DIY air ionizer - assembly guide

Translation of an article from the blog of Indian engineer Amaldev V.

This project had been brewing in my head for about two years, and I still couldn’t get around to it. There is nothing complicated or overly technological in the project. Anyone who knows how to make anything with their hands should be able to handle it without any problems. I've made the entire project freely available, and you should be able to order all the parts and assemble your device for less than $10.


I currently live in Mumbai, in an apartment overlooking a very busy road.
And since I moved here, I have been struggling with the dust that settles on everything whenever I open the windows. Weekly cleaning of the apartment takes a lot of effort. And I decided to buy an air purifier for the room. And then I thought: how difficult would it be to assemble the purifier yourself? I did some research and decided that I needed to make myself an ionizer (by the way, an ionizer and a purifier are two different devices, but more on that later). However, then I got buried in current problems and never assembled it. But lately many people have asked me how I design and make devices, and I decided to give this relatively simple project as an example and describe its creation in detail in the form of instructions

So let's make an ionizer.

Features of a bipolar ionizer

This device does not have such disadvantages of its monopolar brother. Such a device produces not only useful, but also “useless” air ions. What then is the healing effect of such an ionizer, you ask? The thing is that in nature there are 20% more positive air ions in air masses than negative ones. Bipolar air ionizers for the home emit 27%30 more useful particles, while preventing an increase in the electrostatic background in the room.

Thanks to the carefully calibrated production of the amount of light negatively and positively charged SanPiN ions, such a device can correct the natural imbalance and help create an atmosphere in the room that, in its composition and properties, meets all standards–03.

Despite all the miraculousness of the bipolar ionizer, this device does not have any shortcomings that call into question the need to purchase it. The thing is that, structurally, these devices cannot produce both negative and positive ions at the same time: the production of particles occurs in portions, then negative and then positive. The accumulation of particles in air masses can be represented as clouds in the sky: some consist of negative ones, and others only of positive ones, despite their opposite charge.

In nature, all particles are mixed in air masses, as they are in constant motion. This does not happen indoors. In addition, all devices of this type distribute ions only within the range of the air jet of the fan installed in the device. And since the fan in the device is very small, the accumulation of useful particles is located exclusively in close proximity to the ionizer.

Knowing all the advantages and disadvantages of modern devices for improving air quality, we can confidently answer the question of most of our compatriots: “Which air ionizer is better, unipolar or bipolar?” Bipolar is better, but with good circulation of air masses in the room with a well-organized influx and working natural exhaust, in other words, ventilation of the apartment. Thanks to this natural mixing, a balance of ions is established in the air.


If you want to do something yourself, do some research using Google first.
In our case, let's figure out what an ionizer is and what basic principle it works on. An air ionizer (or negative ion generator, or Chizhevsky chandelier) is a device that uses high voltage to ionize (electrically charge) air molecules. Negative ions, or anions, are particles that have one or more extra electrons, causing their overall charge to be negative.

So far it seems simple. Ionizers are used to remove particles from the air by giving them a negative charge, after which these particles are attracted to a positively charged surface (wall/floor). As a result, the particles settle much faster, leaving the air cleaner. This is exactly what we need - to remove dust from the air so as not to inhale it.

So after just 5 minutes of searching, we already know that we need to make a high voltage system that gives a negative charge to the particles. This was a little disconcerting at first because I had never made a high voltage system before and if you play with such systems carelessly it can end badly.

Then we go and look for devices already on the market that use this technology. I do this in order to understand what kind of circuits people used to create such devices. If there is a device on the market with the same technology, learn from it.

People spent a lot of engineering man-hours creating the device. Learn from their example to make your own system that is at least similar to the finished one, or learn from others' mistakes and make a better system.

For similar purposes, Google is also your best bet. I found some evidence that ionizers were being done back in the 1980s. If this technology is that old, I might look at a description of how these devices are disassembled. We search Google for “ioniser teardown” and find a bunch of videos showing the insides of the device. I recommend very good videos by BigClive.

Based on these videos, I realized that a high voltage system can be made using a voltage multiplier, and that it is not that difficult. So let's move on to electronics design.

A simple air ionizer - Chizhevsky chandelier as a source of air ions

I would like to present to your attention my own development of an air ionizer. There are many devices in this segment, but a detailed analysis of the operating principle and their circuits revealed that many of them are just a marketing ploy and do not bring any benefit.

Nowadays, when clean air has become a luxury and you can only breathe it far outside the megacities, this article is relevant. We have all noticed that after a thunderstorm, the air becomes light, it is pleasant to breathe deeply, and if there were any ailments, it immediately went away. This phenomenon interested many scientists, but only one managed to get to the bottom of the truth. At the beginning of the 20th century, a brilliant Russian scientist invented a device reminiscent of a chandelier and named after the inventor - the Chizhevsky chandelier. The ionizer generated only negatively charged ions, which are the ones that have a beneficial effect on the human body. The scientist put a lot of effort into proving he was right and giving his device the right to life. He conducted a huge number of experiments and experiments on living organisms. Based on the research results, the enormous benefits of the artificial ionizer were revealed both in agriculture (the volume of the crop where the device worked increased) and in medicine, providing a preventive and therapeutic effect on the human body. Chizhevsky published the results in his own book [1]:

As can be seen from the table, the ionizer had a positive effect on all types of diseases.

Later, a new treatment method appeared in medicine - aeroion therapy. The air in the room where the treatment is carried out is saturated with the device with light air ions, as a result of which it turns into healing and resembles the air after a thunderstorm.

Indications for use:

  1. Bronchial asthma
  2. Runny nose, pharyngitis, laryngitis, acute and chronic bronchitis
  3. Initial stage of hypertension
  4. Burns and wounds
  5. Neuroses
  6. Whooping cough
  7. Chronic periodontitis
  8. Treatment of deviations from normal behavior in newborns
  9. Anti-aging effect

This is not a complete list of all indications for treatment.

Studies of air ions have been and are still being carried out by scientists from the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogarev, who proved the benefits of this phenomenon, who also presented their devices to the public and who also destroyed marketing myths.

Scientists have proven such a phenomenon as a deficiency of air ions in the air, which has a detrimental effect on health. Experimental rats that breathed air without air ions became lethargic, weak, lost reproductive function and ultimately died on days 10-14 of the experiments. Alexander Leonidovich proposed a project for aeroionification in premises, especially production workshops of factories and enterprises, because it is in such premises that the number of aeroions is the smallest. But this did not gain much popularity.

The result of Chizhevsky’s work was worldwide recognition and introduction of the invention into all possible industries abroad. Foreign scientists tried to repeat the design of Chizhevsky’s chandelier, but since the scientist did not sell his ideas, the creation of a similar device was not successful abroad. But over time, for some reason, attention to this discovery became less and less. And if you ask any passerby whether he has heard anything about Chizhevsky’s chandelier, the majority will give a negative answer, which is undeserved and very sad.

Let's move on to the technical part.

Physical principle of operation:

Ionization occurs under the influence of a high-intensity electric field, which appears in a system of two conductors (electrodes) of different sizes, near one electrode, with a small radius of curvature - a tip, a needle.

The second electrode in such a system is the network wire, the ground wire, the electrical network itself, radiators and heating pipes, water supply systems, wall fittings, the walls themselves, floors, ceilings, cabinets, tables, and even the person himself. To obtain an electric field of high intensity, a high voltage of negative polarity must be applied to the tip.

At the same time, electrons are released from the needle, which, colliding with an oxygen molecule, form a negative ion. those. A negative oxygen ion is an oxygen molecule O2 with an extra, free electron. It is this electron that will subsequently fulfill its favorable, positive role in the blood of a living organism. These negative air ions will scatter from the tip, the needle, to the second, positive electrode, in the direction of the electric field lines.

An electron that leaves the metal of the tip can be accelerated by the electric field to such a speed that, colliding with an oxygen molecule, it knocks out another electron from it, which, in turn, can also accelerate and knock out another one, etc. Thus In this way, a flow can be formed, an avalanche of electrons flying from the tip to the positive electrode. Positive oxygen ions that have lost their electrons are attracted to the negative electrode - the needle, are accelerated by the field and, colliding with the metal of the tip, can knock out additional electrons. Thus, two opposite avalanche-like processes arise, which, interacting with each other, form an electrical discharge in the air, which is called quiet.

This discharge is accompanied by a weak glow near the tip. This photoelectric effect occurs due to the fact that some atoms receive energy from collisions with electrons that is insufficient for ionization, but transfers the electrons of these atoms to higher orbits. Returning to a state of equilibrium, the atom emits excess energy in the form of a quantum of electromagnetic radiation - heat, light, ultraviolet radiation. Thus, a glow is formed at the tips of the needles, which can be observed in complete darkness. The glow intensifies with an increase in the flow of electrons and ions, for example, when you bring your hand to the tips of the needles at a short distance of 1-3 cm. At the same time, you can still feel this flow - the ion wind, in the form of a barely noticeable chill, a breeze [].

Requirements for the device according to GOST.

1) The number of negatively charged particles created by the ionizer (measured in 1 cm3) - the concentration of air ions , is the main parameter of any ionizer. The values ​​of the standardized indicators of air ion concentrations and the unipolarity coefficient are given in the table (Table 2)

In order not to lose the benefit of using an air ionizer, you need to take into account that the indicator at a distance of 1 m must be no less than the natural concentration of charges in the air, i.e. 1000 ions/cm3.

Therefore, it is advisable to increase the concentration value from 5000 ions/cm3. The maximum value is selected depending on the time of use of this ionizer.

2) Voltage at the emitter (ionizing electrode). Unit of measurement - kV

For household air ionizers, the voltage indicator should be in the range of 20 - 30 kV. If the voltage is less than 20 kV, then using such an air ionizer does not make sense, since ions stably begin to form at a voltage of 20 kV. Using an ionizer with a voltage of more than 30 kV in an apartment can lead to spark discharges, which contribute to the formation of compounds harmful to the body, including ozone. Therefore, manufacturers’ statements that the voltage is reduced to 5 kV and ions are produced are not appropriate. Science has proven this. There are also bipolar ionizers that produce both positive and negative ions. Such devices will also not have any useful effect, since according to the laws of physics it is known that the negative is attracted to the positive, forming a neutral, that is, zero charge. Therefore, such a device will simply spin your counter for nothing, without generating anything.

Instructions for use.

The device is completely safe for humans, despite the high voltage supplied to the emitter, since the current output level is limited to a safe level. However, you should not touch the ionizer when it is on, as this will cause an unpleasant discharge of static electricity. A dangerous case is when a person touches a simultaneously operating device and a massive metal object (refrigerator, washing machine, safe, etc.).

The device can operate continuously 24 hours a day. It should be taken into account that the concentration of negative oxygen ions decreases with increasing distance from the emitter, as shown in the table. (Table 3)

Determining the ionization dose, A.L. Chizhevsky used the concept of “biological unit of aeroionization (BEA) - the amount of air ions inhaled by a person under natural conditions per day.” On average, a person receives 1 BEA per day at a concentration of negative oxygen ions (NOI) of 1 thousand/cm3. This dose is considered preventive and health-improving.

To obtain the amount of air ions inhaled by a person under natural conditions per day - the biological unit of air ionization, it is enough to turn on the ionizer for the time specified in line 3, depending on the distance from the device the person is located. In order to inhale the same amount of air ions that a person receives in 24 hours outside the city, for example in a forest, it is enough to turn on the device for 20 minutes (0.3 hours) per day, being at a distance of half a meter from the ionizer (first column of the table) , or for a time of 1 hour a day at a distance of 1 meter (third column of the table), etc.

A.L. Chizhevsky took 20 BEA per therapeutic dose. In the first procedures of aeroion therapy, small concentrations of inhaled air ions are used. The duration of the average course is 20-30 procedures performed daily, starting from 10 minutes and ending with 30 minutes. A repeat course should be carried out no earlier than after 2 months [3].

Emitter according to Chizhevsky.

The figure shows a diagram of the original artificial ionizer emitter that the scientist used.

Explanations for the picture, if for some reason someone cannot see it:

1 – rim of the electroeffluvial chandelier;2 – holder;3 – extension;3 – extension;4 – holder bar;5,7 – clamp;6 – outer clamp;8 – high-voltage insulator;9 – locking screw;10, 11 – screws ;12 – mounting to the ceiling.

The design proposed by Alexander Leonidovich resembled a chandelier. A frame made of a light metal rim was suspended from the ceiling, on insulators - a ring with a diameter of 1000 mm, which was made mainly from a brass tube or steel. A wire with a diameter of 0.25-0.3 mm was stretched on this rim, perpendicular to each other in increments of 45 mm. After tension, the structure formed a part of the sphere (mesh), protruding downward with a deflection arrow equal to 100 mm. At the points of intersection of the wire, steel pins 300 mm long are soldered in the amount of 372 pieces. The chandelier is suspended on a porcelain high-voltage insulator from the ceiling of the room and connected to a busbar with the negative pole of the high voltage source, the second pole is grounded [1].

Creation of the device.

Analyzing articles and diagrams that are freely available on the Internet, the following general shortcomings were identified:

  1. the use of a high-voltage transformer TVS-110, which is quite large-scale and needs further development;
  2. the use of a high-voltage multiplier, which is also quite bulky and needs to be modified by breaking the epoxy casing, which poses an additional difficulty;
  3. the use of zener diodes and the use of high power dissipation resistors, which also affect the size of the power supply and its power consumption.
  4. the absence of a voltage divider in the form of two resistors connected in series and connected in parallel at the power input of the high-voltage unit from the 220V electrical network. This voltage divider eliminates the need for the consumer to search for the neutral wire in a 220V socket, which must be connected to the positive high-voltage wire coming from the transformer and connected to the emitter, thereby forming a grounding loop, which is a mandatory requirement for devices for this purpose. This is done in order to obtain a high-intensity electric field, which guarantees the correct operation of the ionizer.

It's no secret that old equipment is thrown out and replaced by new devices with both more advanced functions of use and more advanced “filling”. Old radioelements are replaced with new ones, which are not inferior in functionality, and even, on the contrary, superior to their ancestors; their sizes decrease – which entails a decrease in the size of the overall design of the device. For example, massive color televisions, which are based on a cathode ray tube (kinescope), were eventually replaced by new, more compact liquid crystal and plasma televisions.

Outdated equipment is thrown into a landfill, despite the fact that the internal components of these devices are of unique value.

Analyzing the circuits of high-voltage power supplies and their operating principles, it was revealed that the main component of all devices is a high-voltage transformer and a separate voltage multiplier from old black-and-white TVs. Such transformers and multipliers needed improvement and occupied a significant place in the design of the device. To follow the modern trend of compactness while maintaining all the functionality, our eyes fell on more modern, but also outdated TVs and monitors with color cathode ray tubes from the late 90s - early 2000s.

Compared to older devices of this type, progress in the design of color devices has brought a lot of new things both in terms of functionality and in terms of dimensions. The most important hardware unit, the line transformer, was examined. This device is responsible for increasing the voltage by several tens of kV, without which thermionic emission cannot exist in a cathode ray tube.

Having disassembled several monitors of that generation, written off for recycling, a line transformer was removed, which was subjected to detailed study and analysis.

Transformer brand FBT FKG-15A006. In the design you can see a high-voltage massive wire that connects to the kinescope. Due to its dimensions, this line transformer is much more compact than transformers of previous generations (the photo shows a transformer already converted to work):

But in order, how things were done.

Before starting work, a diagram of this transformer was found:

Analysis of the circuit showed that in its structure the transformer contains two isolated windings. Powerful high-voltage diodes and a high-voltage capacitor were used as part of the high-voltage winding. What was unique was that this design contained important components: two primary windings, a high-voltage winding, which includes a high-voltage multiplier. And the compact housing in which the structure is placed is a big advantage over well-known circuits, where larger transformers and voltage multipliers were used separately.

Next, experiments were made to calculate the performance of the transformer:

  1. Removing load voltages on the transformer windings.

For this experiment, the following were used: a sound generator with a sinusoidal pulse, a horizontal transformer, an oscilloscope for a rough estimate of the voltage on the windings and observing the type of signal, a millivoltmeter for taking accurate readings of the voltages of the windings.

The set parameters of the sound generator are: current shape – sine, frequency – 20 kHz, amplitude – 1 V.

The research results are presented in the table (Table 4):

It is also important to find the main characteristic of any transformer - the transformation ratio. The transformation coefficient is found by the formula:

where U2 is the voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer, U1 is the voltage on the primary winding of the transformer. For this transformer, the transformation ratio was k = 30*103/4= 7.5*103. If the transformation ratio is greater than one, then such a transformer is considered a step-up transformer, which in fact it is.

2.Checking the power of high-voltage diodes.

In order to understand what diodes are used in the design and determine their load parameters, as well as determine their performance, the following research was done.

By shorting the positive high-voltage discharge wire to the ground loop, thereby turning the negative wire into a positive one, connecting a built-in high-voltage capacitor to it, the polarity of the transformer was changed. Then, having connected the now positive wire to a power source of about 100 V, and connecting an ammeter in series to the negative wire, we began to smoothly apply voltage to the power source. The diodes were triggered at a voltage of 38 V, which confirmed the following facts: 1) the diodes are operational; 2) diodes are powerful and such a diode assembly is suitable for further research.

Summing up the results of the experiment, an important discovery was made: for the further invention and operation of the ionizer prototype, it is possible to quite easily change the polarity of the high-voltage winding, which eliminates the need to damage the integrity of the transformer housing. This is another big advantage compared to using a voltage multiplier, where you had to break the epoxy resin housing, which is quite problematic, and manually change the polarity by desoldering the required wires.

Modernization of line transformer.

Thanks to the data obtained during the experiments, a work plan was outlined for the modernization of the fkg15a006 line transformer. The design provides two substring resistors, which were not needed for further work and were carefully removed by cutting with a diamond disc. The cut area was insulated and sealed with decorative plastic. Next, the high-voltage wire was shortened to the very base and connected to the minus of the transformer. The built-in high-voltage capacitor pin connects to pin 8, which is now positive. Excess contacts were removed and insulated. Epoxy resin, which is a good dielectric, acted as an insulator. After the resin had dried, the excess was removed mechanically.

The brilliant idea of ​​an engineer who was able to accommodate a rich internal set of elements and the presence of series-connected diodes in the secondary winding made it possible to easily make the necessary changes with the least amount of effort and money. What was a useless material to be thrown away due to obsolescence turned out to be a unique device in its structure. Therefore, before throwing away your old equipment, it is worth thinking about other possible areas of application for the components of this device. After all, a lot of interesting and useful things can be made from waste and scrap materials. This is exactly what this work shows.

Schematic diagrams for controlling a line transformer

To operate the transformer with maximum efficiency, the known circuits that are distributed on the Internet were not suitable. Moreover, after the analysis, obvious serious shortcomings were identified. Taking these disadvantages into account, three unique schemes, independent of each other and not previously seen on the Internet, were developed.

Circuit with two dinistors

Let's consider connecting a dinistor to an alternating power supply network via a diode bridge.

After a two-half-wave rectifier, a pulsating voltage appears, or otherwise called constant.

Full-wave rectification is interesting because the voltage starts at zero, reaches a maximum value and drops back to zero. In this case, when the voltage drops to zero, it means that no matter how the dinistor operates, it will always close.

Depending on the RC circuit, the charging process of the capacitor changes. You can select τ - the chain constant, which is equal to the product R*C, in such a way that the dynistor will open when the voltage on the capacitor reaches a value that will certainly exceed the opening voltage of the dynistor.

For proper operation of the dinistor, the opening voltage of the dinistor should be noted on the graph. Let's say U peak = 310V, and the opening voltage of the DB3 dinistor is 30 V.

The opening voltage can be achieved at different points on the graph: both from 30 V to the peak - 310 V, and beyond the peak limit, when the graph begins to decline and the half-cycle voltage tends to zero. Everything depends on the chain constant τ. But it is desirable that the opening voltage occurs at the peak of capacitor charging.

To set a certain τ, a constant-value capacitor is specified, since the resistor is easier to select. The half-cycle time can be easily found. Let's say one half-cycle is 10 ms. Then at the peak of the half-cycle τ will be 5 ms. Knowing the capacitance of the capacitor and the required value of the chain constant τ, which must be achieved for the earliest operation of the dinistor, you can find the required resistance from the previously known formula τ=R*C.

It is recommended to select the peak of the half-cycle for the following reasons: the capacitor at this point is charged to the maximum value and at this point the dinistor opens. This phenomenon is due to the formula

The higher the capacitor is charged, the greater its energy, which is transferred to the primary coil of the transformer. That is, the amount of energy is proportional to the square of the voltage across a given capacitor and is directly proportional to the capacitance of the capacitor. This way we can deliver higher energy to the coil and get higher voltage on the secondary winding.

Description of the scheme:

This circuit consists of a fuse, which was taken as a resistor with low resistance, a voltage divider, consisting of two series-connected resistors connected to the power inputs of a 220 V network, a diode bridge, which is a full-wave rectifier, a timing chain R3 and a capacitor C1, two KN102I dinistors, a parallel-connected diode and outputs to the transformer winding.

Principle of operation:

This circuit uses domestically produced KN102I dinistors. It is these dinistors, since they have no foreign analogues and can withstand currents of up to 10 A. We achieve an optimal constant circuit (τ = 2.8 ms), at which the capacitor is charged to the maximum voltage. Capacitor C1 is charged through the circuit: plus of the diode bridge, resistor R3, capacitor C1, primary winding of the transformer, minus of the diode bridge. The use of two dinistors increases the charging voltage of the capacitor (up to 220V). At a given maximum capacitor charge voltage, the opening voltage of the dinistor is achieved. When the dinistor opens, the capacitor is discharged through the primary winding, resulting in an oscillatory process in the form of damped oscillations. An alternating damped voltage appears, which is transformed by a transformer. Only alternating voltage can be transformed, since the transformer is high-frequency (oscillation frequency 20 kHz). After transformation, the voltage is increased by a secondary high-voltage coil and rectified by a diode assembly, which is located in the housing of the line transformer.

Diode VD1 is a kind of filter that conducts only negative half-waves of all-frequency oscillations, thereby achieving both positive and negative oscillations in the circuit.

The performance of the circuit was 24,500 ions/cm3.

Circuit based on a thyristor with a control electrode

This circuit is almost identical to the previous one, with the exception of the thyristor, which is here replaced by one of the dinistors and the addition of a second timing chain R3 and capacitor C1, which serves to adjust the dinistor.

Description of the scheme:

The circuit consists of a fuse, which was taken as a resistor with low resistance, a voltage divider, consisting of two series-connected resistors connected to the power inputs of a 220 V network, a diode bridge, which is a full-wave rectifier, two timing chains R3, C1 and R4, C2, one DB3 dinistor connected to the control electrode circuit of a thyristor, a thyristor, a parallel-connected diode and outputs to the transformer winding.

Principle of operation:

In the circuit, a dinistor is used to supply a pulse to the control electrode of the thyristor. Similar to the previous diagram, for a given dinistor the circuit constant τ1 is calculated and adjusted so that the dinistor opens when the maximum charging current is reached on capacitor C1. The actuator is a thyristor, which passes a much larger current through itself compared to two dinistors. The peculiarity of this circuit is that capacitor C2 is charged first to the maximum value, which is set by the timing chain R4*C2. And after C2, capacitor C1 begins to charge. The thyristor will be closed until τ1 of the timing chain R3*C1 opens the dinistor, after which a pulse is sent to the control electrode of the thyristor to open the latter. This radio engineering solution was used so that capacitor C2 can be charged to its full maximum, thereby maximizing its energy during discharge to the primary winding of the transformer. When C2 is discharged, an oscillatory circuit appears, similar to the previous circuit, thereby forming an oscillatory process that is transformed by a transformer.

To obtain positive and negative waves on the transformer, a diode VD3 is connected in parallel, which passes only one type of waves.

The performance of the circuit was 28,000 ions/cm3.

Transistor circuit

Description of the scheme:

This circuit allows you to transfer the operation of the line transformer from constant power, i.e. from batteries, thereby making the ionizer mobile. The current consumption is in the range of 100 - 200 mA, which is quite low, ensuring continuous operation on one battery for 1-2 months (depending on the capacity of the battery).

Principle of operation:

A standard transistor multivibrator is used as a master oscillator, which produces an oscillation frequency of about 20 kHz. The generation frequency is set by timing chains. In this circuit there are two of them: R2, C3 and R3, C2. The oscillation period of this multivibrator is T=τ1+τ2, where τ1 = R2*C3, τ2 = R3*C2. The multivibrator is symmetrical if τ1=τ2. If you look at the output voltage oscillogram of any transistor collector, you will see a signal almost close to a rectangular one. But in reality it is not rectangular. This is explained by the fact that the multivibrator has two quasi-equilibrium states: in one of them, transistor VT1 is opened by the base current and is in a saturation state, and transistor VT2 is closed (in a cutoff state). Each of these quasi-equilibrium states is unstable, since the negative potential at the base of the closed transistor VT1, as capacitor C3 is charged, tends to the positive potential of the power source Up (charging capacitor C2 is faster than discharging capacitor C3):

At the moment when this potential becomes positive, the state of quasi-equilibrium is violated, the closed transistor opens, the open one closes, and the multivibrator goes into a new state of quasi-equilibrium. Almost rectangular pulses Uout are formed at the output with a duty cycle N ≈2 [].

But in this circuit, the signal shape can be neglected, since further along the circuit there are transistor switches VT3 and VT4, which operate at a low voltage level. These transistors produce a signal shape that is close to rectangular. If the ratio of the period T to τ is equal to two, then this type of signal is called a meander. Current flows, if transistors VT3 and VT4 are open, from the plus of the power source, through the primary winding of the transformer, transistor VT4, minus the power source. But after the half-cycle, transistor VT2 closes, which means VT3 and VT4 instantly close. In this case, a sharp change in current occurs from the maximum value, which is determined by the voltage of the power source and the ohmic resistance of the primary winding of the line transformer, from several amperes to a certain minimum value. As a result of this phenomenon, an induced emf occurs in the winding. And the magnetic flux is directly proportional to the magnetizing force, that is, the current that flows through the transistor VT4, multiplied by the number of turns ω.. The speed of the magnetic flux determines the EMF, therefore, in this circuit design, high-speed transistors were used, that is, high-frequency transistors that are capable of very fast stop the current. The faster the transistor opens and closes, the faster the current in the circuit changes. Since a large EMF occurs on the primary winding, on the order of more than 100 V, high-voltage transistors were also used.

The performance of the circuit was 26,700 ions/cm3.

All circuits are assembled on a circuit board, since at the time of creation it was not possible to get hold of foil PCB. I'll add the PCB layout later.

Any uniformly smooth insulated metal of arbitrary shape can be used as a radiator. As they say, the taste and color of the comrade are different, and here the shape of the emitter can be arbitrary.

While there is no photo of the finished device, I want to add a remote control function and a countdown timer for the operation of the device for ease of use. All this will be placed in the body of the sconce, the emitter will be the floor lamp itself, while the main function of the sconce will be preserved - light, which will also be turned on via the control panel.

To summarize, I would like to note that the presented schemes differ from others known for their simplicity of implementation, but are more effective in operation; small, compact in size, with low power consumption, and most importantly, these circuits can be assembled by anyone who is comfortable with a soldering iron, since the parts are not in short supply, some are even thrown away (such as a line transformer).

May clean, fresh, healing air come to your home. But before use, consult your doctor.

Below is a video of the operation of a line transformer from two different circuits. Since it was not possible to measure the high-voltage voltage, an improvised voltmeter was taken to measure the voltage - a breakdown in the air. It is known that 1 cm of breakdown in air is equal to about 30 kV, which clearly shows the operation of a line transformer and that at a given voltage aeroions are generated.


  1. Chizhevsky A. L. Aeroionification in the national economy. - M.: Gosplanizdat, 1960 (2nd edition - Stroyizdat, 1989).
  2. https://lyustrachizhevsky.rf/LC/TPPN/Prin_rab.html

Author: Danchenko D.G.

List of radioelements

DesignationTypeDenominationQuantityNoteShopMy notepad
Circuit with two dinistors
VS1, VS2Thyristor & Triac KN102I2Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VD1Diode bridge Bl2w101000 V. 2A1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VD2Rectifier diode SF181Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
C1Capacitor470 pF1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R1, R2Resistor36-50 kOhm2Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R3Resistor6-7.5 kOhm 2 W1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
Line transformerfkg-15a0061Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
FU1Fuse-resistor47 Ohm1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
Circuit based on a thyristor with a control electrode
VD1Diode bridge DB1071Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VD2Rectifier diode FR1521Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VD3Rectifier diode SF181Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VS1Dinistor DB31Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VS2Thyristor BT151-500C1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
C1Capacitor0.047 µF1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
C2Capacitor470 pF2Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R1, R2Resistor36-50 kOhm2Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R3*Resistor270-300 kOhm1Selected individually for each schemeSearch in the Otron storeTo notepad
R4Resistor 15 kOhm1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R5Resistor 120 Ohm1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
Line transformerfkg-15a0061Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
FU1Fuse-resistor47 Ohm1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
Transistor circuit
VT1, VT2Bipolar transistor KT361A2Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VT3Bipolar transistor KT626A1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VT4Bipolar transistor KT854B1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
VD1Rectifier diode SF181Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
C1Electrolytic capacitor1000uF*10V1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
C2Capacitor5.6 pF1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R1, R4Resistor 2 kOhm2Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R2, R3Resistor 10 kOhm2Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R4Resistor 15 kOhm 2W1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R5Resistor 330 Ohm1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R6Resistor10; 120 Ohm 110 Ohm for operation from a 3.8 V battery; 120 ohms if battery is 9V Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
R7Resistor 120 Ohm1Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
Line transformerfkg-15a0061Search in the Otron storeTo notepad
Add all


  • High voltage

Electronics design

We need a voltage multiplier.
First, learn everything you can from the free content. Never do anything without first learning everything you can for free. It is very important. You need to take the time to research, or you'll keep making the same mistakes. I spent a couple of hours studying the design of voltage multipliers. The simplest solution, the Cockroft-Walton generator, is most often used.

One of the principles I try to adhere to when developing complex solutions is Keep IT Simple, Stupid. Or just KISS.

Therefore, the Cockcroft-Walton generator was suitable for me. It was developed in 1932, and since then it has been used in hundreds of devices. Therefore, this is a fairly reliable option for implementation. After some more googling, I found a video by Dave Jones explaining how this circuit works. I recommend watching the video to understand this better.

Essentially, the circuit consists of two diodes and two capacitors connected back to back. The input is supplied with alternating current with peak voltage Vp. The first part of the circuit shifts the input signal so that the output is a constant current with a peak voltage of 2Vp. By adding one more stage, we get 4Vp. You would think that the next stage would increase this value to 8Vp, but no - only to 6Vp.

By adding stages, we increase the output voltage. 2Vp, 4Vp, 6Vp, 8Vp, 10 Vp, 12Vp, and so on, relative to the input. At least in theory - in practice there will be losses in the circuit and the output will not be as large, but for our purposes it does not need to be extremely accurate.

Returning to our system: we want to output high voltage direct current (about 6-7 kV). To simplify the circuit, I decided to supply it with 230 V AC directly (this is the voltage in the Indian power grid) [as in the Russian / approx. transl.]. Suppose we make a multiplier with 15 steps, then the output will be DC voltage 230V x 2 x 15 = 6900 V (theoretically). Sufficient for ionization.

I could have added a transformer to the input and increased the output voltage more with fewer steps, but for the first prototype I wanted to keep it very simple. Therefore, we will leave 15 steps and an input voltage of 230 V.

Next we need to select the components. The circuit is very simple - two capacitors and two diodes per stage. How do we select their values ​​and rated power?

And this is where a correct understanding of the operating principle of the circuit will come in handy. You can see that at each stage the voltage on the diodes or capacitor does not exceed 2Vp. The potential difference is always 2Vp, so we don’t need to spend money on high-voltage diodes and capacitors. Since the input is 230V, any capacitor rated at 500V or higher will suffice. Its capacitance is not important, so I chose a 0.1 µF capacitor and 630 V. I chose surface mount because I am used to soldering such components. I chose 1N4007 diodes for 1000 V. The main thing is ready. A list of materials is available.

Homemade car ionizer

In addition to an ionizer for home use, you can also make a device for use in a car. While driving a car, the driver must be attentive and focused. When there are not enough negative ions in the cabin, he feels worse. He experiences the following symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • lack of fresh air;
  • desire to sleep;
  • deterioration of coordination;
  • loss of mood;
  • restlessness and fussiness;
  • decreased reaction speed;
  • pain in the temple area.

Gasoline combustion products and dust entering the car interior can even lead to loss of consciousness and fainting. Scientists have developed a special ionizer that releases negative ions with silver. They destroy pathogenic bacteria and toxic impurities. At the same time, the resulting air invigorates, fills with energy and improves your mood. You can also make such a device yourself.

What will you need?

To assemble a car ionizer, you will need the following components:

  • pulse generator;
  • step-up transformer;
  • voltage multiplier.


Armed with the necessary parts, you can begin assembling the device according to the following instructions:

  1. First you need to assemble the transformer. It can be obtained from the power supply of an old computer. You can use a soldering iron to remove it, but it is easier to heat the ferrite with matches or a lighter.
  2. Using a needle, divide the block into 2 parts.
  3. Remove the core from the wires, and then replace them with new ones by winding the windings. Screw 14 turns onto the primary, and 600 onto the secondary.
  4. Lay an insulating layer between the parts. For this purpose, you can use transparent tape folded in 3-4 layers.
  5. When winding turns of the secondary winding, insulation is also required. To do this, after 100 turns you need to apply tape.
  6. Connect a timer to the transformer. For these purposes, it is recommended to use KTs106 diodes and capacitors with parameters up to 10 kW and 3300 pF.
  7. Assemble a voltage multiplier. Connect the assembled transformer and timer to it.
  8. Electrodes extend from the multiplier. They should be installed at a distance of 3 cm from each other.
  9. The ionizer is ready and can be connected to the network.

You can assemble a car ionizer from two field-effect transistors according to the instructions from the video:

PCB design

Having selected the important components, let's choose the rest.
We need to plug the device into an outlet, so we need a resistor at the output with a value large enough to prevent anything from happening (for example, so that if you accidentally touch the circuit, current will not flow through you). I would also like to reduce the current to a minimum so that the device consumes as little power as possible when turned on. I chose two 10MΩ resistors (0.25W, 1% tolerance, 1026 case) and this will give us currents measured in microamps. I chose to purchase components. It's cheaper there than Digikey or Mouser. Searching the parameters gave me the resistor 1206W4F1005T5E.

I would also like to install an LED indicator that lights up when the device is turned on. The current passing through it must be very small. I have used this LED in other projects and it lights up quite well at 2mA. To limit the current, I took two 51 kOhm resistors (230 V / 2 mA gives 115 kOhm). The two resistors dissipate more heat (P=I2R: (2 mA)2 x 51 kOhm = 0.2 W). Therefore, I chose two resistors of 51 kOhm and 0.5 W. On LCSC it is CR1210J51K0P05Z.

Now we need to understand what the output will be. From the analysis of ready-made ionizers, it follows that in order to transfer negative ions to dust particles we need something sharp. I decided to use sewing needles and solder them to a large pad at the outlet. I chose a set of needles from the local market for 30 rupees ($0.4). In principle, any conductive material with sharp ends will do. Carbon fiber with sharp tips will work best. The more sharp tips, the greater the ionization.

Taking all this into account, let's design the board. For this project I am using Eagle. I came up with the following diagram:

It has two AC input pads, 15 multiplier stages, current reduction resistors, a large output pad, and LED circuitry. I recommend that you always write down the part numbers you use to make it easier to find and order them in the future. All components cost me $7.8, and most of that went to capacitors.

I decided to make this diagram elongated. To mount the board, I placed holes in the corners and used M3 screw holes. The dimensions of the board are 145 x 40 mm, there is an entrance on the left, and a large area for soldering sharp needles on the right. Make sure that the diode placement directions are marked, this will make assembling the device much easier.

Now you need to draw the board in Gerber format and send it to the manufacturer. I am collaborating with JLCPCB for these purposes. The cost of prototype boards is very low. The fee will cost you $0.8 (not including shipping) when purchasing 10 pieces.

If you want to remove my name, date and board title from the files, please edit the Eagle Board files. Here's what the final board will look like:

You can import it into Fusion 360 and get this beauty:

I combined ordering the board from JLCPCB and components from LCSC. When ordering together there is a $15 shipping discount. The cost of the board and components is approximately $9 (not including shipping). Everything arrived in a week and a half. JLC has a board assembly service, but I like to do everything myself.

Primitive assembly scheme

There are very simple designs of the devices in question, which do not even require many different materials. Such an ionizer can be assembled by a beginner or an inexperienced craftsman.

What will you need?

To assemble the simplest ionizer, you need to stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • a plastic box from Kinder Surprise;
  • 2 wires with a diameter of 0.5 mm;
  • a plug that can be disassembled;
  • scissors for installation;
  • electrical tape;
  • a needle for making holes.


Having selected the necessary materials, you can begin to assemble the air ionizer. The step-by-step instructions are as follows:

  1. Make holes in the walls of each half of the Kinder box using a needle. You should not just stick it in, but also carefully move it in different directions, since holes with wide edges are required. To make it easy to get holes, and also to prevent cracking of the plastic, the tip of the needle should be preheated over low heat.
  2. Take the wires and unravel their ends into cores.
  3. Insert them into the holes in the boxes, but so that the wire with positive polarity goes through one half, and the one with negative polarity goes through the other.
  4. Wrap the wires with electrical tape and connect the insulated wires.
  5. Disassemble the plug socket.
  6. Connect the wires located on the other side to the contacts of the plug.
  7. Place the resulting device in a solid case. This can be a box made of any solid material. So, the device is ready, you can insert the plug into the socket.

The device, which is simple in design, will purify the air in the room, destroying harmful bacteria.

Assembly and testing

This is what the JLCPCB board turned out to be like. I chose the ENIG-RoHS finish because it's nicer. But the HASL finish will be cheaper.

Soldering all the SMD components took me about an hour. At a local store I bought 2 meters of wire and a plug to connect to the outlet. I tied a knot in the wire so that the wire would not come out of the plug.

The next step is optional, but I highly recommend it. I turned to a company that has laser cutting, took with me a piece of plexiglass 3 mm thick, and cut out a protective cover from it. I recommend making one - when I tested the board, I was shocked a couple of times when I accidentally touched the capacitors. The DXF file for cutting is also included along with all the files.

I screwed the cover to the board using 5mm long M3 plastic screws and made 20mm long plastic legs.

I soldered seven pins to the output pad. The bigger, the better. The difference in length doesn't matter.

It's time to plug the device into a power outlet and test it. The LED should light up and ideally the device should work.

You can quickly check the functionality by bringing your wet palms to the needles (just don’t touch them!). You will feel the movement of cold air coming from the needles. This is ionization. Negative ions are repelled and constantly fly away from the tips of the needles.

To prove that the device could cause smoke and dust particles to precipitate, I prepared a transparent jug, filled it with smoke, and stuck the device into it with the needles inside. After turning on the device, the smoke particles settled very quickly.

In the video, the smoke appears to be dissipated by air blowing in the jug. In fact, there is no draft there - the jug is closed. The effect occurs due to the repulsion of negative ions, and air very quickly begins to circulate throughout the jug.

After making sure that the device was working, I plugged it into the outlet and left it running. It should disperse dust around itself without any problems. Ideally, install it next to a window where there is a draft, so that the device ionizes all the dust passing by. I plan to set it up like this and leave it on.

What about power consumption? It is very small. The LED consumes the most. It takes about 2 mA. Over the course of a year, the device must generate 230 V x 2 mA x 24 h 365 d = 4 kWh. For us it will cost 4 rupees ($0.05) per year. To save even more, you can simply remove the LED from the circuit, then the energy consumption will be 1000 times less, and it is unlikely to be noticeable on the meter at all.

This is how we assembled an ionizer for just $10. I hope it helps reduce the amount of dust that settles in your lungs.

After it's been running for a couple of weeks, you'll notice dust starting to accumulate around it. This is fine. It's better for it to sit there than for you to inhale it.

For the US and countries where the voltage is 110V, the output voltage will be lower (theoretically about 3kV), but the ionizer should still work.

What else can be improved in the device: replace the needles with conductive carbon fiber brushes. The more sharp ends the device has, the better the ionization. If you distribute the tips over a large area, the chances of ionizing a larger volume of air increase.


Today, for the purpose of artificial ionization of air (aeroionification), several methods are used:


An example of an ultraviolet ionizer is a quartz lamp, which is used to disinfect hospital wards.
A characteristic feature of this method, regardless of the source of ultraviolet light, is the formation of a significant amount of ozone and nitrogen oxides (this can be guessed by the special smell), therefore it is not recommended to be present in the room while the device is operating and for half an hour after it is turned off.

Within 30 minutes, these substances, due to their unstable nature, disintegrate and the air again becomes safe for humans.


Devices based on this method produce not light negative air ions, but water dust (aerosol) with an electrostatic charge.

Over time, it was proven that household hydroionizers that spray distilled water are completely useless, as a result of which their production ceased.

But the method is successfully used in medicine to create electric aerosols based on various healing liquids, as well as in some industries that require fine spraying of substances.

Corona discharge method

Ionizers of this type are known as effluvial ionizers.
The operation of household appliances is based on this principle. The ionizer consists of an electrical circuit that converts standard alternating voltage into high voltage (several tens of kilovolts) and a structure with pointed electrodes to which this voltage is supplied.

As a result, a corona discharge is observed, accompanied by electrostatic emission, that is, the “draining” of electrons from the tip and their subsequent capture by oxygen molecules.

In their simplest design, effluvial ionizers are unregulated - their operating mode, as well as ion productivity, cannot be changed.

More complex modifications - adjustable - take into account the voltage of the electric field around them and, depending on it, adjust the voltage on the electrodes.

In addition to the varieties described, thermionic, radioisotope and photoelectric ionizers are used. They are used in various devices. For example, a radioisotope ionizer is part of a fire alarm sensor.

Household corona discharge ionizers are divided into unipolar (generate only negative ions) and bipolar (produce ions of both signs).

Corona principle

Since positive ions in apartments are already actively formed during the operation of consumer electronics, in most cases it is advisable to use unipolar ionizers.

In rooms where there is no equipment, for example, in a nursery, a bipolar device should be used, since if there is an imbalance between positive and negative ions, the healing effect of the latter is almost not manifested.

The positive effect of negatively charged air ions on humans was proven back in the last century. Then air ionizers appeared. Bipolar air ionizer: types, design features and scope of application.

You will find instructions for making your own dehumidifier here.

And in this topic we will tell you whether it is worth purchasing an air ionizer and whether this device can harm the human body.


After this article was published, some people became concerned that the device could also generate ozone.
However, the operating scheme of the ozone generator is slightly different (although the principle of corona discharge remains the same). In the couple of weeks that I've had this device running, it doesn't seem to generate any ozone (or so little of it that I don't feel it). Also regarding the difference between ionizers and air purifiers.
The ionizer cannot serve as a replacement for HEPA filters installed in purifiers. Ionizers only help to remove dust from the air. These particles remain on the floor. It does not trap smoke particles like a filter purifier does.

Where can it be used

Of course, we told you only about one ionizer design, which is quite suitable for use not only at home, but also in industrial conditions. In principle, you can upgrade the circuit yourself. It should only be taken into account that the output voltage must be no less than 25 kV. By the way, we remind you once again that on the Internet you can often find a diagram (do-it-yourself Chizhevsky chandelier), in which the output voltage on the rectifier is even less than 5 kV!

We assure you that such a device does not bring any practical benefit. Yes, a “budget chandelier” will create a certain concentration of negatively charged ions, but in their mass they will be too heavy and therefore unable to circulate in the air flow of the room.

However, such devices can be successfully used as a room purifier from dust in the air, which will simply settle. In the end, Chizhevsky’s chandelier is an air ionizer, and not an advanced air purifier. For this it is much better to use a regular air conditioner.

But! Remember also the fact that any fundamental changes to the design, which was proposed by Chizhevsky himself, are strictly contraindicated. If you do not understand electrical engineering and physiology, then experiments will only lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the device, as well as to the production of an insufficient number of ions. You will only waste electricity in vain, getting absolutely nothing in return.

In general, a DIY Chizhevsky chandelier (a photo of which is in the article) will provide an excellent opportunity to save money on expensive medical equipment and make your life healthier.


If you decide to build such a device, be careful.
Take precautions when working with high voltage AC input and high voltage DC output. Do not give the device to children. Make sure the AC cables are well soldered and that there are no exposed wires outside the board.

Use a plastic cover, do not touch the circuit components when it is turned on. Discharge capacitors by shorting them with a conductor with an insulated handle,

Make a knot in the power wire where it meets the board so that no one can rip it out of the board.

GOST requirements for ionizers

The ionizer releases negatively charged particles, which are measured in 1 cm3. This parameter is called the air ion concentration and is basic for any type of ionizer. According to GOST requirements, the minimum and maximum permissible values ​​of the parameter are determined. They can be found in the table:

Standardized indicatorsAir ion concentrationUnipolarity coefficient, y
Positive polarityNegative polarity
Minimum allowable≥ 400>6000.4<=y <1.0
Maximum allowed< 50 000≤ 50 000

To preserve the meaning of an air ionizer, it is worth considering that the indicator at a distance of 1 m should be no less than the indicator of the natural concentration of air charges, that is, at least 1,000 ions/cm3. In this regard, it is advisable to adhere to a concentration indicator of 5,000 ions/cm3.

GOST also defines the requirements for the voltage at the emitter, that is, at the ionizing electrode. It is measured in kV. In the case of household air ionizers, this voltage should be in the 20-30 kV corridor.

If it is more than 30 kV, then the meaning of using such a device is lost, since a voltage of 20 kV is sufficient for the stable formation of ions. In addition, this is fraught with the formation of spark discharges, which contribute to the release of compounds harmful to the body, for example, ozone.

Advantages and disadvantages of ionizers

The main advantages of these devices:

  • improving air quality, cleaning it from allergens, dust, pathogenic microorganisms, mites;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors and tobacco smoke;
  • high performance with compact size and low power;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • possibility of adjusting the operating mode;
  • low noise level;
  • the presence of additional functionality (air purifier/humidifier, fragrance, fan).

Among the disadvantages of ionizers of this type:

  • the need to periodically clean the needles/cassette. Maintenance of most models is kept to a minimum - it is enough to wash their filters under running water 1-2 times a month;
  • unexpected influence of the electric field on a person. For some people, electromagnetic radiation is beneficial, for others it is harmful. It is impossible to foresee this;
  • the need to regularly clean the area around the device. The ionizer also gives a negative charge to the microflora of the room, so microdust will fall near it (on furniture, floor);
  • negative impact of an excess of positively charged ions on humans. Ozone released in large quantities causes headaches, lethargy, and poor health. A characteristic sign of its increased concentration in the air is the “smell of a thunderstorm.”

The ionizer will be beneficial if it is selected taking into account the area of ​​the room, the degree of air pollution in it, installed at a safe distance from a person, and used according to the instructions

Operating principle

If we are going to assemble an ionizer, we need to know how it works. Studies of air in an ordinary apartment have shown that the amount of beneficial ions in it is 10-15 times less than necessary.

A device for air purification and ionization is simply necessary.

The main function of the ionizer is to charge air particles with a negative charge. As a result, air ions are formed that are beneficial to our health.

In order to obtain a negative charge, simple elements must pass through a corona electrical charge. Dust, harmful microorganisms and allergens are also exposed to this charge.

Having reached a plate with an opposite charge, these elements are attracted to it and are removed from the air flow.

They are then removed from the device during the cleaning process. Current is supplied to the metal electrodes in the form of pulses.

There are some restrictions when using an air ionizer. It is not recommended to use it in rooms where there are cancer patients, children under 1 year of age and people with fever.

The best ionizers: top 5 models for 2021

To find out which air ionizer to choose for your apartment, you need to listen to the advice of experts and also take an interest in the rating. According to users, the best ionizers are produced under the brands Termica, Panasonic, Winia, Maxion, Electrolux, Air Comfort, etc.

Top five:

  1. Termica AP-300 TC. Ionizer with cleaning function (carbon, plasma, ultraviolet). Highly efficient Nera filter. Timer for 12 hours. Informative display. Child protection. It features low noise levels and economical power consumption.
  2. Panasonic F-VXD50R-S. Ionization, cleansing, moisturizing. The service for a room with an area of ​​40 m² is calculated. Has advanced functionality. It is economical and has a stylish design.
  3. AIC GH-2156. ESP technology makes it possible to block trapped dust and bacteria from spreading. The effective service area is 15 m. It is mobile, easy to move and located anywhere.
  4. Electrolux EHU-3710D. A smart, multifunctional device that, in addition to ionization and air humidification, effectively fights pathogens, for which the device contains an ultraviolet lamp. A touch panel and remote control are used for control.
  5. Winia AWX-70. Climate complex for premises. Effectively ionizes and humidifies the air in rooms with an area of ​​up to 50 m² while consuming no more than 24 W of electricity. With solid power, the device is quiet - 32 dB.

New features and capabilities of new products

After equipping the ionizers with displays and remote control, the developers decided to give the device some semblance of intelligence. Multifunctional models do not require constant human presence and independently take care of the indoor microclimate. As part of air conditioners and humidifiers, air ionizers expand the range of smart home equipment.

DIY ionizer

Fresh air is the main component in maintaining a person’s overall well-being. As you know, air quality is affected by positive and negative ions present in the environment. The main role is played by negative ions, which, when entering the human body, form the necessary biologically active components there. In the environment, especially in big cities, there are a lot of negative factors that reduce the number of these gas particles. This problem can be solved thanks to an air ionizer that you can make yourself.

Anion generation and air humidification: points of contact

For children, devices must only be certified.
When trying to figure out why air ionization is needed in a humidifier, you need to start from the options of the device as a whole. Thanks to an integrated approach, air purification is carried out in all directions:

  • charges of static electricity harmful to the human body are blocked;
  • dust is retained and deposited in the installation housing;
  • soot and other larger fractions of dirt are removed.

In apartments and houses, especially during the heating season, when the moisture content in the air is low, a charge of static electricity occurs. It is formed during friction between different surfaces. Small charges that seem harmless at first glance, when in contact with a person, accumulate on him. Unpleasant sensations arise when objects in the room “shock with electricity.” The situation is aggravated by synthetic clothing, plastic finishing materials, etc. This affects the nerve endings, which can ultimately lead to irreversible changes in the central nervous system. The result is insomnia, fatigue, and increased irritability.

The neutralization of cations is carried out by the ionizer, as a component built into the humidifier. Moisture saturation has an antistatic effect on the air composition.

Another reason explaining why air ionization is needed in a humidifier lies in improving the health of the air environment by combating dust, pollen, and other allergens. Suspended solid particles that have received a negative charge tend to settle on external surfaces (partitions, furniture, walls, ceilings), thereby purifying the air and reducing the possibility of triggering an allergic reaction. You just need to do wet cleaning more often, collecting settled dust.

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