KI 87SAF30 R is a refrigerator that is made of stainless steel and other high-quality materials. Features of the unit are the ability to be built into a kitchen set and a fruit drawer with a separate setting mode. The disadvantages include the small volume. The refrigerator holds 272 liters, while its competitors hold more than 300. It is not suitable for a large family.
  4. The AEG SCS61800FF is equipped with electronic control with display, a separate freshness zone for delicacies and a super-freeze function. The assembly and quality of materials are excellent. There is a spacious compartment for fruits and vegetables, where a watermelon can easily fit. Despite the large number of advantages, the refrigerator still has a drawback - the unit is a little noisy. But this factor is individual for each consumer.

What you need to know about Low Frost

The advantages of Low Frost refrigeration chambers: low cost, no ice appears on the walls, defrosting is quick and does not bother the buyer, all products are cooled very well. There are a lot of models to choose from, every consumer will find one that suits them.

There are models with drip defrosting.

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Principle of operation

A special device cools the air; the refrigerator compartment in No Frost does not have an evaporator, but it regularly turns ice from the walls into water. The air cools and condensation forms, which turns into ice. The ice is heated by the device and flows down the walls, and later evaporates. The motor constantly turns on and off to maintain temperature balance.

Thanks to the No Frost system, you can forget about defrosting forever.

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Electrical diagram

The electrical circuit of the device consists of a thermostat, timer, switch, light bulb, heating element and several other things. All contacts are in the same circuit and work only with each other.

Thanks to the Love Frost system, a thick layer of ice will not build up in the freezer.

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Such actions of Low Frost technology can be easily noticed by any consumer who has previously used a unit with a classic evaporator in the form of a set of tubes enclosed in a common aluminum housing:

  1. Frost does not form inside the chamber, since there are no zones with a sharp drop in temperature and there is no intensive formation of condensation.
  2. A small temperature difference between the walls and the air inside the chamber.
  3. The internal volume is cooled evenly, without temperature surges.
  4. The frequency of maintenance or complete defrosting for 2 hours should be carried out only once a year.

Models with the Low Frost system can also be equipped with drip defrosting. Most often, manufacturers install a similar defrosting scheme in the refrigerator compartment, and “No frost” in the freezer compartment. The weeping wall was initially installed in products with slow cooling technology, and later developers began installing it in FrostFree refrigerators.

Experts consider the main advantage of Low Frost technology to be its low cost, minimal changes in design, as well as a very attractive final cost of refrigerators for the mass consumer. That is why household appliances using similar technology are still very popular, although they are considered outdated.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros of Low and No Frost:

  1. No need to defrost the refrigerator yourself.
  2. Uniform cooling in the refrigerator and freezer.
  3. Modern technologies that simplify the work of housewives.

Love Frost technology is distributed throughout all refrigerator compartments.

Disadvantages of the system:

  1. High consumption of electricity, which is necessary for the correct operation of the device.
  2. The need to cover or package food, as it may become airy due to the operation of the fan.
  3. When ice forms, it must be removed immediately.

The only disadvantage of the Love Frost system is the high cost of electricity.

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Comparison with No Frost

Both technologies are designed to make work easier for users and reduce the need for defrosting to a minimum. It is believed that Low Frost is a cross between “no frost” and a standard cooling method .
At the same time, No Frost is the most advanced and effective development, which does not require manual defrosting at all. Its principle of operation is the operation of a fan that quickly distributes the cold flow throughout the entire volume of the device. Moisture evaporates without having time to settle on the surface. The cost of such units will be higher than other options. On the other hand, the “low cold” system has many advantages, and such a disadvantage as the need for rare defrosting can be called insignificant.

Which is better - Low Frost or No Frost

The operating principle of these freezers can be called identical. They both do not require frequent defrosting and make life easier for housewives. The Low Frost system has an internal evaporator that prevents condensation from settling on the walls. The evaporator maintains a balance of humidity and temperature so that ice appears in small quantities. The layer of ice that does form is very thin and will not be difficult to remove. The No Frost system has a fan that distributes air flow throughout the entire space. Next, the evaporator removes excess air vapor, so frost settles on the walls and then flows into special compartments. The resulting liquid then evaporates. The systems are not much different. The only difference is the more automated operation of the device in No Frost.

Both cooling systems greatly simplify the housewife’s life.

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Advantages and disadvantages of the Low Frost system

A comparison of all the pros and cons of the technology will help buyers decide whether it is worth purchasing such a device.

The main advantages of Low Frost are the following qualities:

  • since the air in the chamber cools gradually, there are no sudden temperature changes, so condensation does not form on the walls, which turns into ice build-up during operation of the equipment;
  • the cold air flow spreads throughout the entire volume of the chamber, due to which its contents are evenly covered with frost;
  • the temperature of the air and the walls of the freezer is almost equal, which also has a positive effect on the performance of all equipment;
  • defrosting is required infrequently, takes a minimum of time and does not cause inconvenience for the housewife;
  • The devices can be found in stores in a wide range at affordable prices.

Defrosting is rarely required, takes little time and does not cause inconvenience.

There are no ideal things, so “low frost” specimens are not without their drawbacks, although there are very few of them and they are mostly associated with the peculiarities of the functioning of the refrigeration compartment:

  • the temperature difference between the upper and lower shelves is about 5-8 degrees Celsius;
  • Drops of water form on the inner wall, the so-called “crying” wall.

Healthy! Despite the fact that refrigeration equipment with a low frost system is not considered the most modern, it is quite popular and deserves the love of consumers. All thanks to the fact that their cost is affordable, energy consumption is economical, and the quality of work is excellent.

Additional tips and tricks

When choosing a refrigerator, you need to pay attention to the quality and durability of the materials, as well as how it cools. It is necessary to check all functions and their functionality. The refrigerator must be durable as it will be subject to a lot of work.

The basis of the Low Frost technology is an evaporator located around the entire perimeter of the internal walls.

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Refrigerator No Frost, Less Frost or Neo Frost – which one to choose?

Perhaps young housewives don’t even know that just two or three decades ago there was another indispensable item on the list of mandatory household chores: monthly defrosting of the refrigerator.
Yes, exactly by hand, with pulling out all the products, with fighting icebergs and hummocks in the freezer, and with spending half of the day off on this uninteresting activity. Modern refrigerator models have long been equipped with auto-defrost functions. The frost that inevitably forms in the refrigerator is removed from time to time by the smart device independently, without human intervention. Most often, a drip defrost system is responsible for removing frost.

But the drip defrosting system has a strong competitor - the more advanced “No Frost” system, which means “no frost”.

So, let’s take a closer look at what “no frost” is and how it differs from drip thawing? What is Frost Free and Full No Frost?

Rating TOP-4 best models with low frost

A small rating was created based on user reviews. It took into account functionality, size, and quality of work.

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The Bosch refrigerator looks good, holds a lot of food, its build quality is very good, and runs quietly. But the refrigerator takes a long time to adapt to the outside temperature. Low frost defrosting systems - what is it - quality and convenience at a low price.

Refrigerator Bosch LOW FROST KGV39VK23R

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The quality of materials here is at the highest level, there is nothing superfluous inside, the package contains only everything you need. The refrigerator is not noisy.

Refrigerator SHARP SJ-B132ZR-WH


The body is constructed of steel, the materials are very good. The device can be built into a headset. There are also fruit drawers where you can adjust the temperature. The dimensions of the device are not large, so it is not suitable for a large family.

Refrigerator SIEMENS KI87SAF30R.


This model has an electronic display with convenient controls, a freshness zone and a department for vegetables, where even a watermelon will fit. All materials are high quality. The device is a little noisy, but this is not that problematic.

Refrigerator AEG SCS61800FF

When choosing a refrigerator, you need to pay attention to its characteristics: size, capacity, quality of materials, presence of drawers and shelves, temperature control. Another important detail is noise. If the appliance makes a lot of noise, it may disturb your sleep at night. And such refrigerators can be noisy due to the constant switching of the motor. You also need to read reviews about wear and tear, since the Lowe and No Frost models are quite young and not as time-tested as the old classics. In general, if you follow all the rules for use, the unit will serve for a long time and properly; there is no need to worry about its condition. All models come with a warranty, because cooling systems tend to break due to overload. Proper care will increase the service life and reduce maintenance hours.

Which system is better should be determined by each individual using an individual approach.

Cooling system No Frost

Thanks to this technology, you can almost completely forget about defrosting the refrigerator, as well as frozen, frost-covered walls. This system works as follows.

With the help of a fan, flows containing cold air are evenly distributed throughout all chambers of the refrigerator. Getting into the evaporator, these air flows lose some of the moisture, which, in turn, turns from vapor into liquid (droplets). They settle on the walls and turn into frost. But it doesn’t stay there for long - the frost melts as a result of the heating element’s operation, and flows into the pan in the form of water droplets. But the thawed liquid does not accumulate in the pan either - it evaporates.

The technology is applied to all refrigerator compartments.

Disadvantages of No Frost technology

  • Increased energy consumption. As they say, convenience comes at a price.
  • Such refrigerators are noisier (but not critical), especially when it comes to budget models.
  • Cooling occurs due to forced circulation of air flows. In this regard, almost all moisture leaves the refrigeration chambers. If you store food unprotected (not covered, without packaging, etc.), they will dry out greatly, which will not have the best effect on their properties.

Positive aspects of using No Frost system refrigerators

1. Freezing of food occurs at a very high speed. Many models have an instant freeze function (for example, LG No Frost).

2. Thermoregulation in the refrigerator occurs at high speed. That is, for such a unit it will not be a problem to frequently open the door or load a large amount of non-cold products.

3. Unlike the drip system, the temperature difference throughout the entire volume of the freezing chamber or chamber with medium-temperature conditions is extremely low and amounts to approximately one degree.

4. The most important advantage, undoubtedly, is the automatic defrosting of the evaporator. A user of, for example, SAMSUNG No Frost does not need to waste his time and effort on labor-intensive defrosting the refrigerator freezer with his own hands.

How to remove frost

In drip systems, the evaporator cools the back wall of the refrigerator compartment and freezer. As you probably noticed, the compressor in the refrigerator does not operate continuously; the operating mode is replaced by stops. While it is working, the evaporator cools, and small pieces of ice appear on the cooled wall next to it, formed from the moisture contained in the air. Then the compressor turns off, and the ice melts, and the resulting water flows through special technological channels-grooves into a tray above the compressor. The compressor turns on again, heats up, and the water evaporates. Meanwhile, new pieces of ice form and the cycle constantly repeats.

The No Frost unit works differently. The main way it differs from a drip system is the presence of a built-in fan-cooler.

The fan ensures constant circulation of cold air in the refrigerator. In this case, the evaporator is located in a special compartment, usually between the freezer and refrigerator compartments.

Air enters the evaporator from one side, cools and exits from the other side, leaving frost on the evaporator. The frost thaws during the compressor's non-operating time, and the water also flows into a tray, which is usually located outside the device, on the back wall, directly above the compressor.

Only refrigeration chambers are equipped with drip defrosting. Both freezers and refrigerated cabinets are equipped with the know frost system

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