Quick yeast-free bread in a bread machine at home

Any dish will become more nutritious and tastier if you serve it with regular bread. Modern technology allows you to prepare a real rye or wheat loaf without wasting time and effort - the recipes allow you to conduct culinary experiments and delight your family and friends. Fragrant yeast-free bread in a bread machine at home is not a fantasy, but a reality.

The modern housewife knows that a slow cooker or bread maker is not just an addition, but a full-fledged participant in the cooking process. Sometimes baking bread or buns is required to maintain health, since a person can eliminate some components that cause discomfort or allergies, limit the amount of fats or carbohydrates, which is why the recipe for yeast-free bread is popular.

A little about the history of bread

The usual flour addition to dishes has been known for several millennia. The original bread was a paste made from cereal grains; later people learned to cultivate and grind them. Then came the baked flatbread, which was first prepared in ancient Egypt. The bread recipe was reminiscent of a modern one, that is, it assumed that the product would be prepared from dough. Interestingly, it was “suited” without the use of yeast, through a special, natural fermentation. You can replace yeast with regular baking soda or baking powder, which was created about 150 years ago and is still one of the main components in the preparation of many dishes using dough and flour, as well as baked goods.

Baking powder is a powder that consists of baking soda, salts, and starch. It begins to interact with the components that make up the dough only when water is added. The operating principle of baking powder is based on the fact that during the heating process, when the bread is directly baked, carbon dioxide is released, forming bubbles, making the finished product light and fluffy. As a result of adding baking powder, the dough rises evenly and bakes well.

Yeast-free bread recipes

Bread can also be baked in the oven, but modern kitchens are equipped with devices such as a bread machine and a slow cooker. They make the task much easier and, when used correctly, make yeast-free bread fluffy and soft.

A simple and quick option using kefir (in a bread machine)

Most bread machine models do not have a yeast-free baking mode, so you have to use trial and error. Especially when it comes to kefir dough with the addition of soda. It cannot be kneaded for a long time so that carbon dioxide from the reaction of soda with kefir does not evaporate. You will have to bake at an accelerated setting. For example, my bread machine has 3 built-in modes: “Quick baking”, “Ultra-fast baking 1” and “Ultra-fast baking 2” (the second and third, respectively, are designed for bread weights of 750 g and 900 g). For this amount of ingredients I set the second mode. Bread is baked on it for 58 minutes, of which 10 minutes are spent on kneading the dough.

A bread machine will significantly save your time on making bread

You will need:

  • 1 glass of kefir (250 g);
  • 1 tsp. baking soda;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. Sahara;
  • 2.5 cups flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sesame

Cooking process.

  1. Pour kefir into the bucket. Add soda, sugar, salt. Lastly, add the flour.

    Place all the ingredients in the bread machine bucket.

  2. If desired, you can add sesame seeds. This is not necessary, but sesame seeds give the bread a piquant taste, so if you have it, be sure to add it.

    It is not necessary to add sesame seeds, but it will make the bread even tastier.

  3. Place the bucket in the bread machine, select the ultra-fast baking program for 750 g. When the bread machine signals the end of kneading the dough, lightly sprinkle it with flour to form a crust.
  4. After baking, check the bread for doneness with a skewer. Depending on the flour and kefir liquid, the dough may not be completely baked. In this case, bake for another 10–15 minutes.

    The finished bread is delicious both hot and cold.

Rye-wheat sourdough (in a bread machine)

This recipe is not very simple, but having a bread machine will significantly free you from most of the work. You will need:

  • 100 g rye sourdough 100% moisture;
  • 200 g warm whey;
  • 100 g warm water;
  • 300 g rye flour;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt;
  • 15 g butter;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dry rye malt.

Please note that rye malt must first be brewed in 100 g of boiling water, and it can only be added when it has cooled to a warm state.

  1. Place the starter and whey in a bucket, add brewed malt, sugar, and add rye flour. Set the instant kneading program on your bread machine (this can be “Dumplings” or “Pizza”) for 5-7 minutes.

    It is better to knead the dough in the “Dumplings” or “Pizza” mode

  2. Pour wheat flour on the sides of the resulting lump of dough. Add salt and pieces of butter. It is advisable to place the oil closer to the walls of the bucket.

    Butter will add airiness and fluffiness to the bread.

  3. Set the device to the longest program (about 6 hours, on some models this may be the “French bread” mode) with a delay of 4 hours. The total time will be 10–12 hours. Then you can go about your business, and the bread maker will do everything itself. As a result, you will get tall bread with an airy, porous crumb and a slightly sour taste.

    The bread will take a long time to bake, but it's worth it!

Video recipe for sourdough bread in a bread machine

From whole wheat flour (in a slow cooker)

This bread is not only tasty, but also healthy, and it cooks very quickly - only 30 minutes.

In a slow cooker you can cook bread very quickly

You will need:

  • 1 cup oatmeal (not ground);
  • 1 cup whole grain flour;
  • 1 glass of warm milk;
  • 0.5 tsp. salt;
  • 1 tsp. slaked soda;
  • 1–1.5 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (preferably olive).

Cooking process.

  1. Take a deep bowl and mix flour with flakes and salt in it, adding slaked soda.
  2. In another bowl, dissolve honey in warm milk, add vegetable oil and stir. Combine with dry ingredients. Knead the dough. It won't be very thick.
  3. Grease the multicooker bowl with oil and lightly sprinkle with flour. Transfer the dough into it. Set the device to “Frying” or “Baking” mode (depending on the model) for 40–50 minutes. After this, turn the bread over to the other side. Grease the surface with oil and bake for another 20 minutes in the same mode.
  4. Check the bread for doneness with a skewer. You can also tap the bottom crust: if it makes a hollow sound, it means the bread is ready.

This bread turns out sweet and goes perfectly with tea or coffee, especially if served with jam. But you can prepare it in different ways. For example, take whole grain flour in half with any other flour - buckwheat, corn, pea, or bran. Or add to the dough:

  • seeds (sunflower, pumpkin, sesame);
  • spices - rosemary, cumin, basil;
  • any nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • fried onion;
  • ham.

Nutritional value and beneficial properties of homemade bread

Yeast-free rye bread prepared in a bread machine has only 195 kcal/100 g of product. The composition includes proteins in the amount of 5g, fats – 8g and carbohydrates – 25g. Cooking time is about 120 minutes. The benefit of yeast-free bread is that there are no ingredients that can harm digestion - in fact, the yeast itself. Many people cannot consume them precisely for health reasons; first of all, those who experience kidney problems are prohibited from using yeast. Allergies to yeast are common. Meanwhile, the absence of yeast will not make the bread less appetizing or fluffy. Much depends on the right recipe.

Ingredients needed to make yeast-free bread

At home, you can bake fragrant and fluffy sourdough bread in 50 – 70 minutes.

Quick yeast-free bread in a bread machine

Author: edabez.ru

Cook time: 70 mins

Total time: 1 hour 10 mins


  • Milk – half a glass;
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • Butter – 20g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar – 30g;
  • Flour (wheat or rye) – 300g;
  • Baking powder – 1 sachet.


  • Sourdough – slightly heat the milk, but do not boil, then pour into a container
  • Mix egg with milk
  • Melt the butter and add to the mixture
  • Add salt - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Add sugar
  • Mix everything.
  • Add flour and stir
  • Add baking powder
  • Mix.
  • Leave for 3-5 minutes
  • Place in bread machine


Sourdough bread recipe in the oven

The cooking method will differ from those presented above. It is not a bread machine that is used, but an oven, but the former can be used for kneading. The recipe presented above will work, but it will be baked differently.

When cooking bread in the oven there are some nuances.

  • Firstly, do not set the temperature too high, otherwise the starter will die.
  • Secondly, the consistency of the dough should be viscous, but not too thick, and easy to mix, otherwise the crust may crack.
  • Readiness is determined by tapping on the bottom. A dull sound indicates completion.

Preparation: stages

Yeast-free bread in a bread machine is a simple and quick way to bake. The recipe will allow you to enjoy the aromatic product about an hour after starting the cooking program. The Panasonic bread maker can prepare not only rye bread, but also many other types of bread at home.

The first stage is given to sourdough - it can be prepared with either milk or kefir, since some people are allergic to lactose. The milk needs to be slightly warmed, but not boiled, then poured into the container. Then the egg is mixed with milk - all ingredients must be beaten using a blender or mixer to save effort and time. You can melt the butter slightly so that there are no pieces in the starter. The main thing is not to use butter from the refrigerator, as it will crumble. Baking should not be unleavened, so salt is added to the container; its amount is on average 0.5 teaspoon, but you can reduce or increase the amount according to your own preferences; the recipe allows you to deviate from the recommendations.

After the salt, add sugar, all ingredients are mixed well to obtain a homogeneous mass. Of course, in order to bake wheat or rye sourdough bread, you cannot do without flour, so it is also added to the bowl and mixed well, so that no lumps form. The recipe for yeast-free bread requires the presence of baking powder, which is added to the dough last, all ingredients are mixed again, and the contents are left in the container for 3-5 minutes.

A simple recipe for white sourdough bread in a bread machine

You don't need any special products, just sourdough. You can buy it at any supermarket. It will take about 10-15 minutes to make the base, which will then be baked; the equipment will do the rest itself. The bread will be fluffy, soft, with a crispy crust. You will never find one like this in a store.


  • Sourdough - 260 g;
  • Wheat flour - 525 g;
  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Salt - 15 g;
  • Sugar - 20 g;
  • Oil - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. First you need to warm the starter to room temperature. To do this, place it in a warm place for a couple of hours before use.
  2. Add salt and sugar to slightly heated water. We send the liquid to the bread maker. In order not to dirty the dishes, you can put all the food there at once.
  3. Pour oil. The quantity and type of oil is at your personal discretion. The taste and structure of the bread depends on how much of it is in the composition. The type of oil has the same effect: refined or not, olive, vegetable, etc.
  4. Add flour. If desired, the contents can be mixed a little, since not every technique is capable of breaking down all the components well and making a high-quality homogeneous mass.
  5. Now we set the kneading mode. It all depends on the device model. The simplest one will do. It is advisable that the temperature is not too high, otherwise the starter will lose some of its properties.
  6. Once the dough is ready, you can shape it with your hands and only then send it to bake. This way the shape of the bread will be more even. In this case, the stirrer must be removed from the bottom of the bowl. If desired, you can cover the dough with a bag and place it in a secluded place so that the dough rises better. But if it is not possible to monitor him, then this is not necessary.
  7. Let's bake the bread. To do this, select a mode based on the variety of functions of the equipment, and wait.

Before it’s ready, the house will be filled with the pleasant, appetizing smell of fresh baked goods. Cool the finished product and wrap it in a towel or bag to prevent it from airing.

Baking yeast-free bread in a bread machine

Once the dough is completely cooked, you can start baking. Yeast-free bread in a bread machine is prepared with virtually no intervention from the hostess; she only needs to load the starter into the bowl and set the program. The recipe also allows you to cook buns if the amount of sugar is higher.

Baking in a bread machine is an opportunity to experiment with the color of the crust or the size of the loaf. Rye bread can be made golden brown and crispy. The set mode for preparing the product is “Fast”. The time it takes to bake bread depends on the chosen recipe and the model of the kitchen unit.

Yeast-free bread in a bread machine can be served after the program has ended. Prepared with sourdough, it will be fluffy and light, all its components are easily absorbed by the body. The peculiarity of baking with sourdough with baking powder or kefir is that the bread remains airy and soft for a long time.

Thus, baking with sourdough allows you to prepare delicious and aromatic rye bread, delicious kefir buns very simply. Baking will require a little time - only about 2 hours along with preparing the dough, which will allow you to prepare an unusual treat for lunch or the arrival of guests - homemade bread with kefir or milk.

Important selection criteria

Many people carefully watch what they eat. Harm from various “improvers”, flavorings and synthetic additives has already been proven. There is only one way out - bake your own bread. A bread machine with different programs, volume and performance will help with this.

The device consists of the following components:

  • bowl with heating elements;
  • removable cover;
  • observation space;
  • frame;
  • kneading spatula;
  • control panel, which shows the selected program, weight, degree of browning and cooking time;
  • ventilation;
  • accessories (measuring cup and spoon).

What criteria should you pay attention to when choosing a bread machine with a yeast-free bread function? First of all, to do this, answer the questions: how much bread is enough for your family, how often do you plan to bake, and where will the device be located.


The volume of the resulting product depends on the size of the equipment. For a small family, small-sized bread (450, 680 grams) is enough; for a family of 4-5 people, you can choose an appliance that can bake a loaf weighing more than 900 grams. If there is not enough space in the kitchen, pay attention to small-sized models. It is difficult to give clearer recommendations, because everything depends on the individual preferences of the family.


The performance of the unit also affects the weight of the product, the quality of the batch and the cooking time. The most popular models have higher power up to 1600 W. The higher this criterion, the faster the process of preparing the product will be.

Housing and container material

To reduce the cost of the device, manufacturers often make the case from plastic. At the same time, the weight of the device is reduced. The advantages of this material are obvious: plastic is easy to maintain, the appearance of the bread maker remains without stains or abrasions, and the device is easy to clean with a damp sponge. A case made of metal is more expensive, but has more durable characteristics, is resistant to high temperatures and is durable.

The baking container is made of stainless steel and aluminum with a non-stick Teflon coating. A stainless steel bowl requires more careful care. The disadvantages of using Teflon coating include easy damage from metal devices and low heat resistance. Therefore, it is better to choose a ceramic surface as a non-stick coating.

Advice! Choose a bucket with a quality non-stick coating and a shape with rounded corners.

Set of programs and options

The machine can have from 3 (quick cooking, dough kneading, baking) to 20 programs. Universal ovens with the function of preparing yeast-free bread can have the following modes:

  1. Baking several types of baked goods and buns: yeast-free baked goods, various types of bread, buns with additives, muffins, French baguette.
  2. Making yogurt and jam.
  3. Baking from several types of dough.
  4. Select the browning level for the crust.
  5. Preparation from ready-made dough.

In addition to the main programs, the bread maker is equipped with convenient functions:

  • a timer that delays the baking or kneading process for a certain period of time (6-12 hours);
  • a dispenser that adds various fillings to bread (raisins, nuts, spices);
  • child lock – the lid of the appliance cannot open during cooking;
  • protection against voltage surges;
  • program stop memory function.

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