Why do you need an air humidifier in your apartment: 6 reasons to buy

People care about temperature or air purity. But its humidity is rarely remembered. Although this is an important indicator, its value determines the comfortable state of humans and pets, affects the perception of temperature by the human body, the safety of the environment, etc. This alone already partially explains why an air humidifier is needed in an apartment, but in order to get a complete picture, we will analyze all the pros and cons, and the subtlety of the device.

Air humidity standards

Scientists have determined a conditional norm within which people feel comfortable - 35-60%. This noticeable scatter is explained by the wide range of acceptable values. They are determined by the time of year, the purpose of the room, etc. So, for children's rooms it is advisable to choose 60%, and if the baby is sick, then 70%. In living rooms, it is permissible to reduce the indicator slightly. In winter it is better to reduce humidity, in hot weather it is better to increase it, but within normal limits.

Humidifier Leberg LH-803

An excess of moisture, as well as a lack of it, makes the microclimate worse. This affects a person's well-being. It is possible to accurately determine the amount of water vapor in the air only with the help of instruments. The simplest of them is a hygrometer. There are also traditional methods. The easiest way to take measurements is with a fir cone. She is placed in a room and examined after a while. If the scales are tightly closed, there is excess moisture in the room; if they are too raised, there is a lack.

Humidity is rarely constant. It is influenced by various factors. This leads to a decrease or increase in the amount of moisture. Hot air masses are able to absorb more water, so heat or hot radiators dry them out very much.

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Air conditioners and other ventilation devices operate similarly. Thus, it is not always possible to achieve normal values ​​in an apartment. Therefore, the “help” of special equipment is required.

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How the microclimate is formed

In addition to humidity, the following factors also influence the formation of the climate in the apartment:

  • The time of year, especially during the heating season, when running radiators literally dry out the air;
  • Indoor temperature, because its increase also contributes to an increase in dryness indicators;
  • Air purity. Here the area of ​​residence plays a key role, because if the house is located on a busy road or near industrial enterprises, then the likelihood of dangerous microorganisms in the air increases significantly.

Taking these factors into account, the benefits and harms of air humidifiers should be considered, because many devices are not equipped with filter elements and only provide humidification. And without controlling its level, the optimal balance can be disrupted, which can negatively affect your health.

What is a humidifier

This is the name of a device that increases the content of water vapor in the air flow. With its help you can regulate the humidity in the apartment. The equipment produces water vapor and distributes it throughout the room using forced or natural airflow. In the first case, the result will be obtained faster.

Mechanical models must be started manually, automatic ones are activated by a sensor signal. It constantly measures the humidity level. When the latter drops below the permissible value, the device is activated. It also turns off based on a signal from the sensor, which will record the upper limit of the permissible range.

Humidifier NeoClima

General recommendations for using humidifiers

Even the most advanced humidifier with a cleaning function cannot replace a ventilation system. It doesn't generate air. A humidifier is not very suitable for cleaning it, so the greater freshness of the air during operation of the device should not be misleading.

It is also not recommended to overuse aromatic additives, which are often offered for steam humidifiers. You should regularly maintain humidifiers - clean them, change cartridges, and also follow general safety principles when working with electrical appliances.

Types of devices

There are three types of humidifiers offered in stores. They are based on different operating principles: natural humidification, steam generation, ultrasound. Let's look at each of them in detail.

Natural type equipment

It is also called a traditional or cold steam device. Performs its task through natural evaporation. Special cartridges are moistened with water, after which an air stream from the built-in fan is supplied to them. Its speed is adjustable, so the intensity of humidification can be changed. Devices of this type are the safest. They are environmentally friendly and reliable in operation.

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To wet the cartridges, you can pour water from the tap. An additional advantage of the device is that it cleans the flow entering the housing from dust. The only disadvantage is the high price of such devices.

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Steam devices

Clean water is poured into the housing, brought to a boil, after which it begins to evaporate. Humidification occurs very quickly, and the temperature rises along with it. Steam equipment is best installed in cold rooms. Then it will perform two functions at once. Of course, this is not a full-fledged heating device, but it can provide a temperature increase of 2-3C.

It is desirable that the device be supplemented with a hygrometer and automation. Then there will be no over-moistening, which can happen quite quickly with a steam generator. A significant drawback of the device is its high power consumption. In addition, it must be handled with care. Hot steam is unsafe. Children's access should be limited.

Beurer humidifier

Ultrasound systems

Water is supplied to an ultrasonic membrane, which breaks it into microdroplets. The human eye sees them as fog. It is distributed throughout the room by forced or natural flow. In this way, large volumes of air masses are quickly moistened. The device is completely safe and operates almost silently.

The main disadvantage is sensitivity to water quality. Many models have a filter installed in front of the ultrasonic membrane. But if the liquid is hard, it fails very quickly.


It is best to pour distillate into the device, especially if there is no filter. Otherwise, limescale deposits will get into the ultrasonic mist and settle on furniture, walls, etc. It is very difficult to remove.

Models with additional useful features are the best choice when you need a good humidifier. There may be several options: ionization, cleaning, aromatization. Such complexes not only moisturize, they clean the air mixture from dust and dirt particles.

Humidifier NeoClima

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Distinctive features of an ultrasonic humidifier

The microclimate in the room is constantly changing, as it is influenced by the weather outside, heating in the cold season, and problems with ventilation. To somehow regulate the level of humidity, air humidifiers are used - devices that artificially maintain the necessary parameters.

All types of air humidifiers are designed to saturate it with moisture - this is easy to understand even by the name of the devices. The main difference between the devices lies in the principle of operation - that is, in the way the water is distributed throughout the surrounding space.

In the winter season, due to the intensive operation of heating devices in residential premises, the air becomes extremely dry - humidity drops to 23-30% and lower, while the norm is 45-60%

Based on the principle of operation, there are 3 types of humidifiers:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic.

If in the first, water is forced through a wet filter to get into the air, and in the second, it evaporates from heating, then in ultraviolet devices it is split into small particles under the influence of the emitter.

Design diagram of an ultrasonic humidifier. Main elements: ultrasonic membrane, fan, sprayer; additional: heater, filter cartridge for water softening, ultrasonic lamp

Let's look at how the spraying process occurs. Water, previously poured into the tank and filtered, is dosed into the vaporization chamber. Before this, it is slightly warmed up. At the bottom of the chamber there is an emitter - a piezoceramic part with electrodes coated with silver.

As soon as power is supplied to the emitter, it goes into vibration mode. When the speed of ultrasonic vibrations reaches certain parameters, under their influence the water in the chamber is broken into microscopic droplets. Essentially, it turns into an aerosol.

The moisture comes out of the device in the form of a stream of fog, which is sprayed in a given direction or in all directions. The humidity in the room increases, as can be judged by the hygrometer data

Devices that had to be operated manually have been replaced by more modern automatic models. They independently monitor the humidity level and turn off the device when the set values ​​are reached. As soon as the parameters drop below normal, the humidifier begins to function again.

Externally, ultrasonic models also differ from standard humidifiers and purifiers: they are more compact, often have an unusual design and are often designed for installation on a table.

How is a humidifier useful in an apartment?

The decrease in humidity may go unnoticed at first, but this does not mean that it is safe for humans. At least six factors appear that negatively affect living organisms. And a humidifier helps to avoid them.

  1. Dry mucous membranes disappear. They are designed by nature as a protective barrier that traps bacteria and viruses. To perform their functions, the mucous membranes must be moisturized. Otherwise, they will become thinner and even crack. This is especially dangerous for the nose and eyes, which in this condition become an “open gate” for infections.
  2. Eye problems are prevented. The skin around them is very thin, devoid of sebaceous and sweat glands. Therefore, this area requires special care. It easily gives off moisture and becomes thinner. Dehydrated skin of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes under conditions of constant stress from working at the computer, watching TV, etc. easily inflamed. Various conjunctivitis appears.
  3. The amount of flying dust is reduced. Dust particles are very light and can rise upward. In addition, they easily absorb water from air masses, become heavy, and settle on the surface. If there is little moisture, they continue to fly. This provokes asthma attacks or bronchospasms in allergy sufferers and asthmatics, as well as in those who still felt healthy.
  4. The condition of hair, skin, and nails improves. Moisture constantly evaporates from the surface of the hair. Dry air significantly speeds up this process. Replenishing the balance using internal resources does not give the desired result.
  5. Sleep problems are eliminated. Uncomfortable conditions affect the duration and soundness of sleep. Lack of sleep leads to decreased performance and depression. It is best to have a humidifying unit in the bedroom complete with an ionizer. The latter generates negatively charged particles that effectively retain water molecules.
  6. Plants begin to develop better. House flowers stop blooming, the number of new shoots decreases, the emerging leaves are smaller in size, and their tips dry out. Plants get sick and die. The amount of oxygen they produce is significantly reduced, which negatively affects the microclimate of the room.

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Now it’s clear why you need a humidifier. Increasing the content of water vapor in the air mixture improves the situation with all the described factors. In addition, the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases is reduced, and the general condition improves.

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Advantages of buying a home appliance

Why do buyers often prefer ultrasonic humidifiers? We will try to answer this question by sorting out the advantages of these home appliances.

Pro #1 – Wide Humidity Range

Modern devices, especially those from the expensive category and equipped with additional functions, have the ability to adjust humidity. Using buttons or the touch panel, you can configure the parameters necessary for the room.

The adjustment range varies, and for some models the amplitude ranges from 20 to 90%.

It is believed that a humidifier is not needed in the kitchen or bathroom - it is already humid enough due to the constant use of tap or shower water. But for a bedroom or office, the device is simply necessary

Effective humidification will not hurt in such special places as a home greenhouse: plants need a special spraying regime so that they develop well and bloom luxuriantly.

Plus #2 – automatic control of air parameters

Thanks to the automation of household appliances, the user can calmly go about his business, and not monitor the hygrometer readings.

Humidifiers are equipped with sensitive humidity sensors that transmit signals to an electronic board. As soon as the indicator drops below normal, the device begins to operate and fill the room with “fog.” Gradually, the humidity reaches normal levels, the sensors react again and stop the operation of the device. This happens all the time.

To make it easier to navigate the settings, manufacturers have introduced separate options - special operating modes. With them, the user does not need to adjust the humidity by time or condition, the humidifier itself will do everything for him

Popular modes include the “night”, “children’s”, “warm steam” modes. To understand what the humidifier you choose is capable of, first look at the instructions - the names and nuances of the modes may differ for devices from different manufacturers.

Plus #3 – low noise level

Noise level for home appliances is one of the most important indicators. Imagine the discomfort you might experience if all the appliances in your house start operating at a noise level of 35 dB or higher - you'll just want to run away from home.

Using the diagram, you can judge what noise level is easily tolerated by human hearing, and what is critical for it

Some powerful appliances make a very loud noise, such as a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner. However, their difference is that they work for a limited period of time, relatively short. A humidifier, in contrast, turns on periodically throughout the day, including at night.

That is why most models have a maximum noise level of 22-30 dB on average, and in “night” mode they work even quieter - not so much annoying as calming residents. The following article will introduce you to the ten best models that work almost silently, which we recommend reading.

Plus #4 – small sizes

Unlike traditional and steam units, ultraviolet devices look small. Of course, among them there are also volumetric models that can hold up to 6 liters of water, but they are more of an industrial type, since they are designed for spacious rooms - halls, waiting rooms, foyers of entertainment venues, and not for living rooms.

The small size of the humidifier becomes important if you plan to constantly move it from place to place: move it from the bedroom to the nursery or take it to the dacha in the summer

Household appliances for bedrooms and living rooms have a built-in water tank of no more than 3 liters, and decorative tabletop models - from 0.2 to 1.0 liters. They easily fit on a bedside table, desk, shelf, but it is better to install them away from furniture - you will find out why in the next section of the article.

Pro #5 – Impressive design

If productive, powerful models with a large tank, designed for a room area of ​​70-100 m², look traditional - technical and minimalistic, then compact household appliances have an original, and often futuristic or funny design.

There are a huge number of tabletop models on the market, including ones for children. The Chinese have been especially successful in this, selling “3-in-1” devices - a humidifier, a lamp and a fan connected via USB.

A beautiful compact humidifier automatically moves from the category of household appliances to the category of accessories for interior decoration, so models with an unusual design are in demand no less than effective, but externally standard devices.

Plus #6 – the ability to repair it yourself

This plus will be appreciated by everyone who is used to relying on their own skills in repairing or upgrading household appliances.

Ultraviolet humidifiers have a design that is difficult for amateurs to understand, but some problems can be solved on their own. Most often, devices break down due to water getting on the electronic board, mechanical damage due to a fall, or due to improper cleaning.

Electronic “filling” of the ultrasonic humidifier: power board that creates voltage supplied to the generator and then to the amplifier of ultrasonic vibrations of the emitter

You can repair the board yourself, replace the piezoelectric element, filter or fan. If the breakdown cannot be corrected on your own, the service center technicians will handle it.

Inexpensive humidifiers, costing 400-600 rubles, often cannot be repaired, but due to their low price you can always purchase a new, more convenient and practical model.

The advantages include energy efficiency and safety of devices. Unlike steam models, they do not heat the water to +80°C and create so-called “cold steam”.

Damage to an air humidifier in an apartment

Devices are not always useful. This happens when hydration is excessive and exceeds the optimal 40-60%. If this is a short-term phenomenon, the room will be stuffy. This is how excess moisture is felt. Constant waterlogging will show itself through “wet” furniture, clothing, and curtains. The appearance and rapid development of fungus and mold is possible.

To avoid this, ultrasonic, and especially steam systems must be equipped with hygrometers. They quickly saturate the air mixture with water vapor; it is impractical to control them “by eye”. Steam equipment is potentially dangerous to operate. If handled carelessly, it can burn or cause damage to the furnishings and decoration of the room. Therefore, it is prohibited to install it in children's rooms.

Xiaomi VH Man Air Humidifier

How to choose a humidifier to get the most benefits

You can use any humidifier model indoors, but not all of them are suitable for these conditions. Such irrational use will do more harm than good.

That is why you should learn more about air humidifiers and take into account some rules when choosing one:

  • Consider the volume of the tank and the performance of the humidifier. The area where you need to adjust the humidity levels will depend on this. If you do not take this parameter into account, then the benefit of the humidifier will be minimal, since it will not be able to balance this indicator.
  • Availability of additional functions. This could be an ionizer, the presence of a reservoir for aromatic oils, etc.
  • The amount of electricity consumed.
  • Noise indicators, especially if there are children.

The harm or benefit of a humidifier depends on the correct choice and use of the device. If you take all the rules into account, the quality of your sleep will improve, dry eyes, peeling skin and other unpleasant consequences will go away. Such a device is useful not only for human health, but also has a beneficial effect on ornamental plants in the room and furniture.

Accessories for BIPAP devices: everything for comfortable therapy

Auxiliary accessories make BIPAP therapy more comfortable, and also allow you to use the NIV device not only at home, but also while traveling. You can purchase the following related products.

  • Humidifiers.
    Breathing heated and humidified air is easier and more pleasant than dry and cool air. The humidifier eliminates a number of side effects of therapy, for example, drying out of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and, as a result, sore throat and cough.
  • Converters.
    Current converters allow you to use the device regardless of the voltage in the power source. This is important if you travel frequently. Using the converter, you can connect your BIPAP device to the cigarette lighter socket in your car or to an outlet on a train, bus, or airplane.
  • Filters.
    Filters clean the forced air from mechanical contaminants (animal hair, dust), reducing the risk of allergies. They should be changed when they become dirty, but no less frequently than recommended by the manufacturer.
  • Hoses.
    You can choose a longer hose, or replace the standard model with a heated one. In the latter case, the humidifier will maintain optimal air temperature and humidity regardless of environmental conditions. This will eliminate the risk of condensation forming in the mask or hose.

Indications and contraindications for BiPAP therapy

BIPAP therapy is an opportunity to receive respiratory support at home, comparable in effectiveness to NIV in a hospital. Medical indications for two-level ventilation are the following conditions and diseases:

  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
  • Neuromuscular diseases (ALS, Duchenne muscular dystrophy)
  • Respiratory failure caused by chest deformation
    , for example, with kyphoscoliosis.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA)
    with intolerance or lack of therapeutic effect from CPAP therapy.
  • Hypoventilation of the lungs during sleep,
    caused by obesity, central sleep apnea syndrome, Cheyne-Stokes breathing, etc.

The decision to conduct BIPAP therapy is made by the attending physician based on indications and contraindications

An important condition for the effectiveness of BIPAP therapy is that the patient has no contraindications to NIV, including:

  • coma;
  • refusal or inability to understand and follow instructions from medical personnel;
  • lack of spontaneous breathing;
  • life-threatening drop in blood oxygen;
  • rapid breathing (more than 30 times per minute);
  • high risk of vomiting;
  • production of excessive mucus;
  • life-threatening heart rhythm disturbances;
  • facial injuries leading to inability to install and use the mask;
  • otitis or sinusitis in acute form.

What types of BIPAP machines are there?

  • Basic and automatic

Basic BIPAP models pump air into the mask under a strictly set pressure - one pressure when inhaling, and another when exhaling. But depending on the sleep phase and body position, the patient's pressure level needs vary slightly. Automatic devices are capable of analyzing the sleeper’s breathing and providing air supply with slight deviations up or down from the base value, which increases the comfort of night rest. It is important to understand that automatic control of air flow is not suitable for all diagnoses.

ResMed is a global manufacturer of medical equipment for non-invasive ventilation

  • BiPAP machines and servoventilators

The main difference between BIPAP devices and servoventilators is the ability of the latter to automatically switch to forced ventilation in the event of respiratory arrest caused by impaired brain activity. This is more complex equipment that implements special intelligent modes of respiratory support. They smoothly change the difference between the pressure during the inhalation and exhalation phases, taking into account the respiratory flow in each respiratory cycle. By quickly responding to any spontaneous changes, they “even out” the patient's breathing, eliminating hyperventilation and hypoventilation, as well as obstructive events.

Each of these types of equipment solves a specific range of problems. And the most expensive equipment is not always the most comfortable and efficient. The choice between a BiPAP machine and a servo ventilator should be made after consultation with your doctor.

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