Floor scales with water, fat, muscle and bone mass analyzer

For those who monitor their health, a scale with a body composition analyzer is a good helper. Excess weight, lack of water and incorrect proportions of the components of the human body can cause illness, fatigue, a feeling of weakness and dark circles under the eyes. Such a “smart” device will solve these problems, allow you to monitor your condition and maintain your health and performance for a long time.

The value of the received parameters

The leading role in assessing a person’s condition is played not so much by weight as by the ratio of all components: fat, muscles, bones, water, etc. Body mass index is calculated conditionally, without taking into account age, physical fitness, etc. Often the doctor visually evaluates these parameters and speaks of excess weight as evidence of a high percentage of fat in the body. To independently determine your body composition using smart scales, we focus on the indicators listed below.

  1. Fat content:


60 and older20,223,226,229,3


60 and older27,430,73437,3

2. Water content:

  • men 50-65%;
  • women 45-60%.

3. The normal level of muscle mass should be about 75% of weight. Muscle tissue helps burn fat, increasing the metabolic rate in the human body, participates in metabolism and makes all organs work.

4. The bone mass indicator takes into account the mineral composition of the bones. People suffering from osteoporosis or its initial signs (osteopenia) should carefully monitor this parameter. On average, in a healthy person it is 2.66-3.69 in men and 1.95-2.95 in women, depending on body weight.

5. Many fat analyzers evaluate physical physique, its values ​​mean:

  • 1 - hidden fullness;
  • 2 - full;
  • 3 - dense build;
  • 4 - trained;
  • 5 - normal;
  • 6 - muscular;
  • 7 - thin;
  • 8 - thin and muscular;
  • 9 - highly developed muscles.

The best smart bathroom scales to determine your bone percentage

MGB Body fat scale


  • Small dimensions
  • Light weight
  • Reading accuracy


  • Not suitable for people with large feet

From 1999 ₽

Smart scales MGB Body fat scale have a body with rubberized legs. Load up to 150 kg. Memory for 10 users. There is a function to transfer data to a mobile device using the AiFit application. Intended for household use.

Noerden MINIMI


  • Compactness
  • Personal profile
  • Displaying graphs on the screen
  • Display backlight


  • Work without errors only on a flat, hard surface

From 2990 ₽

Analytical Noerden MINIMI BK performed well in determining the mass fraction of bones. They calculate the body mass index, the proportion of fat, muscle, and water, building graphs of changes. Maximum weight 150 kg. Suitable for people with skeletal diseases, including osteoporosis.

Beurer BF 600 Style


  • Height measurement
  • Capacious memory
  • Long lasting battery


  • No additional features

From 2290 ₽

The inexpensive Beurer BF 600 Style scale is included in the top ten “Rating of the best floor scales”, demonstrating decent functionality. In addition to traditional measurements, it has the function of a calorie calculator and user auto-detection. Synchronization with a PC or phone via Bluetooth is also available. Bonus – 8 memory cells. Ideal for home.

How do scales with a body mass analyzer work?

The principle of operation of “smart” scales is that electrodes are built into their body, which send weak low-frequency current pulses to our body. For the device’s readings to be correct, you need to stand on it with bare feet, on an empty stomach, preferably at the same time. Women on menstrual periods and people with a pacemaker should not use scales. The impulses passing through our body use the principle of determining the amount of liquid, because... its content in the tissues of the human body varies.

For example, fat tissue contains only about 30% water, while muscle tissue contains 76%.

How to use

To measure muscle mass, fat tissue, and determine water level, weighing must be done strictly according to the rules. To get accurate results, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Weighing is done in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  2. You need to step on the scale with bare feet.
  3. Physiological parameters are measured only after installing the device on a flat surface.
  4. You need to ensure that your feet are positioned correctly on the platform, otherwise the result will be unreliable.

It is worth considering that the data obtained largely depends on the liquid level. It changes significantly throughout the day. The interval from physical activity to weighing should be at least ten hours. Women taking measurements during menstruation should take into account that during menstruation, the level of fluid in the body increases, the results are distorted.

To reduce the level of error, it is extremely important to adhere to safety precautions when weighing. Do not touch the device with wet feet or hands. You should also not drink while standing on the scale.

You should weigh yourself in the morning, on an empty stomach.

You must step on the scale with bare feet.

Rating of analyzer scales

Let's review the most popular types of floor scales in terms of price and quality ratio. Below are the models that have collected the best consumer reviews.

Tanita bc 730 rd

Main parameters to be determined:

  • total body weight and its index (BMI);
  • amount of fat;
  • muscle mass;
  • visceral (internal) fat;
  • calculation of bone mineral weight;
  • water content;
  • metabolic age of the body.

Advantages of this device:

  • low price;
  • many measurable indicators;
  • availability of a mode for weighing children;
  • metabolism measurement;
  • recording the characteristics of 5 users.

However, this model of scale should only be installed on a flat surface. The maximum permissible weight is 150 kg.

Beurer bg 17

These scales have high measurement accuracy. They have automatic on and off functions. The main parameters are determined - the amount of water, fat, muscle and bone mass. They have a glass platform and an electronic display. Designed for 10 users. Like the previous model, they need to be placed on a flat surface, otherwise the readings may be confused. Maximum weight - 150 kg.

Unit ubs 2200 bkgy

This type has even higher weight measurement accuracy compared to the previous model. There are battery charge and overload indicators. These scales also measure only the basic parameters: water, muscle and fat content. They have a wider platform. The maximum permissible weight is 150 kg.

Tanita bc 587

Devices of this brand perform many tasks. They can measure not only basic parameters (body weight, fat, bones and muscles), but also the BMI index, biological (metabolic) age, and level of physical condition. Weight allowed up to 200 kg. Equipped with the “Athlete” function, i.e. measure data for physically developed people who are constantly training. In this case, without using this mode, the indicators may be overestimated. The measurement results for this model are accurate, with a small error.

Xiaomi mi body composition scale

A distinctive feature of these scales is the ability to synchronize with a smartphone. Remembers the data of 16 users, displays 10 different indicators of the body. They have a beautiful design, LED indication, automatic on and off functions. The maximum permissible weight is 150 kg. Platform 30x30 cm, sensitive sensors, which contributes to high measurement accuracy. Among the disadvantages, we note the high energy consumption compared to other models and the mandatory presence of a flat horizontal surface.

Redmond skybalance 740s

This model provides the following features:

  • synchronization with a computer or smartphone via the Ready for Sky application;
  • analysis of basic body indicators;
  • assessment of achievements in figure correction;
  • drawing up a schedule of changes;
  • calculating the number of calories to achieve normal weight;
  • recommendations for figure correction;
  • “Athlete” function for people involved in sports (their performance may vary);
  • determining your body type.

Redmond Skybalance 740s scales.

The high price and the need for a constant Internet connection are the disadvantages of this device.

Polaris pws 1860dgf

Among the differences of this device are:

  • Beautiful design;
  • convenient control;
  • display backlight;
  • a large number of tasks to be performed;
  • can remember the performance of 12 people.

The maximum load of these scales is 180 kg. They have a built-in solar panel. All basic parameters are measured (total weight, fat, muscle, bone and water content), body mass index (BMI). There is a calorie calculator. The price is lower than the previous model. They are distinguished by great accuracy in determining the total weight. However, with repeated measurements, body composition readings do not always coincide.

Picooc mini wh

The device synchronizes with your smartphone. Performs many tasks - you can measure 12 body parameters, incl. amount of protein, metabolism, visceral fat (i.e. fat accumulated on internal organs or blood vessels), physiological body type, metabolic and general biological age of a person, etc. The disadvantage of this device is that only total weight is displayed on the display. All other parameters must be viewed in the application.

Bosch ppw3330

The advantages of these scales include:

  • high degree of measurement accuracy;
  • build quality and materials used.

They measure basic body parameters with a low degree of error. They are made using new technology, so they do not have electrodes on which to place your feet. This is convenient because... there is no need to try to place your legs correctly and your wide feet do not hang over the platform. Designed for a maximum weight of 180 kg. The data of 10 users is saved.

Aeg pw 5653 bt bk

It is possible to synchronize with a smartphone. Changes can be monitored. In addition to the main parameters, BMI (body mass index) is measured. Features of the model include touch control. Designed for 9 users.


What capabilities do scale-indicating analyzers have and what does it measure?

Body fat scales measure the following body characteristics:

  • Main parameter, weight;
  • A parameter that takes into account the relationship between weight and height, i.e. BMI (body mass index);
  • Percentage of adipose tissue from total weight;
  • Muscle mass. Allows you to evaluate their growth, adjust physical activity, and the correctness of the selected set of exercises;
  • Water content;
  • Visceral fat layer, which serves to protect internal organs from various injuries and bruises. Serves as a reserve source of energy. The norm is no more than 15% of the total body fat. If the body has more than 15% of such adipose tissue, a diet, lifestyle changes, and additional exercise are needed;
  • Skeletal mass. If the parameter is below the established norm, it is necessary to take additional minerals and supplements to avoid problems with the musculoskeletal system and joints;
  • The basal metabolic rate is an interesting parameter that indicates how much energy is needed in kcal to support the body’s vital functions, i.e. normal digestion of food, functioning of the cardiac and respiratory systems, etc. This does not take into account physical stress on the body;
  • Biological age of the organism. The parameter shows the number of metabolisms, their quality, compares the value with the previous one;
  • Body type. On a scale from 1 to 9, your body type is indicated. A parameter depending on the ratio of muscle tissue and fat. 1 – a lot of fat, little muscle; 9 – reverse side.

There are analyzer scales on sale that show more or less parameters, depending on the price, manufacturer, and the model of the scale itself. There are scales that analyze the composition of the air around them.

These products collect, analyze the data obtained, build graphs based on them, and provide users with additional information on how to improve their shape and achieve the desired goal. Manufacturers of smart scales, along with the production of their products, develop special software for smartphones to expand the functionality of the scales. Using Bluetooth, the smartphone connects to the device, downloads data from it and presents everything on the screen in the form of ready-made graphs. The application makes it easier to analyze your body composition and progress, since everything is clearly visible.

Criteria for choosing the best model

When choosing floor scales for your home, pay attention to the following qualities:

  1. The material from which the base of the device is made. Devices made of durable glass and metal will last longer than those made of thin, bendable plastic, have gaps, etc.
  2. The number of tasks performed is reflected in the price, so we will first highlight the most important ones necessary to achieve the intended goals.
  3. Maximum permissible body weight. Many models are designed for weights up to 150 kg, but there are types of devices that allow a maximum weight of 180 kg, 200 or 270 kg.
  4. If you need a synchronization function with a smartphone or computer, we will clarify the wireless connection method. If the scales are paired with a smartphone via Bluetooth, you can only use the app while in close proximity. When communicating via Wi-Fi, you can see your body indicators while in another room.
  5. An important role is played by the presence of an automatic on and off system, charge and overload indicators, as well as methods of energy consumption (from a solar battery or from AAA elements).

With the help of “smart” scales - body analyzers, you can monitor your health and the correct balance of body elements, avoid the appearance of excess weight and maintain efficiency.

Which model should you choose?

Your personal choice of scale should be dictated by three factors: price, the purposes for which you need it, and the availability of other fitness devices.

As technology continually improves and democratizes, a more expensive smart scale won't necessarily be head and shoulders above other models. This is especially true for diagnostic scales. Bioimpedansometry is a well-studied and fairly old technology. Any comparisons will most likely not be objective.

Democratic but accurate: Xiaomi Smart Scale, Picooc

The functionality of smart scales must meet your needs. There is no point in purchasing or giving a device, half of whose capabilities a person will not use. For simple and regular weight tracking, a simple model is suitable.

Simple and tasteful from our catalog: Xiaomi Smart Scale, Fitbit Aria

  • Xiaomi Mi Smart Scale

    1 790 ₽

A fitness fanatic would rather have a gadget that provides more information about body composition, water balance, and so on.

Lots and details: Picooc, QardioBase 2, Garmin Index

  • Garmin Index Smart Scale

    20 102 ₽

Compatibility of smart scales with existing sports devices and favorite applications is an important factor that is worth paying extra for. Fruitless attempts to put together incompatible pieces of the “fitness puzzle” lead to disappointment, after which one device will definitely be left collecting dust in the box. On the other hand, a system that works like a clock motivates and helps to engage in health. This is why many ordinary users who don’t even go to the gym prefer to buy gadgets from the same brand.

“Ecosystem”: Fitbit Aria, QardioBase, QardioBase 2, Polar Balance, Garmin Index

Smart scales serve as the cornerstone of good health and fitness. They form the right habit of tracking and maintaining their weight and body composition in a healthy range. Of course, you can acquire the same habit without gadgets, but in our urban civilization with a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, this is almost a feat. Smart scales are a shield with which such a feat is not scary.

All of the smart scales listed above can be purchased in our store.

Questions and answers when purchasing smart scales

  1. How do you know if a smart scale is accurate?

The best way to test the accuracy of your smart scale is to simply weigh yourself, then weigh yourself while holding the weighed object with you and weigh again. This way you can get the difference and get a complete picture of whether they are working correctly or not. But remember that digital scales can sometimes lose their accuracy when they suffer from a fault in their circuitry.

  1. What indicators do smart scales measure?

The most common metrics that can be used to measure body composition are weight, body fat, and BMI. Other measurements will depend on the model and brand of smart scale.

Here are a few of the metrics mentioned.

  • Metabolic age
  • Visceral fat
  • Protein content
  • Bone mass
  • Skeletal muscle composition
  • Body water mass
  • Subcutaneous fat
  1. How much weight can a smart scale bear?

The maximum load-bearing capacity of this smart appliance is 180kg

  1. How long do batteries last in smart scales?

The battery can last several weeks (depending on frequency of use). It is always a precaution to remove the battery from devices when not in use. This will prevent battery leaks or short circuits that may occur.

Tips for purchasing and using smart scales

Here are some tips that you should follow when purchasing and using a body fat analyzer.

  • Always choose a body fat analyzer that comes with the right profile, such as if it is used by one person or a group of people, used by children or adults, trained person or untrained person, etc. So, check all these parameters before purchasing.
  • Make sure your feet are clean and bare for better contact with the monitor's touch pads.
  • Avoid testing after exercise because when you exercise you will sweat a lot and lose water. This may affect your water levels and results may vary.
  • Thoroughly clean the foot pads and fat analyzer holding posts with alcohol and dry them after each test.
  • Try to buy expensive scales that you can afford to buy because quality brands will give accurate results.
  • Never compare your results with any of your friends or family members.

Impressions and conclusions

Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale obviously coped with its task. I learned a lot of details about what was going on in my body. Moreover, to do this, you just needed to launch Mi Fit on your smartphone and step on the scales.

Buy Xiaomi Mi Body Composition Scale on AliExpress: RUB 2,438

But is all this information necessary in everyday life?

Well, if you work out in the gym according to a training program, eat according to a strict diet, take L-carnitine, drink two liters of water a day and like fitness gyms on Instagram, then you will be interested in watching how your body changes. Will it go beyond interest? Will you be inspired to follow Mi Fit's tips? Who knows…

In my case, the process of monitoring myself quickly became boring . I had no intention of changing my lifestyle and doing anything beyond what I was already doing. One day I simply forgot to weigh myself! It was then that the Xiaomi smart analyzer began to turn into ordinary household scales, necessary only to stand on them once a year, gasp and decide to buy a gym membership.

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