What to do if the meat in the refrigerator is rotten - 9 simple recipes to get rid of the smell

We often encounter such a common problem when food begins to spoil, but we are not able to remove it right now: various business trips, unexpected guests and other inconveniences.

Most often this product is meat or fish, the smell of which lingers in the refrigerator and apartment for a long time. What to do about it and what to do is described in this article.

How to remove the stench from spoiled meat using improvised means?

There are many ways described on the Internet to get rid of the smell of rotten meat, but not all of these methods are effective and help cope with the problem.

Advice! Surely every housewife has vinegar, mustard and soda in her house - these are some of those folk remedies that cope well with the task.


This caustic and odorous substance, as we can see, helps in many similar situations: removing the most difficult stains on clothes, treating surfaces in the house, cooking, where it reacts with soda.

In other words, it can be used in many ways. If after cleaning the refrigerator the unpleasant smell still bothers you, you can prepare a vinegar solution.

You just need to dilute one spoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Take any cloth and soak it in the resulting solution, then go over the entire surface of the refrigerator, paying special attention to the shelves, walls and trays where spoiled food was stored. When finished, open the refrigerator doors and leave to ventilate for a couple of hours.

If the smell of rotten meat is too strong, then in its place you can put a cloth soaked in vinegar for a while, and then wash off the residue with water.

Important! Highly concentrated vinegar can damage the enamel and plastic of household appliances, so carefully read the acidity percentage.

This article will tell you how to clean a refrigerator with vinegar.

Citric acid or lemon

If you don’t have vinegar on hand, it didn’t help in this situation, or the stench still remains in the apartment, then you can use citric acid or lemon itself instead - it doesn’t really matter which of these two, it all depends on the availability of fruit in your refrigerator .

We work according to the same scheme as with vinegar. You need to take a glass of water, then add a teaspoon of citric acid or lemon juice. After thoroughly stirring the resulting solution, you need to apply it to a napkin and wipe the surfaces of the refrigerator.

The remaining lemon can be cut into a couple of slices and placed in the refrigerator to completely neutralize the odor for two or three days. Sometimes you can use vodka instead of water; they say that this way the smell will go away faster and more effectively. The solution proportion is 1:10.

Citric acid will help clean the dishwasher, iron and coffee machine.


Hot spice can also help us get rid of stench and rotten smell, so it can be used as a neutralizer.

Application: moisten dry mustard (in powder form) and dilute in hot water. The sharper the aroma of the solution, the better it will work on the rotten smell. This mixture destroys bacteria and eliminates odors well.

Apply to all surfaces and leave for half an hour, then rinse off the residue with water. After this treatment there will no longer be a smell of rotten meat.

Potassium permangantsovka

A solution of potassium permanganate is perfect as a solution to this problem. You just need to make it in a slightly pink shade, not too concentrated so that the surface of the equipment does not become stained. A few crystals are enough for this. Leave the product for 1-2 hours, then rinse with water.

Soda solution

Baking soda absorbs odors very well, which is why it is often used as a neutralizer. Usually, an open pack is simply poured into a more suitable container - a plate or some other dish - and then left dry for two to three hours.

Why is soda sometimes diluted with water? In this form it is more effective. We work, in principle, as with other products; if the smell is not removed, then we will have to use other options. We carefully go over all surfaces, and then wash off the residue with water.

Advice! To quickly remove the disgusting smell of rotten meat products, pour soda into half a lemon or orange, from which the pulp has first been removed.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap can be found in every home; it easily kills bacteria and germs, leaves a neutral odor, and fights stench perfectly. You can apply it to a cloth and then go over each shelf and door. It is not recommended to leave it for a long time, otherwise the aroma of the disinfectant itself will appear, which will be strongly absorbed.

A more effective method: grate the piece on a coarse grater, then soak it in warm water. Lubricate the doors, shelves and drawers with the resulting mixture, leaving it like that for an hour and a half, then remove excess and stains with a damp cloth. This method can remove a slight meaty smell.

Refrigerator freshener

Recently, refrigerator fresheners have appeared on the market. Such products are found among household products, but they should not be confused with ordinary toilet fresheners. The filter can be attached or installed anywhere and emits the aroma of your choice. If the smell is not very strong, for example, industrial, then such a device will be effective and the chamber will stop smelling.

Homemade Refrigerator Flavor Recipes

Actually, flavoring will not get rid of the rotten smell. But it will help refresh the refrigerator compartment and mask the remaining amber. How to remove odor from a refrigerator at home? Periodically spray these flavors inside the unit.

Eucalyptus oil . Mix 20 drops of oil, 4 tablespoons of vodka. Shake it up. Dilute in 100 g of water. Pour into a spray bottle and spray inside the refrigerator. The spray bottle should be shaken before each use.

Cloves + cinnamon + lemon zest + apple peel . Pour boiling water over the mixture of these goodies and let it brew. When the infusion has cooled, strain and pour into a spray bottle. Sprayed inside the refrigerator.

In my opinion, to get rid of the smell in the refrigerator quickly at home, this cinnamon recipe needs to be seriously considered. I wouldn’t want all my borscht salads to smell like cinnamon. It can simply be removed from the composition. Or ignore the side effect and use it if you are completely tired of the ambergris.

How to eliminate using household chemicals?

When improvised means do not help, you have to turn to professional household chemicals. You just need to work with it as carefully as possible, wearing gloves. Modern chemistry can remove about 96% of contaminants. The main list of current remedies that, according to the majority on the Internet, help:


A strong detergent that can clean the refrigerator from any stain and remove the most disgusting odors. It contains no alkalis or various acids.


An affordable product for quickly cleaning a refrigerator, but despite all its shortcomings, it copes well with unpleasant odors.


Cleans surfaces efficiently without leaving streaks or foreign odors. The only drawback is that it is very difficult to find on sale.

What to do first?

If you feel an unpleasant odor, do not immediately grab a wet rag. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • pack spoiled meat in a plastic bag and throw it away;

  • disconnect the refrigerator from the power supply and leave it to defrost;
  • remove all food products and inspect them for spoilage;
  • throw away low-quality products - they may remain fresh, but having absorbed the smell of missing meat, they themselves will become its source;
  • butter, boiled potatoes, cooked cereals quickly absorb foreign aromas - you need to inspect the entire contents of the refrigerator;
  • all removable parts: shelves, drawers, containers must be removed and washed with warm water;
  • rinse and dry the seals - if blood gets on them, they will become a source of odor even after the refrigerator has been completely cleaned.

Particular attention should be paid to the shelf on which the missing product was located, as well as all plastic elements. They are treated using improvised means or specialized household chemicals.

How to remove amber from the freezer?

The consequences of rotten meat affect not only the refrigerator itself, but also the freezer, which, upon opening, obviously will not smell of roses and lavender (of course, if you yourself did not freeze the flowers right there).

Therefore, it is important to know that it is necessary to wash the freezer after disposing of spoiled food! And in the freezer itself, food can easily spoil: the door is not closed completely and the food has time to defrost, or the expiration date has expired again.

Advice! Pack in cling film, then the possibility of spoiling the product is minimal.

First of all, we disconnect the equipment from the network, and then remove all food from the freezer: various frozen vegetables, berries, meat, etc. Again, we analyze the full scale of the disaster and decide where attention is most needed.

For cleaning, it is best to use dishwashing detergent and a simple cloth and sponge. We carefully go over the entire surface, erasing all visible and invisible traces of food. Pay more attention to the pan - the place where all the water drains after defrosting.

To completely clean, wipe the inside with a vinegar solution and leave to air for an hour or two. Some housewives use citric acid or juice, which is also ideal.

Refrigerator Cleaning Instructions

Before eliminating the smell of rotten meat in the refrigerator, it is imperative to open all the windows in the apartment and, if possible, remove other people from the kitchen.

After all, the smell is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, since it is a sign of harmful microflora.

We must not forget that most of the mixtures used for washing refrigeration chambers can be harmful if they come into contact with the skin or eyes. Therefore, before cleaning you need to find hand protection and glasses.

Preparatory activities

Regardless of whether the meat in the refrigerator is rotten or something bad happened in the freezer, food will need to be removed from all compartments. Unplug the unit itself and defrost it.

Step-by-step instruction

After turning off the refrigerator you need to:

  1. Collect all moisture from internal surfaces. This can be done using wet wipes or a regular rag. The latter will have to be thrown away after such a procedure, because it will become saturated with rot and harmful microflora.
  2. Prepare a homemade cleaning solution or shake a bottle of store-bought solution.
  3. Apply the prepared cleaner to all internal surfaces of the refrigerator. Distribute the product evenly using a sponge or microfiber cloth.
  4. When using an industrial product, close the unit; if using the traditional method, leave the doors open.
  5. Wash off any residue after a few hours and let it dry completely. The access of air inside the chambers cannot be stopped, so the doors must remain open.

If the smell persists after the procedure, you will need to repeat it 2-3 times.
First, you should try folk remedies for cleaning the refrigerator. If these methods fail to remove the smell from the refrigerator after rotten meat, you will need to purchase a special cleaning gel or spray. Several approaches may be required, they should be carried out at intervals of 2-3 hours.

Prevention Tips

In order for such incidents to happen as rarely as possible, it is necessary to follow a number of prevention recommendations:

  • Products with strong odors should be stored tightly closed or wrapped in film.
  • Wipe up any spilled liquid (milk, juice, broth, etc.) immediately, and do not put it off until general cleaning.
  • Check the overall freshness of food every three days, more often in hot weather. This will help you avoid rotten meat, fruits and vegetables, and identify sour milk by removing it from the refrigerator in time.
  • Wash old refrigerators once a month, with a self-defrosting system - once every six months.

Fresheners and absorbers

In the household chemicals department you can find special absorbers of unpleasant odors. They are divided into several varieties:

  • Egg-shaped . They cope with the stench and act as a temperature indicator.
  • Ball . Round plastic boxes filled with silica gel granules. They absorb excess moisture and absorb odors. This is the most budget option for air fresheners.
  • With dispenser . Devices with carbon filters that need to be replaced every month.
  • Battery powered ionizers . They not only refresh, but also disinfect the air in the compartments of the device. The effectiveness of the devices has been confirmed by users, but such devices are not cheap. To maintain freshness, it is enough to place the ionizer in the chamber for 10-15 minutes every day.
  • Absorbent gel . Quickly absorbs and eliminates stench. The absorber is installed on one of the shelves of the refrigerator door or attached with Velcro, provided in some models.

Products with chlorine

  • "White"
  • "Nithinol"
  • "Pemolux"

Plus: quite effective. Minus: they stink of chlorine. May whiten surfaces.

Household chemicals

  • "Fairy"
  • "Domestos"
  • "Mr. Proper with Lemon"

Plus: very effective. Disadvantage: needs to be washed thoroughly.

Professional odor absorbers

And there are situations when none of the listed methods work, or you don’t want to waste time and effort on washing the shelves when they are clean, but you need to remove the smell.

In such cases, odor neutralizers are used - they are also professional absorbers that do their job in not too long a time. They vary in composition, type and period of time, but they always do an excellent job of eliminating the stench from the refrigerator.

Important! Although many still confuse odor absorbers with simple air fresheners, which makes the situation even worse: instead of removing the smell, they simply “mask” it, and sometimes they are simply mixed with an unpleasant stench.

Absorbers with activated charcoal

Absorbers with a similar composition are very easy to use. Activated carbon is able to eliminate odors such as garlic, rotten foods, onions and cheese, making such absorbers very popular.

In order to eliminate odors, you simply need to open the protective layer (they are usually sold in small plastic boxes) and place it in a convenient place in the refrigerator where it will not be particularly in the way: be it a door or a shelf.

After some time (usually it takes from 3 to 7 hours), the stench should completely disappear. It can be used for a month, but overuse is not recommended.

The main advantages of this option: the price is not too high, especially since it does not take much effort and time.

Mineral absorbents

The gel absorber is made of safe mineral and carbon adsorbents, is environmentally friendly, and is designed to eliminate unpleasant odors in the refrigerator compartment.

Important! Thanks to their interesting shape, gel balls allow air to circulate freely, thereby speeding up the process of absorbing unpleasant odors by half compared to other absorbers.

The main service life is 1.5 months, it must be fixed on a convenient surface inside the refrigerator, the effect appears after 3-5 hours. Main advantages: quick effect and long shelf life.

Absorber with silica gel

It is often used not only in the kitchen, but also in the toilet, bathroom, and other places where the smell is not the most pleasant. It is suitable for eliminating the stench from the refrigeration chamber, but no better than the same onion, which we will talk about a little later.

The silica gel used here is a dried gel. But it is also dangerous because it is extremely explosive and fire hazardous, so most products are used exclusively in bathrooms: there is only water and there is no threat of high temperature. In its simple form, silica gel is dangerous to health, in particular to the lungs, but in absorbers this disadvantage is completely neutralized.

Sold in small bags, shaped like a small ball, we often see them in new shoes, which is why it looks identical in everyday life. They buy it in portions, that is, not one or two bags, but five to ten pieces per refrigerator size; for an average one, five is enough. The absorber is changed every three weeks.

Multifunctional ozonizer

Scientists have proven that at low temperatures bacteria simply slow down their reproduction, but they have also proven that ozone destroys all types of viruses and bacteria, which is why the multifunctional ozonator has become popular in the world.

Attention! This technique also saturates vegetables and fruits with oxygen, complementing them with a brighter taste, and also neutralizes pesticides, chlorine, toxic chemicals, parasites and simpler microorganisms.

The ozonator easily copes with the problem of unpleasant odors; one ozonation session is enough. It doesn’t take up much space in the refrigerator—about the size of a yoghurt box—and it runs on batteries that need to be changed once a month, which is quite beneficial. Works without power supply.

Do you use odor absorbers?

Not really

Why does meat spoil in the refrigerator: storage errors

The main cause of odor from spoiled meat is bacteria. They are part of the “normal” microflora, but when the product spoils, they begin to actively multiply, which causes an unpleasant aroma. In this case, the smell appears faster if:

  • The seal of the container with vacuum packaging or gaseous medium is broken.
  • The ultra-low temperature chamber, where food is stored for months, was partially defrosted.
  • The meat “suffocated” in a bag placed in the refrigerator compartment.

The main storage mistake is failure to meet deadlines.

Fresh product can be kept in a regular chamber for no longer than a day, in a freezer - no more than 3 months.

When storing raw meat in the refrigerator, remove it from the bag and wrap it in parchment paper.

What home remedies can you put inside?

If the smell is not too strong, and you are too lazy or unable to tinker with the above procedures, then you can use one of the “grandmother’s” methods, available at home almost everywhere. To eliminate mild bad odors, you can use the most common products that are probably found in every home.

Activated carbon

As previously reported: activated carbon can actually eliminate unpleasant odors from cheeses, onions and garlic. Try placing a plate of crushed activated carbon tablets on it for five hours, after which you may notice at least some difference. Can be used instead of a charcoal absorber, but this option is less effective.

Rye bread

Believe it or not, this is also an effective method to get rid of a slight stench in the refrigerator. After cutting it into equal slices, place one on each shelf, and then come back after three to four hours. Of course, the larger the refrigerator, the more baking you will need.

Coffee for flavoring

As you know, coffee has pleasant aromatic properties, but in addition it perfectly absorbs terrible odors. Pour the grains into an open jar or large plate, then refrigerate for 3-4 hours. Coffee will absorb all the bad odors, replacing them with its own aroma.


Surprisingly, this fragrant vegetable, which often brings cooks to tears, is actually capable of eliminating unpleasant odors. It's all about its skin, which perfectly absorbs the stench.

Just don’t rely too much on this option, because it will only work with a slight smell. Peel it and cut it into slices, leave it in this state in the refrigerator for several hours.

Important! Natural absorbents must be changed every three days.

Citrus peel

After eating an orange or lemon, do not rush to throw away the peel, because it can be used as a neutralizer. Citrus peels have an interesting ability to “absorb” foreign odors, making them great as a natural absorbent.

Advice! You need to place the peel on a plate, leaving it on a shelf in the refrigerator for about 5 hours, after which the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Do you use home remedies for refrigerator odors?

Not really

As we have already understood, there are many ways to get rid of unpleasant odors in our refrigerator. Some of them work great, while others cope only with less difficulty, although we still prefer household appliances.

In order to have fewer and fewer such cases, you need to follow simple recommendations, and then there will be no need for vinegar with potassium permanganate.

Flavor Eaters

If you managed to get rid of the cause of the unpleasant smell from the refrigerator, or you don’t have time for this, you can try to remove it. to do this use the following:

Activated carbon

Grind 3-4 packs of activated carbon into powder. Place it in a large container, such as a plate, or a plastic container. The carbon powder should cover as much area as possible.

Activated carbon absorbs volatile substances well and absorbs unpleasant odors. Over time, of course, its effectiveness will decrease. But as a quick solution, this is a good option.

Black bread

Place crusts of dry black bread on all shelves, drawers and compartments. It absorbs odors well. When the bread becomes a little damp to the touch, it’s time to throw it away.

Plain paper

You need to roll small balls out of thick paper and place them on all shelves and in all drawers. Paper absorbs odors along with moisture well. You need to change the balls when they become damp to the touch.

Sodium bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate is regular baking soda. To remove the smell of missing food, onions or garlic from the refrigerator, pour 3-4 tablespoons of soda into a tea saucer or bowl. She absorbs the smell. When the baking soda becomes damp, change it.

Coffee and tea

Another way to get rid of bad smell in the refrigerator is to use ground coffee or tea. Pour it into a saucer and place it on the bottom shelf. Dry ground coffee and small-leaf tea perfectly absorb odors.

Homemade Refrigerator Odor Absorber Recipes

How to get rid of the rotten smell in the refrigerator completely? Place an absorber or odor neutralizer into a clean unit. Here are some effective home recipes from women's forums.

  • Pour 9% undiluted table vinegar into the bottle. Place the bottle open on the shelf.
  • Pour undiluted boric alcohol into a spray bottle and spray generously inside the unit. Try to get into all the holes and cracks. Close the door and wait 2-3 hours. Wipe with a clean damp cloth and ventilate with the door open.
  • Treat the internal surfaces with the pharmaceutical preparation Formidron.
  • Rub the interior surfaces with tar soap.
  • Wipe the inside of the “white friend” with alcohol 3-4 times a day for 5 days.
  • Place several peeled potatoes in different places. Close the unit and leave it overnight.
  • Place a loaf of black bread, cut into 4 pieces.
  • Wipe the cracks and rubber seals with fresh onion juice, sparing neither the refrigerator nor the juice.
  • Fill containers and boxes with wads of newspaper paper. Change it several times during the week.
  • Place a cup of dry loose tea on the shelf.
  • Wipe the refrigerator with a sponge and toothpaste.

Yes! Some of these tips are really labor-intensive and you become mentally sour even while reading the advice.

But! But they help. And the refrigerator won't stink. And you don't have to buy a new one.


Galina Mikhailovna Chelyabinsk

It’s better to throw away such meat immediately. It wasn't enough to feed a family like that.

Semenovich P.S. 46 l

Everything is correct. Why scatter food? What difference does it make, everything will be digested there.

Svetlana T. 25 years old, Kirov region

There is another way to treat with sour milk. In general, everything is correct. Sometimes you can’t see it, but it leaks and the smell starts. I will know now what to do.

(Visited 420 times, 420 visits today)


Really effective cleaning solutions

Generations of experience allow us to compile a whole list of cleaning tricks.

  • A tablespoon of baking soda added to 3 liters of water can work a miracle. It will save you from dirty stains, mold, hand marks, and return the whiteness of the surface and transparency to the containers. A safe method for all surfaces, which our grandmothers used.
  • Dilute half a glass of 9% vinegar in 3 liters of water, wash the refrigerator compartment, and the smell of rotten meat is gone.
  • A couple of spoons of planed, soaked laundry soap in 3 liters of necessarily heated water will also get rid of traces of the presence of fish and greasy streaks. You just have to rinse the surfaces well to remove the soap.
  • Wash the walls of the chamber with water with the addition of ammonia (1 tablespoon per 5 liters of water) and leave the chamber open for several hours to ventilate.
  • Use an alcohol solution with lemon to disinfect and flavor. Wipe the walls and containers with a 10:1 mixture of vodka and lemon.

Don't forget to wear gloves to avoid damaging your skin.

If, after drying the equipment, you have not achieved the desired effect, use guerrilla fighting methods and folk methods.

Do not use acidic compounds to clean metal surfaces. This can lead to loss of shine and darkening.

Other methods

When figuring out how to remove an unpleasant odor in a new refrigerator, you need to remember the first cleaning after purchase, good ventilation and isolation of products from each other. If you need to eliminate the smell in an old unit, do a general cleaning in the kitchen and an inspection in the refrigerator. With intensive use, it may be necessary to clean the drain tube with special detergents.

Timely cleaning will keep the equipment fresh and operational.

We remove the smell from the meat itself

It happens that the meat has just begun to deteriorate and a slight unpleasant odor appears. Such meat can be “saved.”

Pork and beef acquire an unusual aroma in the event of prolonged improper storage or slaughter of an unsalted animal. In the latter case, everyone knows how to remove the smell from such meat - marinate it with herbs. There are varieties that smell specifically. For example, lamb.

When buying frozen food, you are buying a pig in a poke. If the meat gives off an unpleasant odor after thawing, cut it. The presence of mucus and parasites inside makes the product unfit for consumption.

Damage to the outer muscle layers and skin can be corrected.

  1. Since the product begins to deteriorate from the upper layers in contact with air, it is problematic to remove the smell of rotten meat from the surface. Remove the skin from chicken, and cut off the top layer from pork and beef. Wash the piece under running water and begin cooking.
  2. Soaking in one of the solutions will help you avoid weight loss.
  3. For an hour in a liter of water with a tablespoon of 70% vinegar.
  4. Soak for an hour in dry white wine or 100% sour juice.
  5. Make a salt mixture of 70 g of salt per liter of water, leave for 2-3 hours.
  6. Soak for an hour in a weak solution of manganese, rinse with water and keep for another 15 minutes in clean water.
  7. Pouring red wine and herbs will help give the meat a spicy aroma.


Bad smell from the refrigerator, the causes of which vary, is most often localized in the following places:

  1. Part of the unit with a temperature not higher than 0 (freshness zone), where it is customary to store fish or meat products. If the meat is rotten, the smells will be especially intense and strong.
  2. Containers and shelves.
  3. Sometimes the problem affects the freezer, which may be due to the reasons for the breakdown of an important component of the refrigeration equipment.
  4. In rare cases, an unpleasant situation is explained by the poor quality of the insulating materials that cover the inside of the refrigerator.

If you purchased new equipment and immediately began to use it, placing fresh vegetables, fruits, meats or other products on the shelves, do not be surprised when you feel a grease or plastic taste in your mouth when you eat them. This is a normal phenomenon due to the fact that you have not prepared for operation. Any new refrigerator needs to be thoroughly washed with water, dishwasher detergent, and a weak solution of soda or vinegar. After performing these steps, you need to open the door for a couple of hours and only then use the device for its intended purpose.

If the smell does not disappear, contact representatives of the manufacturer and clarify the cause of the problem. Since leading brands provide warranty service for their products, in the event of a manufacturing defect, they are forced to replace the device or refund the customer’s money. It is recommended to buy equipment in large and trusted stores that quickly solve such problems and also pay for the delivery of refrigerators to your home. Representatives of small companies do not always take their obligations responsibly.

The cause of a bad aroma in the refrigerator may be the lack of timely cleaning, scheduled defrosting and other maintenance procedures. To avoid unpleasant phenomena, you need to keep the interior of the refrigeration unit fresh. However, sometimes responsible housewives often forget about the importance of “revising” the placed products, so even after cleaning activities, the smell may not disappear.

To maintain cleanliness, it is recommended to use highly effective cleaning products, which are sold in stores with the equipment itself. Such liquids contain special components that destroy bacterial colonies.

If the lack of freshness is due to the inability to carry out general cleaning, you can place an absorber of unwanted odors on the shelves. Dry tablets are available commercially in the form of granules of activated charcoal or other substances that absorb and absorb any odors. The disadvantage of such options is their limited service life.

An unpleasant odor can also occur due to a clogged drain hole, which is located on the inner wall at the rear of the unit. Often bread crumbs, meat juice, fruit pulp, etc. end up in this drain mechanism. To remove the blockage, just use a syringe with hot water after turning off the power to the refrigerator. If you are unable to clean the device yourself, you will need the help of a specialist.

Sometimes bad aromas appear due to prolonged storage of food and prepared dishes, especially cabbage with garlic dressing, meat or fish. It is better to place such food in closed containers. Another resident may accidentally spill liquid food (broth, soup, okroshka) in the refrigerator, which will lead to the development of bacteria.

Cottage cheese, butter and cheese can absorb any odors, so they need to be stored in containers made of ceramic materials or glass.

If you ignore such recommendations, it will not be easy to get rid of the smell from rotten meat and other quickly perishable foods.

An unpleasant phenomenon can also occur when greenery rots. Any vegetables and fruits should be kept in glass containers with an airtight spring lid. In this case, the shelf life of fresh products will reach 2-3 weeks.

If your area experiences frequent power outages, the unit may develop a rotten smell as mold and fungal organisms begin to grow inside. To get rid of the smell of mold in the refrigerator and quickly remove traces of its appearance, you need to use store-bought and folk remedies that are highly effective.

Store products

You can get rid of the smell of the refrigerator using both folk remedies and store-bought ones. Today, various highly effective inventions are available on the market that remove any stench and restore fresh air inside the chamber.


Feedback helps eliminate the rotten smell in the refrigerator. It can be purchased at specialized household appliance stores for a small amount. The drug effectively absorbs stench, restores normal aroma in the chamber and prevents the spread of bacteria.

Oro fix 02012

To remove rottenness and staleness from a refrigeration unit, you can use the cleaning agent Oro fix 02012. The substance disinfects surfaces, eliminating the stench.

Top House

Among modern housewives, Top House is very popular. With its help, you can not only remove the stench from household appliances, but also clean its surfaces from complex contaminants.

The substance contains silicone, which restores the shine of internal structures. The company's assortment also includes wipes and fresheners for cleaning the refrigerator.

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