Rules for turning on the refrigerator after transportation

Purchase and transportation

  • 13. Turning on the refrigerator after defrosting/moving
  • 14. Usual precautions
  • 15. Useful tips
  • 16. Cleaning cells
  • 17. Why and how to wash the refrigerator before turning it on
  • 18. When to turn on the refrigerator after defrosting
  • 19. Answers to common questions
      19.1. Related articles:
  • When purchasing a household appliance, they specify how it will be transported. Immediately inspect the integrity of the package. Make sure there is no damage to the glass shelves and check the compartment closing mechanisms.

    The device is delivered by special services from household appliance stores. Most often, the service is paid, so you can refuse it. To move on your own, you will need a spacious vehicle, a couple of strong men and knowledge of the rules for transporting refrigerators:

    Delivery of equipment by loaders

    1. The desired position of the device is vertical.
    2. Allowable roll is 40 degrees.
    3. In the cold season, they try to get to a room with above-zero temperatures faster.
    4. If the unit had to be placed in a horizontal plane, it is important to strictly observe the time before plugging the plug into the socket.

    How long should a refrigerator work, and then how long should it rest?

    This can be calculated using a simple formula:

    K = work time / (work time + rest time).

    For example:

    K = 25 min / (25 min + 35 min) = 0.4.

    This figure is considered quite good. The optimal coefficient should be in the range from 0.2 to 0.6 units. If its value is less than 0.2, this means that the motor is not working enough and the temperature in the refrigerator is too high. If, on the contrary, the coefficient exceeds 0.6 units, the engine is working too hard. This factor may be caused by defects in the thermal insulation of the refrigerator, for example, damage to the seals.

    Switching on the refrigerator for the first time

    • The first thing you need to do is remove all items unnecessary for use from the refrigerator and freezer compartments of the appliance. And such items are a must in any new refrigerator. They are all kinds of packaging materials: foam spacers, gaskets made of some type of film, etc. Let's delete!
    • The second stage can be called bathing. That is, you just need to wash all the internal surfaces of the refrigerator. Let me make a reservation right away that bathing as such does not apply to the operation of the refrigerator and it will work just fine without this procedure. But you are buying a refrigerator for yourself, and not for your “uncle,” and therefore concern for hygiene will definitely not be superfluous. In addition, the specific smell of plastic in the chambers of the new refrigerator will undoubtedly permeate all unsealed food items. Open your new refrigerator, smell it! By the way, it is best to wash it with water with a small addition of acetic acid, which kills extraneous odors.
    • Stage three - installation of the refrigerator. This is the same procedure for which some sellers charge money, selling it as an additional service along with many household appliances. Installing a refrigerator involves placing it correctly in the right place. Correctly means so that it stands firmly, monolithically, and does not wobble in general. For this purpose, each refrigerator has adjustable legs. As a rule, there are two front legs. They are adjusted using a threaded connection, using a key, and sometimes even manually. I will not describe this process in detail, since it is a very simple procedure. I’ll focus on one question: is it really necessary to level the refrigerator? There are different opinions on this issue: some masters say that it is necessary and this is even often written in the operating instructions, others claim that nothing bad will happen from a slight tilt back. By the way, in my house the refrigerator is positioned exactly like this - tilted, because it’s convenient. I pushed the door lightly and it closed on its own. And it has been working for almost 20 years. Install!
    • Stage four: connecting the refrigerator to the electrical network. Again, there are several opinions here. Many people argue that it is impossible to connect a refrigerator through extension cords. And in stores, sales consultants certainly try to sell a surge protector along with the refrigerator, which in most cases is made in the form of an extension cord. What should I do? You know what I will tell you, my personal opinion is that this issue is not very important. If you connect your new refrigerator through a high-quality extension cord (surge protector), nothing bad will happen to it. It will serve faithfully for many years. And if we talk specifically about the surge protector, it will also protect against large power surges, which is also not so bad. And also about the outlet into which we connect our refrigerator. According to the manufacturer's instructions, the device must be connected to an outlet that has a working ground contact. However, where can we get such an outlet when in most of our apartments the electrical wiring is two-wire, that is, without a grounding wire. The manufacturer does not talk about this. Therefore, there is nothing left to do but use the sockets that are available. Connect!
    • Attention! A new refrigerator that has just been delivered to your apartment cannot be immediately plugged into the network. It should sit for at least 2 hours. And if the temperature outside is negative, then at least 4 hours. However, if you, as expected, “bathe” him first, then time will pass.
    • The last stage is loading products. This is where the main mistake of most buyers lies. Never fill the refrigerator with food immediately after turning it on! Wait! Give the refrigerator time to reach operating temperature. This time is also different for different refrigerators. One will gain temperature in 5 hours, while another may need 8-10 hours for this process. And only after that you can start loading products. Again, not right away! There is no need to try to fill the freezer to capacity with warm meat. This can put excessive load on the compressor, which is not good. Fill the refrigerator gradually, in portions, so to speak. Then you will not encounter the situation that I mentioned at the beginning of the article, talking about my relatives. They did just the opposite. We bought a refrigerator, and at the same time several tens of kilograms of fresh meat, came home, loaded the meat into the freezer and turned it on. As a result, we obtained continuous operation of the compressor for almost two days. And since they purchased a Samsung refrigerator, which has an evaporator built into the side walls, their new device got hot, like a good battery, which is scary to touch. Don't do this! No need to ruin your refrigerator from the first hours of use!

    Here, in fact, are all the simple rules that must be followed for proper operation when turning on a new refrigerator for the first time.

    Now let’s talk a little about the operation of the refrigerator during its further operation. After all, we buy this device not for one month, and not even for one year.

    Connecting to the network

    Once you have installed the unit, the time comes to connect it to the network. Very often, when purchasing a refrigerator, sellers offer to purchase a special network adapter, which should protect the equipment during voltage surges. In fact, this is not such a mandatory purchase. It is enough just to have an outlet at home that has a grounding contact.

    If there is such an outlet, then you don’t have to worry about your unit. If the house has an ordinary outlet, then the network adapter may come in handy. By the way, instead of a surge protector, you can take a very ordinary extension cord. Modern extension cords are equipped with grounding contacts and will perfectly protect your refrigerator from surges. By the way, extenders are much cheaper than network adapters. Therefore, you should not overpay.

    If you plan to connect several devices at the same time, then a network adapter will be useful. Firstly, it has many outlets, and makes it possible to connect up to 10 devices at once. And secondly, it will be able to protect your equipment from overvoltage.

    The most important! Anyone who has purchased a refrigeration unit should remember this. After transportation, the unit must not be turned on under any circumstances for the first 2 hours. If the delivery was carried out in cold weather, then you will have to wait 4 hours. This is necessary to ensure that all parts in the refrigerator warm up and the condensation evaporates. If you turn on the unit immediately, it may deteriorate due to temperature changes. If you follow the above requirements for operating the refrigerator, you will not notice how these 2-4 hours fly by.

    Loading with products

    The last stage is loading the refrigerator with food. Do not rush to fill it with food immediately after turning on the unit. It is necessary to allow the refrigerator to enter a normal operating rhythm. Each unit requires different times. On average, a refrigerator needs to run idle for several hours. During this time, the refrigerator compartment will be filled with coolness, and the freezer compartment will accumulate frost. Under no circumstances should you put a large amount of meat, especially warm meat, into a new unit.

    Since as a result of these actions, the compressor will work without stopping and as a result the unit will overheat and deteriorate. It's better to wait a while. And then your unit will work perfectly for many years and will not cause you any problems.

    If you follow these rules for first turning on the unit, you don’t have to worry about the condition of the equipment. It must be remembered that the refrigeration unit is a rather sensitive device and if used incorrectly, it can simply break. This is especially true for new models of units that are equipped with a computer. All sensors installed in the unit sense all changes very subtly and easily burn out. Therefore, be extremely careful and careful. In this case, your equipment will serve you and delight you for a long time.

    Why can't you turn on the refrigerator right away?

    For smooth operation of the compressor, it is necessary that the oil descends and the refrigerant is correctly and evenly distributed in the system. This is especially important if you need to transport the refrigerator in the cold. By the way, this applies to any electronic devices. If they were transported in the cold, you need to wait a few hours before turning them on for the first time.

    While the equipment is being delivered, the goods may be tilted, shaken or transported in a horizontal position (which is not recommended). Please note that immediately after transportation you cannot turn on both the new and the old device. After delivery, the first thing you need to do is unpack your new refrigerator and check for damage inside and outside.

    Inside the refrigerator, remove unnecessary items, install shelves and drawers in the desired order and location. If necessary, wash the product and elements. Washing will not disrupt the operation of the equipment, but will eliminate the smell of new plastic and remove dust and possible dirt. In addition, it is better to place food in a clean refrigerator.

    For washing, use warm water, you can take a soap solution or use a small amount of table vinegar. After water procedures, wipe the equipment with a clean damp cloth and wipe dry. Now let's look at when you can turn on the refrigerator after transportation.

    How to turn on a new refrigerator?

    Proceed in the following sequence:

    1. Voltage check . Check the voltage in the electrical network for compliance with the voltage of the refrigerator, the value of which is displayed in the operating instructions and on the nameplate on the rear wall. If the reliability of your network is in doubt, buy a voltage stabilizer. Its purchase will cost several times less than repairing a refrigerator.

    2. Removing foreign objects . Free the interior space of the refrigerator and freezer from unnecessary things - polystyrene foam, branded stickers, packaging, film, etc.

    3. Installation of the device . Place the device on a level surface to avoid wobble, strong vibrations and unusual noise. For uneven areas, modern models are equipped with adjustable legs that allow you to bring the unit to the optimal position. It is better to adjust the supporting elements so that the refrigerator leans back slightly. This is necessary for convenient closing of the door with minimal effort.

    4. Cleaning the refrigerator . Thoroughly wipe the interior and exterior surfaces with a damp sponge soaked in water and vinegar (this will neutralize the smell of new plastic). After washing, let the walls of the refrigerator dry, leaving the door open.

    5. Installation of components . Place shelves, drawers and containers in the chamber.

    6. Electrical connection . After completing a set of preparatory measures, you can plug the cord into the outlet. But do not forget that the temperature during transportation differs significantly from room temperature, so the unit needs time to adapt to new conditions. Read more about waiting times below.

    How long does it take to turn on the refrigerator after transportation?

    The refrigerator should not be turned on immediately after transportation, as this is fraught with the formation of condensation and subsequent interruptions in operation. The interval between delivery and connection depends on the following nuances:

    •If the device was transported in a horizontal position, let it sit for 8 to 16 hours for the oil to return to the compressor and freon to be distributed throughout the entire circuit;

    •When transporting in an upright position and in warm weather, wait 2-4 hours;

    •During the cold season during vertical transportation, the waiting time ranges from 4 to 6 hours, this is enough to evaporate the condensate and heat the device to room temperature.

    For the first 2-4 hours after connecting to the power supply, the refrigerator should run idle and adapt to the temperature in the room. The compressor may run for several hours at a time or all day.

    When loading the refrigerator for the first time, do not fill the internal space to capacity; let the unit gradually cool the chambers to the desired temperature.

    How long does it take to turn on the refrigerator after defrosting or moving?

    When completely defrosted, the device cannot be connected to the power supply for two hours after completion of the set of measures. This time is enough for the condensate to completely evaporate. In order not to waste time, you can start cleaning the refrigerator and freezer compartments, as well as drying the removed components.

    How long does it take to connect the refrigerator to the network?

    First, you need to ask the delivery service representatives in what position they transported your electrical appliance. Refrigerators of the latest models are not recommended to be tilted more than 40 degrees. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to transport the appliance in the correct position; due to its height, refrigerators are often placed on their sides.

    This causes compressor engine oil to enter the refrigerant circuit. Therefore, when the refrigerator is immediately connected to the electrical network, oil may spread along the circulation circuit. Liquids do not have the ability to compress in comparison with refrigerant gas, and because of this, the engine piston system will be overloaded with work. After some time, this will lead to breakdown of the compressor, which will need to be replaced with a new one. Replacing the compressor will not be cheap, and it will also take some time.

    There are some factors that allow you to connect a newly delivered refrigerator to the network. Here are the main points you need to know and remember:

    1. When transporting the device horizontally, you must wait about 16 hours, at least 8 hours, for the spilled oil to return back to the compressor.
    2. Vertical transportation of the refrigerator, taking into account the warm temperature outside, allows you to turn on the device 2-4 hours after delivery.
    3. Vertical transportation of the refrigerator in cold weather will allow you to turn on the device after 4-6 hours, so that during this time the condensation will evaporate when it warms up to room temperature.

    You should not immediately fill a new refrigerator with a large number of different food products, put them in little by little so as not to overload the electric motor.

    Carefully follow the rules for operating the refrigerator to avoid sudden breakdowns and repairs to a new expensive appliance.

    The non-stop operation time of a new unit depends on many factors. These include the temperature in the room where the device is located, compressor performance, chamber volume, number of products loaded into them, type of refrigerant, etc. Average values ​​for an empty device with the temperature set to minimum are approximately 1-2 hours. But this is conditional, since in the instructions you can find a note that even 24-hour continuous operation of a new device is not considered a defect.

    What can affect the device's operating cycle?

    An increased operating time indicates that the motor works harder, freezes more intensely, and there is an overconsumption of electricity.

    If the operating interval of the refrigerator between shutdowns has increased, this does not mean that the device is faulty.

    Perhaps the reason is a violation of the rules for using the unit:

    • incorrect installation of the device with an angle - the seal is broken;
    • overloading of chambers with products - the movement of cold air flows is difficult;
    • heat in the apartment - when opened, hot air enters the unit, heating it;
    • incorrectly set temperature - the settings force the compressor to start more often or operate at increased power.

    The frequency of turning the refrigerator on and off depends on the technical parameters:

    • dimensions of the unit, volume of compartments;
    • type of refrigerant;
    • motor performance.

    You can control the operating time of the refrigerator before shutting down by adjusting the temperature. Manufacturers indicate the optimal mode in the instructions.

    Preparing to turn on the refrigerator for the first time

    The preparation technology is the same for all manufacturers: turning on the Atlant refrigerator for the first time is similar to the launch of models, Bosch and Indesit:

    Remove the excess. Packaging, fixing elements, pieces of adhesive tape, foam plastic. Check the back wall, inspect the compressor, remove foreign objects. Sometimes the instructions do not contain such a clause and a random piece of cardboard or foam becomes a cause of discomfort.

    1. First cleaning. The devices smell like new plastic and rubber, and the air inside stagnates. Over time, foreign odors disappear. To speed up the removal of the “newness” aroma, use detergents or water and vinegar.
    2. Selecting a location for installation. Place the refrigerator on a flat, hard surface so that there is at least 5 cm of free space on all sides for air circulation. It is recommended to place the device away from heating appliances and the stove - at least 50 cm. Sometimes the refrigerator is tilted back so that the doors close on their own, but over time the parts begin to rattle, and such a tilt looks too noticeable in tall models. Adjust the legs and try to open the door. Most designs provide the ability to rehang the doors - now is the time.

    How to adjust the temperature in the refrigerator

    The temperature in the Atlant refrigerator is adjusted using a rotary regulator or buttons on the control panel. The set temperature depends on the degree of filling with food and on the model of the refrigerator. Refrigeration units manufactured by Atlant have a setting algorithm that depends on the number of chambers and working compressors. Some models use a button to turn on the accelerated freezing mode, which is turned off manually or by a signal from the control unit.

    Single compressor models

    A single-chamber small-sized refrigerator is equipped with one door, behind which there is a common chamber and a small freezer. To adjust the temperature, a round regulator is used, allowing you to select one of 7 cooling levels. For normal operating conditions, it is recommended to install the corrector in position 3 or 4. To quickly reduce the temperature in the refrigerator, the regulator is set to position 5 or 6. After freezing the food, it is necessary to return the regulator to position 3 or 4, which will reduce the load on the electric drive of the compressor.

    The plant produces modifications with 1 compressor and 2 chambers with separate doors. The equipment is equipped with a regulator of a similar design, but when the regulator is set to position 3 or 4, different temperatures are maintained in the compartments. The freezer compartment is cooled to -18°C, while in the refrigerator compartment the air temperature is within 1-4°C.

    Dual compressor models

    To adjust the parameters in two-compressor models, separate regulators are used for the freezer and refrigerator compartment. Factory documentation recommends setting the temperature by turning the adjusters to position 3, 4 or 5. For accelerated cooling, it is possible to set the regulator to position 6 or 7.

    On modernized models, an electronic push-button regulator with an indicator panel is used, which allows you to set the temperature in the Atlant refrigerator in steps of 1°C. The equipment is equipped with an alarm buzzer, which reduces the likelihood of leaving the cell door open. According to the factory instructions, the temperature in the freezer should be -18°C (set by buttons on the left side of the control unit). To adjust parameters in the upper chamber, use the keys on the right edge of the controller (recommended value 3-5°C).

    How long does the refrigerator run when first turned on?

    Now we have come to the moment when all the preparatory activities are over, and we can connect it to the network. And then the question arises: how long should it work, and is it possible to use a special network adapter that minimizes power fluctuations?

    When you just bought a refrigerator, you shouldn’t turn it on right away, especially if it was previously standing in an unheated room or outside. It should warm up for the first 2-4 hours. This is the time you can spend on its hygiene and drying. Then, when the device has “adapted” to the temperature conditions of the room, you can turn it on. Don't be alarmed if the compressor runs all day, or maybe even for several hours. To the question “How long should a refrigerator run when first turned on?” there is no clear answer. Each model requires its own time to reach the required temperature.

    As for the need to use a network adapter, there is no urgent need to purchase one. It is only needed if you do not have a grounding contact on the outlet at home to which electrical appliances are connected. But here you can also save money by purchasing a simple extension cord. Modern extension cords also protect devices from electrical fluctuations, but at the same time their price tag is much lower than that of network adapters.

    At what time intervals should the refrigerator turn off?

    During the day, the equipment operates and is switched off for approximately 12 hours. The interval between turning on and off the equipment depends on the following factors:

    • indoor air temperature;
    • volume of chambers in refrigeration equipment;
    • compressor motor power;
    • type of freon in the cooling system.

    When first turned on and put into operation, the device will operate continuously until it reaches the desired temperature. Depending on the parameters listed above, this period can range from 4 to 8 hours.

    In refrigerators equipped with a No Frost system, after starting and turning on the freezing mode, the defrosting mode begins to operate. This sequence is controlled by the thermostat and the evaporator.

    The operating cycle of such equipment is short: cooling takes about 2–5 minutes, and another 10 minutes are spent on defrosting.

    The duration of the refrigerator operation cycle associated with continuous cooling depends on the following features:

    • temperature of products placed in the chamber;
    • congestion of the internal space;
    • device performance;
    • brand of freon.


    Before releasing the movers and installing the refrigerator, check the package contents, re-read the warranty card and check the functionality. Only after making sure that all components are available, that the warranty is filled out correctly and that the equipment is in good working order, let the store representatives go. If something goes wrong, make a claim on the spot and in fact, otherwise it will be difficult to prove something later.

    Installation requirements:

    • The room humidity should be no higher than 80%. If you have nothing to measure humidity with, pay attention to the walls, floor and ceiling of the kitchen - if you notice condensation, the humidity is too high.
    • Provide adequate ventilation. If you find problems, contact the Housing Office to clean the ventilation ducts.
    • Choose the coolest place in the kitchen.

    Pay attention to the climate class indicated on the information sticker. Read more about climate classes and the conditions for installing a refrigerator in accordance with them in a separate publication.

    Are you planning to install 2 refrigerators at once or place a freezer next to each other? Do not place them close to each other - ensure a distance of at least 2 cm.

    Also follow the rules for connecting to the electrical network:

    • Correlate the equipment parameters with the electrical network parameters. If it operates with a voltage of 220 V, connect to a two-phase power supply, 380 V to a three-phase power supply.
    • Connect to a grounded outlet to ensure safe operation. It wouldn’t hurt to install a circuit breaker to protect equipment from power surges.

    • Do not use extension cords, carriers or adapters - connection is only permissible into a fixed outlet in the wall.

    How to properly place equipment

    Proper installation of a new household refrigerator requires complete isolation from heaters and radiators. Install it in a cool and well-ventilated area. Also do not place near gas stoves or electric stoves. Experts also do not recommend placing them near southern windows, through which direct sunlight will penetrate the body every day. Oddly enough, the best place for installation is with a draft.

    If the temperature of the kitchen space increases due to “warm” floors, choose a location in an inactive area. Or take into account in advance when installing such a floor that electrical appliances will be installed on it.

    What are the dangers of constantly placing a refrigerator in warm areas? This will cause the compressor to run continuously due to the constant circulation of warm air around the housing. Uninterrupted operation of the motor will significantly reduce the service life of both it and the electrical appliance.

    Let's get started

    When the first switching on of the refrigerator is over, we begin to fill it with food. Here you also need to know when to stop and not immediately overload it with, for example, ten kilograms of meat, canned food, sausages, pots of soup and other food. This is a colossal load on the compressor, which under such conditions simply may not cope with the load, overheat and burn out. This especially applies to refrigerators equipped with computer control. It has very sensitive sensors that do not perceive sudden temperature changes well and fail.

    Therefore, when purchasing kitchen appliances, you need to treat them with care. If you follow all the rules from the very beginning of installation to subsequent use, then it will bring only positive emotions for a long time.

    Useful tips

    Upon delivery, representatives of some organizations may ask you to turn on the equipment to check for consistency. Refuse, citing the fact that the serviceability of the equipment was confirmed upon purchase. You can take note of the experience of specialists in installing and repairing refrigerators: the front legs are adjusted in height a little more than the rear ones. This allows the door to adhere more tightly and effortlessly to the seal. Be sure to close all containers with liquids inside the chamber with lids: this will prevent the formation of an ice coat on the back wall.

    Correct operation of the refrigerator

    • The first thing I want to say is that the refrigerator is such a thing that must operate at an ambient temperature of at least 10 degrees. This means that you cannot leave a working refrigerator on balconies or verandas or in any other place where the temperature during the cold period drops below the specified limit. Remember this! Let the Chukchi warm themselves in the refrigerator, but you and I won’t.
    • Do not unplug the refrigerator for less than 1 minute. By performing such actions, you can cause the heart of the device - the compressor - to jam. Which will lead to the impossibility of further operation.
    • You shouldn’t open the refrigerator doors once again just to look with a thoughtful look at “what to eat.” This is especially true for the freezer, which is generally not recommended to be opened more than once every few hours. By the way, you can try opening the freezer several times in a row. If the seal of the chamber is not broken, then it is unlikely that you will succeed, because due to the temperature difference, the door seems to be suctioned and it is very difficult to open it. If you apply force, you can easily damage the rubber seal located along the contour of the door. And this, as you yourself understand, will lead to the seal being broken and a lot of ice will form in the freezer very quickly.
    • Just like when you first turned it on, you should not overload your refrigerator by adding a large volume of warm food to the freezer at once. Do this gradually in small batches.
    • And the last thing I would like to say. Any refrigerator, even if it is equipped, needs periodic cleaning. At least once every six months it needs to be unplugged, defrosted and washed. And with refrigerators operating on the drip principle, this procedure will have to be done more often. It is better to carry out this action as needed, focusing on the amount of “snow” in the freezer. In summer you will have to do this more often, in winter less often.

    That's all. Proper operation of the refrigerator will allow you to enjoy trouble-free operation of your appliance for many years - an indispensable assistant for preserving food.

    Good luck with your exploitation!

    Turning on a new refrigerator for the first time is an important moment on which its further service life depends. Unfortunately, not all buyers attach importance to this. Such illiteracy leads to malfunction of the device and its breakdown.

    Of course, it would be wrong to blame everything on the incorrect first switching on. After all, besides this, there are a number of other reasons. But still, the main reason why the refrigerator failed is precisely the neglect of the rules for first plugging into the network. In order for the new equipment to serve faithfully for many years, you must follow the instructions in the instructions after purchase. In fact, there are few of them, and there is nothing complicated about them.

    Features of refrigerators with two compressors

    Most refrigerators have one compressor and one evaporator. But there are models with two compressors. They can work according to different principles:

    1. One compressor operates on the line in the main compartment, the second cools the freezer;
    2. In double-door refrigerators, one compressor works on the left circuit, the second on the right system.

    Two compressors in a refrigerator In both cases, the compressors will work with a spread in time. The difference depends on:

    • Temperature conditions;
    • Department workload;
    • Frequency of use of the department;
    • System states.

    Compressors will operate unevenly, turning on and off at different intervals. You may feel like your refrigerator is either turning on more often, running longer, or even going crazy.

    It is impossible to detect malfunctions in a refrigerator with two compressors by ear. Malfunctions may affect the temperature in the refrigerator compartments. If it is higher or lower than the established one, call a specialist.

    Let's start installation

    After all foreign objects have been removed, sanitary and hygienic measures have been taken, installation can begin. Nowadays, many stores that sell kitchen appliances offer refrigerator installation services after purchase. As a rule, such a service is inexpensive for the client, so if you are not sure that you can install the unit yourself, it is better to let professionals solve this task for you. After all, in order for the purchase to only please you and not cause unnecessary inconvenience, you need to install it correctly.

    Refrigerator installation

    It is important to choose a level place where the refrigerator will stand. Otherwise, the device will stagger, hum and vibrate unnaturally. It is often impossible to find a perfectly flat surface, and this point was taken into account by the manufacturers of this equipment. They equipped the units with legs with adjusters that help you choose the optimal location. Many experts install refrigerators with a slight backward tilt angle. In this case, to slam the door, you just need to push it.

    But it is worth noting that the location of this device does not affect its performance in any way. This is done only for the convenience of its owner when the Atlant refrigerator is turned on for the first time and during its subsequent operation. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this and do what’s convenient for you. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use the services of a specialist. Each refrigerator, be it Atlant, Indesit or Samsung, comes with instructions with a description and photo on how to install it yourself.

    How long does the refrigerator run after defrosting?

    The refrigerator compressor will work actively until it cools the chamber space to the desired temperature. This happens for about the same amount of time as it took to cool down when first turned on after purchase - from 2-3 to 8-10 hours. Deviations from the average number of hours are associated with the power of the refrigerator motor, the type of refrigerant, the degree of thermal insulation, and other factors.

    When and how to turn on the refrigerator after delivery

    To better understand why a breakdown may occur after immediate connection, you should understand how the device works.

    Briefly about the principle of operation of the refrigerator

    • Inside the unit, in addition to the loading compartments, there is hardware.
    • Its main components are a coolant or refrigerant, a motor and a compressor. Freons are used as a refrigerant in refrigeration devices.
    • The refrigerant is responsible for producing cold. Freon takes two aggregate forms - liquid and gas. Evaporating into a gaseous state, it takes heat from the mass, actively cooling it.
    • At this time, the compressor compresses the refrigerant, causing it to turn into liquid form, releasing heat into the environment.
    • The motor starts the compressor. Inside the compressor there is machine oil.

    Refrigeration unit operation diagram

    What happens to the refrigerator if you turn it on immediately after delivery?

    During transportation under a strong slope or in a side position, technical oil from the compressor flows into the circuit where the freon is located. An oily liquid does not have the ability of a refrigerant to compress. As a result, the motor will work without respite, which will lead to overload and breakdown.

    After the device is placed vertically, wait until the coolant takes the correct position in its circuit.

    When transported during winter months, condensed liquid will accumulate inside the unit. It must evaporate before connecting the refrigerator to electricity.

    Note. The rule of delayed connection of household appliances during transportation in winter applies not only to refrigerators. Condensation can cause a short circuit in any electrical appliance.

    When to turn on the refrigerator after installation

    1. If the refrigerator was placed on its side, it is necessary to wait 16-18 hours for the oil to flow into the compressor and the freon to be distributed within its circuit.
    2. If the device has not changed the correct vertical position, it is turned on after 6 hours in winter, and after 4 in summer.

    You can make sure that the refrigerator is fully operational and works without errors a few days after the first turn on. During this period, it will become clear how the know frost system, the compressor, and the speed of defrosting and freezing food work.

    What is the operating cycle of a refrigerator?

    This indicator can be expressed by the following formula: equipment operating time + its rest time. For example, the operating period of the refrigerator is 15 minutes, and the rest period is 20 minutes. In this case, the cycle will be 35 minutes. Most modern models are designed for 10–15 minutes of work and 20–30 minutes of rest.

    We list the main failures and problems:

    • in 1 hour the user observes only 1 cycle of operation;
    • in 1 hour the compressor turns on and off more than 4 or 8 times (for conventional cameras and devices with the No Frost system);
    • the operating period of the device exceeds its rest period.

    In the first case, equipment downtime increases. Because of this, the evaporator has time to thaw and after switching on, ice forms on the walls of the chamber. In the second case, the motor begins to consume more electricity, and accordingly, utility bills increase. In the third case, the food in the chamber will be frozen.

    The basic rule: the duration of operation of the refrigerator compressor should not exceed its rest time, otherwise we can talk about a cycle violation.

    At the same time, different models of household appliances have their own characteristics, so you need to familiarize yourself with the technical documentation. The period of operation of the compressor after switching on can be not only 15–20 minutes, but also 8–10. Thus, the cycle of such equipment will be shorter and this cannot be considered a malfunction.

    Turning on the refrigerator after defrosting/moving

    The requirements for delivering a refrigerator from a store to an apartment also apply when moving to a new place of residence. This applies to both new and old devices. When purchasing a used unit, it is also not connected to the network for the required time.

    After complete defrosting, the device is not plugged in for two hours. During this time, condensate evaporates. It is spent on washing the device and drying the removable compartments.

    Natural defrosting

    Important! Defrosting should occur naturally. Do not use a hair dryer or place a container of hot water inside. It takes at least 4 hours for the walls of the appliance and the freezer to be completely free of ice.

    How to turn it on correctly after defrosting

    There are several simple rules that, if followed, can extend the life of a household appliance. In most cases, you can become familiar with them by reading the instructions. But users do not always have all the documentation attached to the household appliance, especially when it was not purchased in a store, but second-hand, i.e. used refrigerator. Not knowing how to properly turn on the unit can lead to expensive repairs or the purchase of a new device.

    After how long

    Most manufacturers do not recommend turning on the Atlant refrigerator after turning it off earlier than 24 hours later. If the appliance has the NoFrost function, it takes about a day for it to completely defrost. It is not recommended to speed up the defrosting process, because... this may adversely affect the parts of the device.

    How long before you can turn on the refrigerator after it has been defrosted will depend on several factors:

    1. Freezing on device parts. If a lot of ice has formed on the walls, it will take longer to thaw. The reason for a large amount of frozen water may be a malfunction of the household appliance, clogged drain pipes, frequent opening of the door or its poor fit, etc.
    2. Ambient temperature. If defrosting occurs in a hot room in the summer, the defrosting process will occur faster.
    3. Temperature set inside the unit.
    4. Last date for defrosting. Even self-defrosting thermally insulated chambers can accumulate ice if they are not serviced at least once a year.

    What not to do

    If the refrigerator was not only defrosted, but also transported, after transportation you cannot immediately plug it into the network. It is necessary to wait until the refrigerant is evenly distributed and the oil flows down. This precaution will prevent damage to the compressor.

    When defrosting was forced, for example, due to an emergency power outage, you should not leave the household device plugged in during defrosting.

    Even when all the ice has gone and the unit is fully prepared for further use, it should not be connected to the mains until the power supply is restored. When the electricity is turned on, you will need to wait another 15-20 minutes. Power resumption is often accompanied by voltage drops. If the refrigerator is plugged in at this moment, it may break down.

    Usual Precautions

    Manufacturers of refrigeration equipment, in the instructions for handling their products, give advice on the operating mode of the device and the rules for placing products in it. But users, neglecting these tips, “ruin” their equipment themselves and create conditions for rapid food spoilage.

    When using a refrigerator, you should distinguish between devices with No frost and conventional “drip” cooling - the storage conditions for food in them differ due to different levels of humidity. Therefore, what cannot be stored in an old type of refrigerator will “last” much longer in a modern one with a dry internal environment.

    Operating and shutdown times

    Users should know which refrigerator operating cycle is normal. The refrigeration motor operates cyclically. This means that after a certain period of time the device must turn off. The ratio of the period of time during which the refrigerator operates to the total duration of the cycle is called the operating time ratio. The higher the coefficient, the lower the temperature in the chambers and the higher the energy consumption.

    Operating principle of the air conditioner

    The cyclical operation of the Atlant, Indesit, Samsung, LG refrigerator is ensured thanks to a thermostat. This is a device that regulates the temperature inside the refrigerator and freezer compartments. It must be remembered that the normal operating cycle of the Atlant refrigerator lasts much longer, provided the chambers are fully loaded. Products that have gained enough cold retain it for a long period of time.

    On average, the normal operating cycles of an Indesit refrigerator are equal to a coefficient of 0.5. This means that half of the entire operating time the refrigerator is turned off, and the second half it is functioning.

    Useful tips

    To avoid any difficulties during transportation, it is necessary to take into account the advice of professionals. They will help prevent breakdowns of the refrigeration system and eliminate all problems that arise.

    Helpful Tips:

    1. When purchasing equipment, you need to carefully study the nuances of its delivery. Otherwise, any damage (due to the fault of the seller) may lead to additional financial losses on the part of the buyer.
    2. After delivery, the refrigerator must be left to rest before connecting to the network. The expected duration of this process must be clarified with the seller or delivery provider.
    3. The longer you let the equipment sit after transportation, the less likely it is to quickly fail.
    4. During settling, all doors of the device must be opened.
    5. When transporting in the cold season, you can find condensation on various parts. After delivery, it must be wiped with a dry cloth to prevent drops of liquid from getting into the engine.
    6. The electric motor of the device is most susceptible to damage. Therefore, it is necessary to protect it as much as possible during transportation.
    7. The first switching on of the refrigerator should be a test. If you immediately load the shelves with products, the device will function at maximum, which will lead to various problems.
    8. Do not place food tightly against the walls in the freezer compartment. If you ignore this advice, the air circulation will deteriorate and the equipment will work for a minimum amount of time.
    9. During delivery, the refrigeration unit housing may become dirty. To wash it from settled dust and dirt, you need to use a sponge soaked in a soap solution. It is prohibited to use water or any household chemicals. The first can get into the parts of the unit and disable it, and the second can negatively affect the loaded products.

    The refrigerator must be turned on after transportation, taking into account all the prescribed rules. If you do not pay attention to them, the unit can quickly fail. If you follow the nuances of transportation and correct connection, the device will perform its functions efficiently for a long period.

    Can a refrigerator operate continuously?

    If you notice that the refrigerator compartment does not turn off for a long time (about 12 hours), this is a reason to check the set operating mode. This can happen if the device is running an active super freeze program or if you simply changed the temperature values ​​greatly. In addition, the compressor may run continuously due to improper installation of the refrigerator.

    If you do not find the above reasons, you need to contact a specialist. Continuous operation of the device leads to maximum load on all components and parts, resulting in increased wear. After a short time, faulty household appliances can fail and require expensive repairs or replacements.

    In order for the refrigerator compressor cycle to comply with the norm, the user is recommended to install the following equipment:

    • in a room with standard room temperature (18–25 ºС);
    • away from the gas (electric) stove;
    • away from heating devices (radiators, fireplaces, heat guns, etc.).

    Cleaning the cells

    Refrigerators of any brand need care: Atlant, Veko, Nord, Bosch and others. Moreover, you need to take care of both old and newly purchased ones. Internal surfaces can be washed with a weak solution of baking soda or chemical detergents without abrasive particles.

    Important! After washing, you need to ventilate the equipment with the door open for at least 24 hours.

    Do not neglect external cleaning either, but be careful: the coating should not be rubbed with pipe cleaners and brushes, as well as aggressive detergents. Soak a sponge in a soda solution and treat handles, plastic parts, seals, walls and other areas. Wash stainless steel surfaces especially carefully: it is best to buy a special product for treating stainless steel surfaces so as not to damage them.

    Even if you bought a refrigerator with NoFrost technology, this does not mean that you will not have to clean it. Light wet cleaning is recommended to be done monthly. Your diligence will protect the cameras from odors and contamination.

    Can I use fragrances and fresheners? See for yourself: if you are satisfied with the chemical smell of food, you can hang “Christmas trees” in the cells. But it is better to pay attention to special absorbents that will eliminate unpleasant “odors” and will not mask them due to chemical components.

    Attention! As soon as you notice that the chamber smells unpleasant, sort out the food. If you don't find anything rotten or spoiled, check the drainage hole. If the drain pipe is clogged, it needs cleaning.

    Cleaning the back wall is necessary not so much for hygienic reasons, but for reasons of economy. Cleaning the condenser (the metal grill on the back of the cabinet) will prevent excess energy consumption. You can remove dust from the grill with a sponge, a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner with a fine attachment.

    Important! Proceed carefully to avoid damaging parts. Before manipulating the housing, disconnect the electrical appliance from the electricity supply.

    DIY Electronics

    Why and how to wash the refrigerator before turning it on

    Before turning on the device, it is important to examine it from the inside, since waste paper and various packaging materials that need to be removed can be found in the chamber. The second step will be getting rid of odors and dirt. Pollution can be of various origins:

    • smell of plastic;
    • pollution that was received during the production of equipment;
    • dust and dirt that accumulate during storage in a store, warehouse and after transportation.

    Even if the refrigerator is clean and no external contamination has been detected, it still needs cleaning. Plastic that has been kept in a closed box for a long time often causes an unpleasant odor. Therefore, turning on the refrigerator for the first time in any case is not possible without washing it.

    In household chemical stores you can find a large assortment of various chemicals, and even entire refrigerator care kits.

    But if you don’t want to spend money on such compounds, then you should use regular dishwashing gel or folk remedies (vinegar, soda).

    We bring the refrigerator home

    At the moment, the kitchen appliances market is simply replete with various refrigerators. Therefore, sometimes it is quite difficult to make a choice, for example, between LG or Indesit. Both of these manufacturers have already proven themselves well.

    Buying a refrigerator

    But still, when the choice has already been made, this unit arrives at your home, you must:

    1. First remove all foreign objects from the surface and inside. All new refrigerators have them. For example, cardboard, stickers, packaging paper, foam, film. Therefore, carefully inspect all compartments of the unit and remove excess. This point is very important.
    2. Hygiene comes first. Take a sponge, soak it in water and vinegar and wash the inside and outside well. Someone may say: why wash it, it’s new? This is necessary to get rid of the specific smell of plastic. Any new kitchen appliance has it. A solution of water and vinegar does this job just fine. And then, here you will store products that must be kept, if not in sterile, then hygienic conditions.
    3. It is strictly forbidden to use cleaning products containing chemicals. There is a possibility that you will not wash them properly, and these technical poisons will get into the food that will be stored here. Therefore, you can only wash it with water, and if there is a strong unpleasant odor of plastic, with the addition of ordinary acetic acid.

    When to turn on the refrigerator after defrosting

    We found out whether it is possible to turn on the equipment immediately after transportation. But, when and how to turn on the refrigerator for the first time after thawing and defrosting? Every refrigeration appliance must be defrosted, as ice deposits gradually accumulate on the walls. This procedure cleans the product, normalizes the functioning of the equipment and extends its service life, preventing the appearance and proliferation of harmful bacteria.

    Before defrosting, remove all food from each compartment. Place a container under the shelves into which the liquid will drain, and lay a cloth on the floor. Do not try to speed up defrosting by placing containers of warm or hot water on the shelves. Such temperature changes negatively affect the operation of the motor and lead to breakdowns.

    Do not pick or tear off the ice with a knife or other sharp tools or devices to avoid scratching or damaging the walls. Just leave the refrigerator open and let the process take place on its own. The defrosted device is thoroughly washed inside and out, then wiped with a damp cloth and wiped dry. By the way, see how to restore whiteness to the refrigerator and other plastic items.

    After defrosting, the refrigerator can be immediately plugged into the network. Wait two to three hours until the desired temperature is established inside, and then gradually fill the chambers with food.

    After purchasing a refrigerator, some people rush to immediately turn on the appliance and fill it with food. Therefore, few people are interested in the information specified in the instructions. And this, in turn, can lead to operational problems and even equipment breakdown. First, you need to wash your new refrigerator before using it for the first time, but this should be done in compliance with certain rules.

    How long before you can turn on a new refrigerator?

    Any unit needs to “come to its senses” after delivery. The time required for this depends on:

    • type of transportation - vertical or horizontal;
    • temperature and weather conditions accompanying delivery;
    • quality of the road surface: bumps and potholes delay the commissioning of equipment.

    Reference! Remember that the concept of strictly vertical or strictly horizontal does not exist: equipment will still be carried along the stairs at an inclination of at least 40°.

    Under normal conditions: purchase in summer, low humidity, first switching on is possible after 2-4 hours. If the refrigerator has been exposed to low temperatures and high humidity, it is left until the condensation evaporates for 6 hours. But transportation lying down will require lengthening the time period to 10 hours.

    Answers to common questions

    Housewives often ask why the refrigerator cannot be turned on immediately after transportation? The fact is that this is a complex technique, equipped with a special internal filling system. The refrigerant and oil filler play a major role in normal operation. If these two liquids mix, the refrigerator will not work. As a result, we conclude that proper transportation is extremely important to maintain the functionality of the device.

    Why can’t a new refrigerator be turned on immediately after delivery? The answer to this question lies in the instructions. Each model is accompanied by a package of documents, including rules for transportation, first use and operation. Take the time to study this documentation. After all, knowing the basic rules of use will extend the life of your new refrigerator.

    • If, after delivery, the recommendations for storing the equipment in a warm room in a vertical position are followed, and in the next two days after switching on the device worked normally, there will be no further problems.
    • It is necessary to find out exactly from the carriers in what position the refrigerator was transported. In any case, 4-6 hours of settling is quite enough to normalize all functions.
    • After turning it on for the first time, you should not load the refrigerator with a large amount of food. You need to give time for the equipment to gain the necessary cold.



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    First connection to the power grid

    When preparing to turn on the refrigerator for the first time, you should follow some tips:

    1. Equipment sellers often advise buying a surge protector to protect the unit from voltage surges. But if there is a good outlet in the house with ordinary grounding contacts, such a filter is not necessary. By the way, if you have a regular extension cord at home, you also don’t have to buy a network adapter. Modern extension cords have all grounding contacts, and they cost an order of magnitude cheaper than a filter.
    2. If, in addition to the refrigerator, you plan to connect several more devices at the same time, then it is better to use network adapters to protect against possible overload; moreover, they are usually equipped with a large number of sockets.
    3. If the refrigerator was purchased during the cold season, after delivery home it is strictly forbidden to plug it into the network for the first 3-4 hours. During this time, all parts of the device will warm up well, the resulting condensation will evaporate and it can be safely connected to the network.
    4. When connecting for the first time, it is not recommended to fill the refrigerator with food. You need to give it the opportunity to reach the desired idle temperature. This may take approximately 5 to 10 hours. Only then fill the refrigerator with a small amount of food. The refrigerator should return to normal operation gradually. In a few hours, the unit will be filled with coolness, the freezer will accumulate a sufficient amount of cold, and the refrigeration unit will be able to start working at full capacity.

    Modern freezing devices are mostly equipped with computer control; all sensors are very sensitive to various changes and differences, and, accordingly, can fail faster.

    On a note. Do not turn off the refrigerator for a period of time less than 1 minute. The compressor may jam and then you won’t be able to do it without a technician!

    So how long should a new refrigeration unit run before its first shutdown?

    This question is of great concern to owners of both new devices and devices that have recently been repaired or have been turned off for a long period. The fact is that the first time of its operation usually depends on factors such as:

    • Room temperature.
    • The volume of the refrigerator itself.
    • Compressor performance.
    • The number of products loaded into it, their temperature.
    • Refrigerant type, etc.

    On average, this period can be about two hours. If you wish, in order to determine the standard time before the first automatic shutdown of the new refrigerator, it is best to leave it empty, set the temperature thermostat to the minimum position and do not open the door until it is completely turned off. Depending on the above factors, the time can range from 30-40 minutes to 2-3 hours.

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