Why do you need an air humidifier, what types are there, what are their benefits and harms?

Why do you need a humidifier?

With the onset of cold weather, when the central heating is turned on, the air in the rooms becomes dry, deprived of the necessary moisture. In most Russian regions, the heating season lasts up to six months. Radiators and heaters practically dry out the air in the room. Additional heating in the off-season ensures high moisture loss.

In order not to harm the human body, the air in the room must have certain characteristics.

The required parameters are as follows:

  • normal temperature varies from 19 to 250C;
  • optimal humidity – 40-60%;
  • oxygen saturation level is approximately 26%.

A complete absence of toxic substances, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, and household dust is also required. Dry air affects the mucous membranes. The eyes and respiratory tract are affected first. The skin becomes dry. Low humidity is the cause of accelerated skin aging. It becomes denser, dries out and flakes off. The skin loses its protective functions. This causes various skin diseases, and especially pustular lesions.

Low air humidity provokes a decrease in immunity. Drying the mucous membranes increases the permeability of physiological barriers to the penetration of viruses and bacteria. The likelihood of developing acute respiratory diseases increases.

Dry indoor conditions result in the following diseases:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • tracheitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • rhinitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • proliferation of adenoid tissue.

Pathogenic agents multiply more actively on the dried mucosa of the upper respiratory tract. The epithelium loses cilia. It does not evacuate harmful particles from the bronchi and lungs. Bacteria and viruses settle, then accumulate in the bronchi and lung tissue.

But the harm of dry air does not end there. Under these conditions, all allergens constantly fly upward. Fine house dust constantly enters the human body. Irritation of the nasal mucosa, eyes and often exacerbating diseases of the upper respiratory tract provoke the development of bronchial asthma and other pathologies caused by allergic reactions.

A large number of artificial materials are used in our homes. They constantly release toxic substances and pollute the air. These volatile compounds spread easily in dry air and quickly penetrate the blood-brain barrier. They have a toxic effect on nerve cells. They provoke inflammatory reactions of an autoimmune nature.

Dry air causes a deterioration in a person’s general condition and well-being. This provokes nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and increased fatigue. These symptoms appear due to impaired oxygen transport. Under such conditions, its attachment to hemoglobin and delivery to tissues deteriorates. The neurons in the brain are the first to suffer.

Nowadays people are well aware of the dangers of dry air. Humidifiers have become ubiquitous. Almost everyone has it, and has ceased to be something unusual. The device optimizes air humidity, significantly improving the well-being of apartment residents. It prevents serious illnesses in children and adults. These climate control devices, designed to humidify the air, are necessary in any home.

Main Applications

Can be broadly divided into:

  • Household;
  • Industrial.

The domestic scope of application determines why a humidifier is needed at home:

  • To create a comfortable climate in the apartment. Excessive dryness leads to unpleasant sensations on the mucous membrane of the nose, eyes, and throat. There is weakness, dizziness and a feeling that the disease is on the verge.
  • For air purity. At normal humidity levels, dust stops floating in space and settles on surfaces from which it can be easily removed. If the device is equipped with an ionization function, then microscopic particles of dirt and dust are retained by filters. Don't forget to clean and change them.
  • For certain diseases. They were discussed in detail above. I would like to add that the inhalation function, which is present in steam models, is very important in this case.

Industrial applications require special automatic humidifiers capable of maintaining the required humidity in large rooms. Almost all modern enterprises have devices that monitor humidity and maintain its desired level.

They are especially needed in light industry, museums, libraries, and electronics manufacturing enterprises. You can’t do without them in children’s and medical institutions.

Types of humidifiers, their pros and cons

Air humidifiers used in everyday life are divided into several categories. All these modern devices are easy to use and do not require special installation. They are able to humidify the air in a closed room around the clock. Modern technologies provide low noise levels. They do not irritate or distract the inhabitants of the home from business. They are based on different operating principles: ultrasound, natural humidification, steam generation.

☑ “Cold” humidifier

In these devices, air passes through a humidifying cartridge. The use of a fan in the design speeds up its circulation. Water is poured into a special tank of the device. From there it goes to a special evaporation element. To operate “Cold” humidifiers, it is advisable to use only demineralized or distilled water. If this rule is not followed, the humidifying unit will become clogged.

It will have to be changed quickly. This type of device is suitable for offices and apartments. They are allowed to be used in children's rooms. They are suitable for aromatherapy. Their advantages are considered to be: economical energy consumption, ease of use, low noise level, safety, affordable price. The disadvantages include the need to refill the cartridge with water that has undergone special preparation.

Steam humidifier

The water in it is heated using two electrodes. When the maximum temperature is reached, it transforms into a vapor state. They are used in winter gardens, greenhouses and greenhouses. They create a favorable microclimate for plants. These devices are used not only for air humidification. They can be used for inhalations.

Their disadvantages include a high level of energy consumption. The device must not be used in areas where children are present. Hot steam jet is dangerous. Possible burns due to close contact. The advantages are considered to be affordable prices, ease of maintenance, and the possibility of use for aromatherapy.

Ultrasonic humidifier

This device is widespread and is considered the most advanced. Its operating principle is based on the transformation of water, which occurs under the influence of high-frequency vibrations. A “steam cloud” is formed. It consists of tiny particles of liquid mixed with air. The damp, cool mist is then released into the room.

The device is filled with demineralized or distilled water. These devices can be used in any type of premises. Their advantages are considered to be small size, low power consumption, safety and high performance, safety. Their disadvantages include their relatively high cost.


The device consists of two autonomous parts - a “cold” humidifier and a purifier. These devices can work alternately or simultaneously. This is a universal device and is used everywhere. It is capable of purifying and humidifying the air in rooms with high levels of gas pollution and dust. It's safe. It can be placed in children's institutions. The device is suitable for aromatherapy application. The disadvantages include its relatively high price.

Each person will be able to choose a device based on the room conditions and their needs.

Air humidifier for apartment

Devices designed to humidify indoor air are multifunctional household devices. They are able to simultaneously purify, heat, cool the air, and not just humidify it. The aroma diffusers built into these devices saturate the room with pleasant aromas. They are quite easy to use. Before purchasing, you should carefully read its characteristics.

When choosing a device, consider the following:

  1. Service area. For an ordinary room, a figure of 30-35 squares is suitable. To humidify the entire apartment, choose devices with an indicator of 70 square meters.
  2. Accommodation. They produce floor-standing and desktop devices. Users often choose the desktop appliances option. They are more compact. They don't take up much space.
  3. Filter. The device is often equipped with a carbon filter. It holds allergens, viruses, bacteria. Mesh devices only trap animal hair and large dust particles. There are electrostatic types of devices. Dust and allergens stick to them. Air humidifiers are available equipped with photocatalytic filters. They contain a catalyst and a UV lamp. They produce powerful oxidizing agents that destroy most harmful particles.
  4. Water consumption. The device consumes up to 600 ml of liquid per hour. The duration of continuous operation of the device depends on this.
  5. Noise level. You should choose a device with a reduced noise level.
  6. Control type. They produce options with electronic or mechanical control. Electronic devices are more expensive, but more convenient for daily use.

When purchasing a humidifier, do not forget about additional functions.


There are devices equipped with air ionizers and flavors. They improve the indoor microclimate and eliminate unpleasant odors. The ozonation function and the presence of a UV emitter help fight microbes, fungi, and viruses.

Practical benefits

According to doctors, the question of whether a humidifier is needed at home is not worth it. They clearly think it is necessary.

  • The main practical benefit of it is improving the health and quality of life of yourself and your loved ones. Doctors believe that dry air affects not only the mucous membrane and skin, but also the cardiovascular and central nervous systems.
  • The correct microclimate will extend the service life and ensure the safety of household items, furniture, parquet, and household appliances. It is much easier to clean a room with normal humidity. Using these devices will make your home cleaner and safer for its inhabitants.
  • Static electricity charges will accumulate significantly less on all surfaces of your home and your body. I would like to say more about this.

The benefits of a humidifier for the human body

One of the main advantages of using air humidifiers is the prevention of frequent colds, caused by the increased reproduction and accumulation of microbes and viruses in dry air.

In addition, there are also beneficial health properties:

  1. The device prevents drying of the mucous membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. This blocks the penetration of pathogens through the protective barriers of allergens and infectious disease agents. Eye diseases and respiratory tract pathologies are prevented.
  2. Air humidification prevents dry skin and premature aging. The skin does not crack and is not affected by pyogenic bacteria. Pustules do not appear on the body and face. Hair does not split and retains its elasticity.
  3. In rooms with sufficient humidity, germs and viruses do not spread so quickly. If there is a person in the house with an airborne disease, using a humidifier will prevent infecting other people
  4. In humidified air, household dust, animal hair and other allergens rise more slowly. Regular use of moisturizers reduces the development of allergic reactions.
  5. Air humidification, combined with regular ventilation, prevents volatile polymer compounds that are toxic to humans from accumulating in the room.
  6. The use of humidifiers improves blood oxygen saturation. The brain and other tissues do not suffer from oxygen starvation. Prevents fatigue and drowsiness.
  7. In well-humidified rooms, the body does not lose moisture. The blood does not thicken. It retains its usual viscosity, getting into the smallest vessels and nourishes the tissues well.

We should not forget that indoor plants grow better in well-humidified rooms and furniture does not dry out.

Static electricity and humidity

Static electricity is present everywhere in everyday life. It appears from friction and contact of materials of different origins and accumulates as charges on surrounding objects. Negatively affects human health, animals and the service life of electronics.

Wipe the TV or computer screen with a dry cloth. Very quickly it will again be covered with a thick layer of dust. The same goes for furniture. But if you wipe the surface with a damp cloth, the result will last much longer.

It is easy to feel the presence of the field if you shake a fleece blanket in a dark room. Cracking and sparks will accompany this action. This is static electricity. It also sticks clothes to the body on a dry day. And makes your hair stand on end when you comb it.

Now try spritzing around yourself with plain water from a flower sprayer. Hair can be easily styled. True, after some time they will again cease to obey the styling. Clothes will lie freely and will not stick to your feet.

There is only one conclusion, and scientists have already made it a long time ago. Charges of static electricity accumulate especially actively in a dry room and are their unpleasant companions. When humidity approaches 80%, static fields practically do not form. This once again explains why air humidifiers are needed.

Humidifying the space can alleviate this problem. Active ionization will further improve the result.

Humidifier for children

A healthy indoor climate is important for children. After all, they grow intensively and actively develop. Clean air with optimal oxygen content and importance is the most important condition for the physical and intellectual development of the baby. It is necessary for the formation of neurons in the brain. Without this, the child will not master the necessary skills, will not learn counting, reading, and writing.

The baby’s body is growing rapidly, so the need for oxygen is higher compared to adults. Young children are more sensitive to air humidity levels than others. A child's tissue moisture content is higher than an adult's.

Babies are physiologically more sensitive to dehydration. They suffer more from dry air. A child's metabolism is much more intense than that of an adult. To avoid overheating, it actively cools the body through breathing.

Expert opinion

The humidity in the children's room should be maintained at a level above average. The child requires a comfortable air temperature. If it is lower or higher, the vessels do not supply enough blood to the tissue. The risk of contracting viral and bacterial infections increases. Lack of humidity in the air adversely affects children's immune system.

It is important not to make the wrong choice when buying a humidifier for the nursery. You should pay attention to the following parameters:

  1. Safety. It is considered the main criterion. The health and safety of the child depends on this. It is better to prefer models without the release of hot steam.
  2. Ease of maintenance. Devices located in the children's room should be washed more often. Devices with a simple design are easy to clean and maintain. They can be disassembled, washed and filters changed more often.
  3. Noisy. This indicator is quite important for children. Often they can only fall asleep in complete silence. For easily excitable babies, it is better to purchase a silent version of the humidifier.
  4. Water disinfection. This function is important to prevent contamination of the water suspension by bacteria. The design of the device allows you to purify the liquid from harmful bacteria.
  5. Quality of materials. Plastic is used in the manufacture of these devices. Some of them have an unpleasant odor. You should select devices made from safe materials.

Buy only a high-quality humidifier. You will raise a healthy child who will get sick less often than his peers.

Increase the humidity in an apartment without appliances

For some time, in emergency cases, it is possible to make the indoor microclimate more comfortable.

To do this, use various “old-fashioned” methods:

  • Place wide-necked containers filled with water on radiators;
  • Hang wet towels (preferably terry) or sheets;
  • Frequently carry out wet cleaning and do not wipe the floor dry;
  • Use a sprayer designed for caring for plants;
  • Homemade flowers are grown in large quantities, which increase the humidity around them.

Some allergists strongly disagree with wet towels and flower breeding. It is believed that the former contribute to the intensive breeding of dust mites, and flowers collect a lot of dust and if it is not removed from the leaves every day, there will be no benefit. But this is a controversial issue.

Purchasing a large aquarium or a fashionable fountain will also make the dryness recede a little. But this process will not be controlled. Maintaining an aquarium requires knowledge, time and significant funds. A fountain may look better than a simple humidifier, but it cannot perform all its functions.

It cannot be said that such humidification of the air in the home corresponds to the modern way of life. It is much better to find out what a special device does, how it humidifies the air, and choose what is right for you.

How to use a humidifier

The device should be installed on a flat, dry surface. You need to make sure that its position is stable. Otherwise, it may tip over during operation. If the device is tilted slightly, it will not work properly. Before connecting the device to the power supply, be sure to check the tightness of the housing.


If the device has cracks or the cord is damaged, it should not be used.

Then you should check whether the liquid reservoir is full. If there is a deficiency, you need to top it up and insert a filter. Then you need to close the compartment lid tightly. The green indicator will light up. Only after this can you plug in the device. The green indicator will light up. Press the “start” button to start the device.

If the model allows, then activate the device using the remote control. Select the desired operating mode. You can then select additional options on the LCD display. When operating the device, you need to monitor the liquid level. If it is not enough, the indicator will turn red and the device will turn off itself.

When operating, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • pour liquid into the reservoir of a working device;
  • block the steam outlet;
  • use contaminated water;
  • rearrange the device when it is connected to the network;
  • pour liquid into the device through the steam outlet;
  • add aromatic substances directly to the water, rather than in a special compartment.

IMPORTANT Before starting work, you should carefully read the operating instructions for the device, and only then use it.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing, you need to pay attention to what area the product is designed for, how much time you need to spend on its maintenance, what consumables are needed and how much they cost. The cost of consumables and their frequent replacement can sometimes outweigh the cost-effectiveness of the purchase itself.

Important! Whatever you choose, you must follow the operating instructions for the device. Violation of them may negate the benefits of its use or even cause harm.

What kind of water should I put in my humidifier?

The quality of water preparation for a humidifier before use is very important, since these water vapors enter directly into the lungs. The operating efficiency and durability of the device during operation also depend on them.

Signs of improper water treatment are as follows:

  • changed color of water;
  • the presence of a white coating on indoor surfaces;
  • lime deposits on heaters;
  • green sediment in the tank;
  • musty smell.

The need for initial preparation depends on the type of humidifier. For a regular steam device, any clean water will do. To prolong the operation of the device, it is necessary to reduce the level of its hardness to prevent the formation of lime deposits. It is advisable to pass it through filters to remove chorus and other impurities.

For cold-type devices and ultrasonic models, special cartridges are used, which must be refilled only with distilled or deeply demineralized water. If this is not done, all objects in the room will become covered with a white coating that is difficult to remove.


What water is required for the humidifier is indicated in the operating instructions for the device.

Types of devices

There are three types of humidifiers offered in stores. They are based on different operating principles: natural humidification, steam generation, ultrasound. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Natural type equipment

It is also called a traditional or cold steam device. Performs its task through natural evaporation. Special cartridges are moistened with water, after which an air stream from the built-in fan is supplied to them. Its speed is adjustable, so the intensity of humidification can be changed. Devices of this type are the safest. They are environmentally friendly and reliable in operation.

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To wet the cartridges, you can pour water from the tap. An additional advantage of the device is that it cleans the flow entering the housing from dust. The only disadvantage is the high price of such devices.

  • Storage systems

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Steam devices

Clean water is poured into the housing, brought to a boil, after which it begins to evaporate. Humidification occurs very quickly, and the temperature rises along with it. Steam equipment is best installed in cold rooms. Then it will perform two functions at once. Of course, this is not a full-fledged heating device, but it can provide a temperature increase of 2-3C.

It is desirable that the device be supplemented with a hygrometer and automation. Then there will be no over-moistening, which can happen quite quickly with a steam generator. A significant drawback of the device is its high power consumption. In addition, it must be handled with care. Hot steam is unsafe. Children's access should be limited.

Beurer humidifier

Ultrasound systems

Water is supplied to an ultrasonic membrane, which breaks it into microdroplets. The human eye sees them as fog. It is distributed throughout the room by forced or natural flow. In this way, large volumes of air masses are quickly moistened. The device is completely safe and operates almost silently.

The main disadvantage is sensitivity to water quality. Many models have a filter installed in front of the ultrasonic membrane. But if the liquid is hard, it fails very quickly.


It is best to pour distillate into the device, especially if there is no filter. Otherwise, limescale deposits will get into the ultrasonic mist and settle on furniture, walls, etc. It is very difficult to remove.

Models with additional useful features are the best choice when you need a good humidifier. There may be several options: ionization, cleaning, aromatization. Such complexes not only moisturize, they clean the air mixture from dust and dirt particles.

Humidifier NeoClima

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Is it possible to add oils (aroma oils) to a humidifier?

Not all models of such devices are suitable for combining room humidification with air aromatization. This additional function is provided in steam and ultrasonic models. They must have a washing function. They are equipped with a special compartment for placing a capsule with an essential product or a reservoir for aromatic concentrates.

During operation, the device evaporates water into which essential substances are pre-injected, and the air is saturated with a pleasant aroma. This achieves a therapeutic, relaxing and calming effect. If the device is not designed to use essential oils, they will settle on all parts and it will stop working.

IMPORTANT To obtain optimal effect, it should be added at a rate of no more than five drops for every 15 square meters. m of irrigated area. It is necessary to install the humidifier on a surface located higher than one meter from the floor.

How does hydration occur?

In general, the humidification method can be described as follows. Air is taken from the room, it is saturated with moisture in some way and sprayed back into the room. What does it change?

Immediately after turning on the humidifier, the air becomes noticeably fresher. Breathing becomes easier, swelling of the nasopharynx subsides. There is less dust in the air. It ceases to be “volatile” and settles on surfaces from which it can be easily removed. Allergies recede.

Whether an air humidifier is needed in an apartment is up to each person to decide for himself. Demand creates supply and the market is saturated with various models. If you already know what it is needed for, you will have to decide what it will be. Not everyone lives in spacious apartments, but everyone wants their home to be cozy in addition to a comfortable climate.

Conclusions and additional useful recommendations

An air humidifier is a useful and necessary purchase. To eliminate errors, you need to accurately define a list of your own criteria. In accordance with it, it will not be difficult to find a suitable model. In addition to the main ones, check the auxiliary and service functions. It is better to refill equipment with purified liquid.

Many modern kitchens have efficient equipment for preparing drinking water. The reverse osmosis system will retain calcium and magnesium salts, which form a whitish coating when operating ultrasonic humidifiers.

General definitions and official requirements

This table provides data on the water content per unit volume of air and the temperature at which condensation forms on the surfaces of objects (absolute humidity in g per 1 cubic meter/dew point in °C).

Air temperature, °CRelative humidity, %

A careful study of these data allows us to identify the cause of dry air in winter. At low temperatures it is not able to contain enough moisture. A corresponding negative change in parameters occurs during the process of ventilation of the room.

For your information! It is mistakenly believed that dryness in winter is caused by the use of heating devices. This is wrong. As the temperature rises, the absolute humidity increases. Water particles are removed from the room only with the help of active ventilation.

Excessive humidity provokes the formation of colonies of microorganisms

It also destroys water-based adhesives and activates corrosion. These factors are taken into account when creating building standards. In accordance with current GOSTs, the limit value for relative humidity is limited to levels of 60/65 percent (winter/summer, respectively). Optimal values ​​are defined by the ranges: 30-45%/30-60%.

For your information! Domestic SanPiN standards indicate the same figures in relation to residential real estate.

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