Vacuum headphones – what are they, the main pros and cons, types of device

We often listen to music on the way to work, school and in other situations. Vacuum headphones are a device that is used for the comfort of music and audiobook lovers. This is a convenient option - compact and in most cases providing good sound quality.

Vacuum headphones - what are they?

The device is an intracanal device with a special nozzle. The name “vacuum” does not quite correspond to the principle of its operation, because it does not create low pressure or absolute tightness. The earpiece fits tightly against the walls of the ear canal, forming a closed space in which air does not circulate. There are other names for this device:

  • headphones;
  • in-ear headphones;
  • plug-in devices.

Which headphones are better - vacuum or in-ear?

Both options have their pros and cons. Earbuds are regular headphones shaped like tablets. Choosing a model is an individual matter, and to make it easier, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the characteristics of each option in comparison according to certain criteria.

  1. Dimensions
    . In-ear headphones are portable, compact, and lightweight. They are convenient to use on the road, while walking or jogging. In this parameter, the earbuds are not inferior to them.
  2. Sound quality, noise isolation
    . The vacuum version is immersed deep into the ear canal, thanks to which it is possible to drown out external sounds, therefore improving the sound quality.
  3. Hearing safety
    . Inserts are considered more loyal in this regard. They create less pressure in the ear canal than earplugs. In order not to provoke headaches or discomfort, you should not use vacuum headphones for several hours in a row and listen to music loudly.
  4. Convenience
    . If the size of vacuum headphones is chosen correctly, then wearing them will not cause discomfort. At the same time, many users experience inconvenience from the fact that the device falls out of their ears. The level of attachment reliability of in-ear headphones is higher than that of earbuds.
  5. Price
    . It depends on the manufacturer and quality of the headphones. Vacuum models are considered more expensive, but their cost may be lower than the price of high-quality liners with good technical characteristics.


In-ear headphones, popularly called shells. For quite a long time they were the most common type of headphones, especially for portable ones. But the noisy world has forced many to switch to plugs.

I don’t know how they look like shells. Rather, the following picture fits this name better:

But let's get back to the topic. Today there are also many supporters of this performance. Probably, the love for this type of headphones is partly due to the products of the well-known Apple company.

By and large, their EarPods, like AirPods ( review ), are also more shells than plugs.

1.1 Comfort

As the name suggests, headphones are placed in the ear. To ensure greater tightness, some manufacturers use rubber rings. To reduce irritation of the ear with hard plastic, foam tips are used.

With or without pads, these headphones cannot boast of noise isolation, so in most of these headphones you will hear most of what is happening around you, and you will probably listen to the tracks on your player with others.

Another problem of this type is that headphones do not always match the size and structure of your ear. This leads to the fact that for some the headphones are too small and fall out, while for others they crush...

1.2 Sound

Such headphones usually have a dynamic driver with a diameter of 10-15 mm. Previously, when similar current headphones appeared, due to the lack or high cost of production technologies for such small speakers, their mid frequencies were very high.

Given the loose fit of the headphones to the ear, low and high frequencies suffered even more. This even led to sound engineers artificially increasing low and high frequencies when recording music.

Also in fashion was the V-shaped equalizer setting, which today in many equalizers is referred to as “Rock”. And all because rock music has a lot of midrange frequencies. And there were already plenty of them in the shells.

Now we have already learned how to make high-quality speakers even in smaller sizes. However, the problem of a loose fit has not gone away, so today manufacturers are trying to make a dip in the mid frequencies and raise the low and high frequencies.

1.3 Portability

The headphones definitely have no problems with this. They easily fit both in your pocket and in other small secluded places. I wouldn't recommend wearing headphones anywhere. Small debris can get into their holes, which will ruin their life and yours.

Vacuum headphones - pros and cons

The device has many advantages:

  1. Lightweight, small size
    . You can even carry them in your pocket, having the opportunity to use them at any appropriate moment.
  2. Variety
    . There are several types of devices, including wireless earbuds - one of the most convenient models.
  3. Good sound insulation, high sound quality
  4. Versatility
    . Vacuum headphones have a standard connection connector, so they can be inserted into any gadget - player, phone, radio, tablet, laptop, and so on.

The plugs also have disadvantages:

  1. Good sound insulation is considered both an advantage and a disadvantage of the device - muffling sounds from the outside can be dangerous when you are on the street.
  2. Long-term use of in-ear headphones can lead to hearing problems due to the creation of pressure in the ear canals and lack of air circulation in them.
  3. Discomfort when wearing if the device is of the wrong size.
  4. High price.

Types of emitter design

Regardless of the design, headphones can be equipped with different types of emitters. Based on this criterion, a classification is used in which five types of devices are distinguished. Overlay models are usually dynamic. In-channel - only reinforcement. Full-size equipment is produced in three types. There is no single correct choice; each option has its own characteristics.


This type of emitter is only used for models that are inserted into the ear canal. The design is based on a magnetic circuit similar in shape to the letter “P”. An armature with a coil is placed in the magnetic field, and a diffuser is attached to it. When current is applied to the coil, the armature transmits movement to the diffuser. This design provides crisp and clear sound.

reinforcement headphone device


This type of device is the most common. The operating principle is based on the electrodynamic type of transformation. The design of the dynamic variety involves the presence of a membrane with a coil of wire connected to it. The membrane is affected by the field created by the magnet under the influence of alternating current. From the point of view of signal reproduction, this design is not without its drawbacks, but it is constantly being improved, and this improves sound quality.

dynamic emitter circuit


These devices belong to the Hi-End class. This is professional equipment; stores that sell household-type models do not sell such expensive products. The operating principle is based on the presence of a thin membrane, which is placed between two electrodes. The part moves under the influence of high current, which is how sound vibrations occur. These headphones provide high quality sound. However, they are expensive. The package includes a large amplifier.

operating principle of electrostatic emitters

Planar (isodynamic, orthodynamic)

This headphone design has several names. The device is based on a Hale emitter, which was patented in the USA at the end of the last century. Its work is based on the use of a rectangular membrane, which is made from Teflon film. Aluminum coating is applied to the surface of the membrane, but not in an even layer, but in the form of strips. This structure is placed between two high-field magnets. Under the influence of current, the plate produces vibrations that can be detected by the human ear. This gives high accuracy of signal reproduction.

Diagram of planar emitters

A variation of this design is orthodynamic devices. If in the standard version the membrane is made rectangular, then in these models the part has a round shape.

Vacuum headphones - types

The device comes in two types:

  1. Vacuum wired headphones
    . This is the most common type of device, connected to an audio device via a wire.
  2. Wireless device
    . These can be vacuum Bluetooth headphones, devices with radio communication or an infrared port. This type of device is wireless.

Wired vacuum headphones

This device is used more often, having the following advantages:

  • high sound quality due to its direct transmission;
  • reliability of connection and connection to the gadget;
  • good volume due to the high level of sensitivity of the device;
  • affordable price.

IEMs (In-Ear-Canalphone) headphones, as they are also called, also have disadvantages:

  • there is a risk of damage to the wire;
  • inconvenience during use, for example, when playing sports - the wires get caught and get tangled in clothes.

Wireless vacuum headphones

The advantages of this type of device are:

  • due to the absence of a wire, they are less likely to fail;
  • ease of use;
  • functionality, because often such devices have additional options (voice control, heart rate monitor, pedometer, and so on).

Wireless in-ear headphones also have some disadvantages:

  • limited operating time - the device has to be charged regularly;
  • Over time, the need to replace the battery arises;
  • not ideal sound quality;
  • high price.

Types of headphones by connection type

Depending on how the signal is transmitted and how the device is connected to the source, there are two types of equipment and a hybrid variety.


Wireless headphones

This category includes four types of devices:

  • infrared headphones;
  • radio models;
  • devices using Bluetooth;
  • models with Wi-Fi.

What these varieties have in common is the absence of tangled wires, which ensures user comfort. There are hybrid models - the user decides whether to connect the wire or not. An example of a wireless device is an AirPods. Other brands copy the designs and technologies that Apple uses for their models. Airpods and other wireless “droplets” are equipped with cases (cases) for charging.

And some expand the functionality of “apples”. And they create headphones that are much cooler, but 4 times cheaper.

We are talking about Vadim Bokov, a young entrepreneur from Tyumen, who received the nickname “Tyumen Elon Musk” for his entrepreneurial talent. His Tyumen CGPods broke all wireless headphone sales rankings in 2021, surpassing even the mega-popular Huawei.

CGPods have spacious and pleasant sound, effective noise insulation, and high autonomy - 20 hours (exactly like Apple AirPods). The main feature of CGPods, which expensive “apples” do not have, is reliable moisture protection. Tyumen headphones can be washed under the tap to remove sweat and dirt. With CGPods you can walk in the rain, take a shower and swim in the pool.

Another feature of Tyumen CGPods is unique cases:

  • The CGPods 5.0 case is made of professional aircraft grade aluminum (just like a Boeing!). The case can withstand 220 kg - it’s safe to step on or sit on it. And the “apple” case can withstand only 84 kg!
  • The CGPods Lite case is the world's smallest case. The lid clicks nicely when closing - the sound is just like bubble wrap. A real anti-stress case!

Tyumen CGPods are sold only online. Without intermediaries and stores like M.Video, which increase prices by 2-3 times! 3,500 rubles is an honest direct price from the manufacturer.

The disadvantage of wireless headphones is the delay of a few milliseconds. For listening to music or participating in a conference, this does not matter. But such models cannot be used for sound recording.



Even new wireless headphones may experience a slight delay. Wired models are distinguished by clear playback and stable operation. The wire restricts the user's freedom of movement. But brands produce models with long cables and even additional extension cords.

How to choose vacuum headphones?

It will help to do this by taking into account a number of parameters when purchasing. When choosing the best vacuum headphones, pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Technical specifications
    . The frequency range, the standard of which is 18-20 kHz, and the sound sensitivity, the standard of which is at least 100 dB, deserve attention.
  2. Wire length
    . The optimal indicator is 80-120 cm. The length of the cable determines how convenient it will be to use vacuum wired headphones.
  3. Connector
    _ Pay attention to whether it has a coating that protects the device from oxidation and corrosion.
  4. Availability of additional functions, options, accessories
    . For example, if you need a device primarily for communicating on the phone, then vacuum headphones with a microphone would be a good choice. If it is necessary for the device to be compatible with Apple gadgets, the instructions must contain a corresponding note. Many users pay special attention to the design of the device, making it part of their image. Others pay more attention to functionality - for example, gamers will look for vacuum gaming headphones.
  5. Availability of warranty period
  6. Manufacturer
    . There are brands that have proven themselves to be the best, and if you don’t want to take risks, it’s better to stick with their products.

Vacuum headphone tips

Depending on the material from which they are made, they can be:

  1. Acrylic
    . They fit securely in the ear canal, but put a lot of pressure on it, which can cause discomfort.
  2. Foam
    . These models are distinguished by good sealing and the creation of a soft, pleasant sound.
  3. Silicone headphones
    . The most common and budget option. The sound quality in them is worse than in foam models.

Depending on the size of the nozzle there are:

  1. Universal
    , having protrusions that allow the fit to be adjusted.
  2. Size-dependent
    – ​​nozzles of different sizes, from which the user chooses the best option.

Connection method

Music lovers don't like wireless headphones because they weaken and distort the sound. But it’s not very often that we can allow ourselves to relax and listen to music while sitting in a cozy chair. More often it serves as a pleasant accompaniment in our daily activities, performing which we move around the house. And a wireless device is convenient in this case. It can work via infrared, radio, or Bluetooth.

Which wireless headphones are best?

Infrared connection is already outdated and extremely rare. The signal is of poor quality and is interrupted when there is any obstacle between the base and the headphones.

Bluetooth headphones operate within a radius of 10–12 m and can sound very decent. Especially if they are equipped with noise reduction options and other technologies that improve the signal.

The radio signal is not afraid of obstacles in the form of walls. Wi-Fi headphones can operate within a radius of up to 100 m and provide good sound quality over a wide range (but, of course, not budget models).

How to choose headphones with wires?

Of course, pay attention to the wires themselves. They can have a round or flat cross-section. Flat cables are less likely to get tangled, which means they last longer. Studio headphones often have a coiled cable that resembles a spring. It stretches to a great length, allowing a certain freedom of movement, but does not get tangled when you are close to the sound source. Asymmetrical wires in miniature headphones are convenient because the longer one can be thrown around your neck when you are not listening to music.

The fabric braid of the cable is stronger than silicone.

Vacuum headphones - rating 2021

It will be interesting to know which models users choose. Here are the best in-ear headphones, according to many:

  1. Beyerdynamic Byron BTA
    . The device is equipped with a microphone and is valued for its excellent sound, ease of use, and durability.
  2. Meizu EP51
    . A reliable device with an affordable price and good sound.
  3. Sony MDR-XB50AP
    . The model is a headset for a smartphone, has good bass sound and low cost.
  4. Vacuum headphones JBL T110BT
    . A mid-price wireless option, equipped with a microphone, with rich sound.
  5. Xiaomi Hybrid Dual Drivers Earphones
    . A budget model of good quality, there is a microphone, dynamic and armature driver.
  6. Panasonic RP-HJE125
    . One of the best budget devices with good sound.
  7. Shure SE425
    . The model is not cheap, but it is wear-resistant and has the purest sound.

Acoustic design of headphones

Closed headphones

Identifying closed-back headphones is not at all difficult. There is not a single hole or slot on their body. This usually allows for better isolation from external noise, but in the city such headphones can be more dangerous.

There is also an opinion that closed headphones are more dangerous to health, since they have a greater impact on the eardrum, but this opinion has been refuted many times.

As always, any technology has pros and cons. The closed design has good sound insulation.

It is also worth noting that closed headphones can be of any type and with any type of emitter. The same applies to open-back headphones.

Open headphones

It’s not difficult to guess that open headphones are the opposite of closed ones. That is, there are holes or slots on their body to make the membrane less dependent on the pressure inside and the penetration of external sound inside. Sometimes this is a side effect, and sometimes it is the opposite by design.

The holes on the body are different.

An evolutionary continuation of open headphones can be considered headphones with a microphone on the outer part of the body, which allows you to turn on the transparency mode and hear everything that happens outside without removing the headphones. There you can even combine the advantages of closed and open design. The user will choose what he needs.

How to wear vacuum headphones?

The sound quality and service life of the device depend on the correctness of this process. First you need to learn how to put on vacuum headphones correctly:

  1. Bring the device to your ear and gently push it into the ear canal using your finger.
  2. Use your other hand to pull back the lobe while continuing to push the device.
  3. When the earphone no longer fits easily into the ear canal, release the earlobe. While pushing it, be careful not to cause pain.

Follow important guidelines for wearing vacuum headphones:

  • periodically change the attachments of the device - they become dirty and wear out over time;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations when wearing the device is a reason to change the attachments or the device itself;
  • do not let others wear your vacuum headphones;
  • regularly clean the device from dust and dirt;
  • remove the device carefully - lightly grasp it by the wires and pull.

Decide why you need headphones

Headphones, like any gadget, are bought for specific tasks and purposes. You need to understand when and how you will use them. The choice of headphone type depends on the usage scenarios.

For home and office

For use at work and at home, full-size headsets are usually purchased, which provide full coverage of the auricle and the most comfortable fit on the head. This type is ideal for long-term listening to music.

You can also consider over-ear headphones, which, due to their smaller earcups, are usually more compact than full-size ones. They do not wrap around the auricle, but are placed on top. A striking example is Meizu HD50.

The most popular among office headphones are closed acoustic models. They have better sound insulation, so your music will not be heard by others. The open type is suitable for home use. These headphones have holes on the outside of the ear cups that allow sound vibrations to travel in the same way as in a natural environment, making the sound more realistic.

When choosing over-ear or on-ear headphones, don't underestimate the importance of ear pad material. Velor or even synthetics make your ears not sweat as much as faux or natural leather.

For the city

For simple walks, it is quite possible to use the previously mentioned on-ear headphones. But if we are talking about traveling on the subway and traveling on other public transport, then the best choice would be in-ear headphones, also called earbuds. They are compact, extremely convenient to use and do not create problems when moving in a dense stream of people. Xiaomi Hybrid Pro HD can be called one of the best in terms of price and quality ratio.

Headphones of this type are usually complemented by silicone ear pads of various sizes, so that each user can choose the right one. Also very popular are tips made of porous foam, which, heated by body heat, adapt to the human ear canal. Compared to silicone ones, they are less durable, but they hardly distort the sound.

The braid of the wire also plays an important role. One of the most practical is fabric, like, for example, the Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H5. This prevents the wire from tangling and reduces the risk of damage due to accidental pulling.

Separately, we can highlight completely wireless headphones like Apple AirPods. Accessories of this type provide maximum freedom of movement, but their price is quite high. In addition, there is a high risk of simply losing them.

For Sport

For running and the gym, in-ear wireless headsets are typically used. They may have neck-mounted arms or ear pads with hooks for better fixation inside the ear or on its outer part, as is the case with Xiaomi Mi Sports.

Many of these headsets are protected from sweat and even complete immersion under water, which allows you to swim without interrupting your favorite music.

Recently, Bluetooth sports headphones have increasingly been equipped with sensors to track physical activity, as is the case with the Jabra Sport Pulse. Such headsets allow you to replace the usual fitness trackers, but they are also much more expensive than their classic counterparts.

For traveling

If you fly often and like to listen to music on the road, it makes sense to consider a headset with active noise cancellation. Most often these are large full-size headphones that can be either wired or wireless. Their ability to block out external sounds allows you to immerse yourself in your favorite music, even if a restless child is sitting next to you.

An important feature of travel headsets is their foldable design. It allows the headphones to take up much less space and reduces the risk of damage when transporting in a bag. Expensive models are often supplemented with a hard case for better protection.

For games

The choice of gamers is full-size, over-ear headphones with a built-in or detachable microphone. An important criterion when choosing is the presence of surround sound technology, like some Creative Sound BlasterX models. Simulating a 5.1 or even 7.1 configuration will be a big advantage in 3D action games, where you often have to navigate in space by ear.

Most gaming headphones have a long, 2-meter wire. It is important that it has a reliable braid and rigid bulges at the plugs, eliminating kinks and possible breaks.

Noise reduction is also an important parameter. In this case, this applies to both headphones and a microphone, so that you are not distracted by external factors and can be heard well.

What to do if vacuum headphones fall out of your ears?

Here are a few life hacks that will help you cope with this trouble:

  1. Carry the device with the wire facing up. Many models have a design that suggests only this way of using them. Even if you have a different option, you can wear them this way, but in some cases you have to swap the right and left earbuds.
  2. The reason why vacuum headphones fall out of your ears may be that the cord is too long or that it is not secured. In both cases, a special clothespin will help, with which the wire can be attached to clothing.
  3. The headphones fit better if the wire is thrown over the back of the neck.
  4. Over time, the ear tips wear out, causing them to fit unreliably in the ear canal and fall out. This is a reason to replace them.

Headphone housing design

As a rule, headphones are divided into four types based on their housing design.


Regular earbuds are familiar to everyone.

This type is known to everyone from inexpensive smartphones and old players. Previously, before the advent of other options, these were the most common headphones. Nowadays they can be found mainly on tour buses and other places where individual headphones, which cost a little more than 12 kopecks, need to be handed out.

The main disadvantage will be the low sound quality in inexpensive models and poor insulation from external noise. Because of this, the sound quality will suffer even more. At the same time, if such headphones are made well, then in a quiet room they will sound relatively good.

A variety of such headphones can be called analogues that gained popularity after the release of EarPods. They are often bundled with OPPO smartphones and sold in inexpensive stores.


In-ear headphones are the most popular.

In-ear headphones, also known as earbuds or earbuds, began to gain popularity a little over 10 years ago and have since become the most common way to listen to music for billions of people.

The main advantages of this type of headphones include high sound quality, good protection from external noise and pronounced bass. The only downside will be individual intolerance. I personally heard an opinion about such headphones, which boiled down to the fact that a person does not like it when a finger is stuck in the ear. To each his own what can be said.

For greater convenience, we can advise you to try changing the ear pads (the same rubber part that goes into the ear). Typically, a set comes in three sizes, but some manufacturers include up to a dozen options, and the most expensive models are even equipped with different types of ear pads - rubber, silicone, foam, and so on.

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I used these headphones for a long time until I switched to other options. Although I still carry wireless in-ear headphones with me. They are especially convenient for use during sports.


Not everyone loves on-ear headphones, but they also have fans.

On-ear headphones are quite common among those who do not want to insert something into their ear. The essence of such headphones is that two headphones are applied to the ears, connected to each other by a headband. There are relatively inexpensive models of decent quality.

Among the main design differences between these headphones, one can note the presence in more expensive versions of a comfortable soft headband and soft ear pads (the part that is adjacent to the ear). There are also differences in sound quality and, as a rule, they directly depend on the cost of the headphones. The rule “the more expensive, the even better” generally works here.

What many people don’t like most about these headphones is that they put pressure on the ear, which becomes very tired even after a short time of use. I am one of those people and prefer to refrain from using this type of headphones.

Full size

Over-ear headphones either cover the entire ear or even fit it inside them.

This category is a little broader than it might seem at first glance. It is usually considered that full-size headphones are those that cover the entire ear, unlike on-ear headphones, but still rest on it, and not on the head, placing the ear entirely inside itself.

The second option is sometimes called monitor-based, but I have a different opinion, which is becoming increasingly common lately. According to this opinion, monitor headphones do not stand out as a separate group and also belong to full-size. Here, as you like, but they are really closer to the full-size subtype. I myself mostly use these Bose QC35II headphones. They are good because they do not put pressure on the ear and allow you to use them comfortably for a long time.

Another advantage of such headphones will be higher sound quality. The membrane of earbuds and plugs usually has a size of about 10 mm, overhead ones up to 20 mm, and full-size ones about 30 mm. Some professional models even go up to 70 mm.

Bone conduction headphones

This type of headphones can hardly even be called headphones. They are simply applied to the skull in the temple area and transmit vibrations to the bone. The principle of operation is based on the fact that we hear part of the sound not with our ears, but with vibrations of the skull, which are transmitted to the inner ear.

It seems like there are headphones, but it seems like there aren’t. But there is still sound.

Such headphones have not gained wide popularity, although they allow for greater safety, for example, when riding a bicycle. When using them, an interesting effect is achieved when the sound seems to come from the head. That is, he is simply there and that’s all. It feels very unusual.

While we're talking about headphones, here's a selection of the best smartphones for listening to music in 2021.

Sometimes such headphones are used by the military in conjunction with systems that read vibrations of the larynx. Such means of communication do not provide high quality, but they have their advantages, which can be important during battle or special operations.

How to clean vacuum headphones?

This can be easily done at home:

  1. Combine 3-5 ml of water and alcohol.
  2. Gently dip the bottom of the headphones into the solution for 2-3 minutes.
  3. After removing the device, wipe it with a dry cloth to remove dirt.
  4. You can put on ear muffs 2 hours after the procedure.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide for cleaning, following the same procedure as with alcohol, but you need to leave the device in the solution for 15-20 minutes. If you need to clean the device quickly, you can use the same products, and clean it with a cotton swab or a toothpick with cotton wool wrapped around it. It is recommended to use the latter option when cleaning the mesh and small grooves.

How to disassemble vacuum headphones?

Sometimes such a need arises, for example, to repair vacuum headphones.

  1. Remove the ear pads. More often they are attached with latches that can be easily removed. If they are additionally glued, you need to use a knife with a thin blade.
  2. Unscrew the screws of the device case and remove the speaker.
  3. Unsolder the speaker if it needs to be replaced.
  4. Unscrew the remaining screws if you need to completely disassemble the device.

Vacuum headphones are easy to use, portable, compact, ready to be at hand at any time, which is why they are popular. If you choose and wear them correctly, they will last a long time. If the device breaks down and begins to cause discomfort when worn, do not rush to say goodbye to it - in most cases it can be fixed.

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