Frequent breakdowns of the refrigerator inverter compressor and how to check it

Continuity testing of air conditioning compressors

The most common type of compressor in air conditioners is single-phase compressors with a starting winding.

To gain access to the compressor contacts, it is necessary to disassemble the air conditioner so that there is access to the compressor. Usually the contacts are protected by a cover that is screwed in place; you can find it by the wires that go to the compressor. After removing the cover, you will see three contact pins on which terminals with wires are attached.

It is necessary to remove the wires and measure the resistance between the terminals with a multimeter. We set the device switch to the resistance measurement function (indicated by the letter Ω). If the multimeter shows an infinitely large resistance between terminal C and the others, then this means a break; in the case of built-in protection, you need to make sure that the compressor is not overheated and the protection has not tripped; otherwise, and if the external protection is faulty, the compressor is faulty. If the resistance approaches zero, this means a short circuit and the compressor is also faulty.

The exact value of the resistance depends on the power of the compressor, the accuracy of your device and can range from approximately 1-20 ohms.

As can be seen from the diagram, the resistance between terminals M and S must be equal to the sum of the resistances between terminals S and C and between M and C.

As a rule, the operating winding (MC) is more powerful, so its resistance is lower than that of the starting winding (SC).

Each compressor has thermal protection, but it can be built-in as in the diagram, or located under the cover, next to the compressor terminals.

If it is not built-in, the so-called “tablet”, then it can be ringed separately and replaced in case of a malfunction (it must be closed in the normal state, opens when a certain temperature is reached 90-120 ° C).

I’ll immediately make a reservation that in this way we will not be able to determine short-circuited turns; there are other devices for this (but they also do not detect short-circuited turns stably enough).

Design and principle of operation of an inverter refrigerator compressor

Everyone knows that the compressor is the “heart” of the refrigerator.
Take it out, it will become a useless device. Therefore, it is worth knowing how this device works. The role of the compressor is to compress freon gas into a hot liquid. This liquid passes through the condenser unit to cool it before spreading inside the refrigerator. As this hot liquid circulates inside the coils, it releases heat from the refrigerator into the environment. The freon then passes through the capillary tube and enters the evaporator. There, under the influence of low pressure, it cools down to -23, after which it enters the internal heat exchange. This lowers the temperature inside the case. As a result, the gas returns to the compressor, where the entire process is repeated.

We described the scientific work. Now let's look at the mechanical side of this process. The compressor turns on when the temperature inside the refrigerator reaches a certain threshold. It continues to operate until it cools down to the calibrated level. When this temperature is reached, the device automatically turns off. This process continues with regular switching on and off.

Whenever the compressor turns on, it causes a surge in current consumption. It also makes noise. You can hear the distinct sound of a running refrigerator not only in the kitchen, but even in neighboring rooms. This continuous switching on and off also causes wear and tear.

The operating principle described above applies to both standard and inverter compressors. However, the inverter differs in that it operates continuously, unlike the standard one.

Difference between inverter and standard technology

As mentioned, an inverter compressor works similarly to a standard device. However, engineers have made a number of improvements, therefore, thanks to inverter technology:

  1. The inverter compressor does not turn on or off at regular intervals. It continues to work, but at different speeds. Therefore, the refrigerator does not make any noise.
  2. There is no surge in current consumption because the device does not need to be constantly turned on and off. Thus, there is a saving in energy consumption.
  3. Also, due to continuous operation, there is less engine wear.

But the best aspect is that inverter technology saves electricity as the temperature stabilizes. Variable speed motors provide energy savings of 20% to 40%.

However, the inverter motor also has a disadvantage (if it can be called a disadvantage). Refrigerators with inverter technology are comparatively more expensive compared to standard ones. However, consumers benefit because they can save on energy consumption when they use refrigerators powered by an inverter compressor. The energy savings over the life of the refrigerator easily make up for the difference in purchase price.

Measuring insulation resistance with a megohmmeter.

A regular tester will not be able to check the insulation breakdown; it measures resistance using a low voltage of 3-9 V. A megohmmeter allows you to measure resistance with a higher voltage of 200-1000 V. But you still need to first “ring” the windings with a multimeter, since you cannot measure resistance with a megohmmeter with a short short circuit of the winding to the housing.

On the device you can select the voltage with which the resistance will be measured and the time during which the windings will be tested.

It is necessary to measure the resistance between one of the three terminals on the compressor and, for example, a copper tube coming out of the compressor with a voltage of 250-500 V. The resistance should be in the range of 7-10 MOhm. If not, then the compressor also needs to be replaced.

Before taking measurements, carefully read the instructions for your device; high voltage is used, so if used incorrectly, you may receive an electric shock or damage the device.

What you need to check the refrigerator compressor

Compressor repairman starter pack 80 lvl
Before checking the refrigerator compressor, you need to prepare the tools and devices you cannot do without. You will need a set of screwdrivers with different profiles ; instead, you can take a screwdriver with attachments, as well as:

  • wrenches 8, 10 and 12 mm;
  • pliers;
  • side cutters;
  • universal pressure gauge;
  • tester (multimeter) or megohmmeter;
  • conductor jumpers with alligator clips in the amount of 2-3 pieces;
  • insulating tape;
  • vinyl or rubber plugs.

You cannot do without personal protective equipment, which will be required when working with harmful substances.

To measure insulation resistance - megohmmeter

To check the condition of the insulation of the current-carrying conductors, you will need a special device called a megohmmeter. It allows you to measure voltage resistance from 200 to 1000 V.

Insulating materials have some electrical conductivity. As a result of exposure to high voltage, leakage current passes through them. Its value determines the insulation resistance . Based on the readings, the wear or suitability of the material .

This work is performed in rare cases. Basically, copper wire is used for the stator winding of an electric motor, which is coated with a special insulating varnish. If it is broken, you will have to completely rewind the induction coil. The work can be done at home, but you will need special equipment and consumables. At the same time, you need to have knowledge and skills in this area.

To check the compressor - a multimeter

A conventional multimeter is used to determine the suitability of an electrical circuit, or as most experts say, you can ring .

First, dismantle the casing, remove the unit and remove the relay. The tester measures the resistance using contacts. If between the upper and lower left contacts it is 20 Ohms , between the upper and lower right - about 15, then the compressor is working.

Between left and right, the highest resistance value should be 30 ohms . The device may show other values, this depends on the engine and model of the refrigeration unit. However, they do not change by more than 5 ohms .

Then check the resistance between the feed-through wires and the casing. One end of the tester is connected to the copper part of one of the fittings, the other to the contacts. If the multimeter shows resistance, there is a problem with the motor . When a break appears on the display, it means the unit is in good condition.

Refrigerator compressor test

In domestic refrigerators, low-power compressors are used, in which the starting winding is connected for a few seconds through a starting relay using a posistor or an electromagnetic relay.

Circuit with electromagnetic relay:

In this case, the current passes in series through the relay coil and the operating winding of the compressor. The starting current is always greater than the operating current, using this principle, the relay is designed so that the starting current closes the relay contacts and connects the starting winding of the compressor, which starts. In this case, the current flowing through the working winding and the relay winding decreases, the contacts open, turning off the starting winding.

The relay also includes a thermal relay that turns off power to the compressor when it overheats.

Circuit with posistor:

In the diagram, the posistor is indicated by the temperature symbol t 0, and the thermal relay by the number 6.

The operating principle is as follows: at room temperature, the posistor has low resistance and directly supplies voltage to the starting winding S. A current flows through it, which heats it up; when heated, the internal resistance of the posistor increases, actually turning off the starting winding a few seconds after the compressor starts. The posistor cools down only after turning off the power from the compressor and, during the subsequent switching cycle, reconnects the starting winding.

How to check the refrigerator compressor yourself

A compressor is an electric motor with a plunger or piston injection system. It has a starting and working winding. If a break occurs in one of them, or it is burned out, the compressor unit will fail. 3 contact terminals are removed from the casing. The first is the output of the starting winding , the second is the working winding , the last is the common one .

Each compressor has a relay dedicated to starting, which is a small box. It is literally put on these terminals . The refrigeration unit may not work due to a broken start relay. Modern models are equipped with the latest electronic starting devices, while older units have electromechanical ones.

Possible problems

The fact that the compressor itself is faulty can be judged if characteristic signs of failure appear:

  • when starting up and during operation of the refrigerator, a strong grinding, shaking, noise and knocking sound is heard;
  • obvious overheating of the motor;
  • a puddle of oil under the unit;
  • powerful hum of the engine, but you can’t hear the compressor running.

This all indicates a problem in the unit, which consists of 2 devices. A specialist will be able to distinguish faults. He knows the operating principle of refrigeration units, which components and circuits interact during startup, operation and shutdown.

It happens that the compressor works, but the refrigerator does not freeze. This means that the mechanical part has worn out and the device is not able to create pressure in the tubes . Or the reason is that there is no refrigerant . In such a situation, the device does not cool, but constantly works.

When the unit’s operating cycle is disrupted or excess refrigerant pressure is created in the system, freezing ice can be seen on the walls of the chambers. This ultimately leads to compressor failure.

If the chambers in the refrigerator are overcooled or not cooled at all, then there may be a problem:

  • start relay;
  • temperature sensors;
  • suction valve.

In refrigerators from Siemens, Sharp, Gorenje, Samsung, Indesit, Bosch, Liebherr and LG, the fault is often concentrated in the electronic control unit. She will not be able to get rid of herself, so the intervention of an experienced master is required.

Features of checking an inverter compressor

Inverter compressor (photo in color)

This type of compressor was invented not so long ago. The essential principle of its operation is that you can set the required temperature. The inverter compressor has a function that is responsible for adjusting the rotation speed. Thanks to the inversion principle, electricity is consumed more economically. Due to the fact that the compressor operates stably and smoothly with precisely specified output parameters, the temperature in the freezer and refrigerator compartment can be quickly and accurately adjusted .

Initially, the engine will accelerate to its highest speed, cooling the refrigerator chamber to the desired temperature. Then it works more slowly until operating conditions change.

How to check if a refrigerator compressor is working or not? If it is not working, then you need to separately check the inverter, at the output of which 60 W and 220 W lamps are hung. They are connected in the form of a triangle. They should not burn without a generator. It is connected and the inverter starts, the lights light up in a circle. Then connect the compressor.

Checking the starting-protective relays of the refrigerator

Start-protective relays look like this:

Relay with posistor

The round black “pill” with terminals is a thermal relay, which is closed at normal temperatures and opens only when very hot. It is checked with an ohmmeter - the resistance should tend to zero, or in the “continuity” mode - there should be a sound signal when the probes are applied to the terminals.

The same applies to the posistor - in the normal state it is closed. It is usually located inside the relay, between terminals S and R of the compressor. (In the picture above these are terminals on a white base).

Three-phase compressors and compressors for inverter air conditioners.

For three-phase compressors and inverters, the resistance between the windings must be the same, since they do not have a starting winding, but otherwise the method for identifying faults is the same as for a single-phase compressor.

In this article we will look at troubleshooting the electrical parts of compressors. Very often, when repairing an air conditioner, the fault is with the compressor, but in the end it may not be the problem at all. So how to properly diagnose a compressor?

How to find out the winding resistance is described in this article.

Continuity testing of air conditioning compressors

The most common type of compressor in air conditioners is single-phase compressors with a starting winding.

To gain access to the compressor contacts, it is necessary to disassemble the air conditioner so that there is access to the compressor. Usually the contacts are protected by a cover that is screwed in place; you can find it by the wires that go to the compressor. After removing the cover, you will see three contact pins on which terminals with wires are attached.

It is necessary to remove the wires and measure the resistance between the terminals with a multimeter. We set the device switch to the resistance measurement function (indicated by the letter Ω). If the multimeter shows an infinitely large resistance between terminal C and the others, then this means a break; in the case of built-in protection, you need to make sure that the compressor is not overheated and the protection has not tripped; otherwise, and if the external protection is faulty, the compressor is faulty. If the resistance approaches zero, this means a short circuit and the compressor is also faulty.

The exact value of the resistance depends on the power of the compressor, the accuracy of your device and can range from approximately 1-20 ohms.

As can be seen from the diagram, the resistance between terminals M and S must be equal to the sum of the resistances between terminals S and C and between M and C.

As a rule, the operating winding (MC) is more powerful, so its resistance is lower than that of the starting winding (SC).

Each compressor has thermal protection, but it can be built-in as in the diagram, or located under the cover, next to the compressor terminals.

If it is not built-in, the so-called “tablet”, then it can be ringed separately and replaced in case of a malfunction (it must be closed in the normal state, opens when a certain temperature is reached 90-120 ° C).

I’ll immediately make a reservation that in this way we will not be able to determine short-circuited turns; there are other devices for this (but they also do not detect short-circuited turns stably enough).

Compressor diagnostics

How to check a compressor

Let's consider troubleshooting the electrical parts of compressors.

Very often, when repairing an air conditioner, the fault is with the compressor, but in the end it may not be the problem at all. So how to properly diagnose a compressor?

Single-phase compressors with starting winding

To gain access to the compressor contacts, it is necessary to disassemble the air conditioner so that there is access to the compressor. Usually the contacts are protected by a cover that is screwed in place; you can find it by the wires that go to the compressor. After removing the cover, you will see three contact pins on which terminals with wires are attached.

It is necessary to remove the wires and measure the resistance between the terminals with a multimeter. We set the device switch to the resistance measurement function (indicated by the letter Ω).

  • If the multimeter shows an infinitely large resistance between terminal C and the others, then this means a break; in the case of built-in protection, you need to make sure that the compressor is not overheated and the protection has not tripped; otherwise, and if the external protection is faulty, the compressor is faulty.
  • If the resistance approaches zero, this means a short circuit and the compressor is also faulty.

The exact value of the resistance depends on the power of the compressor, the accuracy of your device and can range from approximately 1-50 Ohms. The resistance of the windings is the same, so it can be seen from the diagram that the resistance between terminals M and C should be the same as between S and C, and between S and M twice as much.

Each compressor has thermal protection, but it can be built-in as in the diagram or located under the cover, next to the compressor terminals. If it is not built-in, the so-called “tablet”, then it can be ringed separately and replaced in case of malfunction (it must be closed in the normal state, opens when a certain temperature is reached 90-120 ° C).

Let us immediately make a reservation that in this way we will not be able to determine short-circuited turns; there are other devices for this (but they also do not detect short-circuited turns stably enough). Measuring insulation resistance with a megohmmeter. A regular tester will not be able to check the insulation breakdown; it measures resistance using a low voltage of 3-9 V. A megohmmeter allows you to measure resistance with a higher voltage of 200-1000 V.

But you still need to first “ring” the windings with a multimeter, since you cannot measure the resistance with a megger if the winding is short-circuited to the housing. On the device you can select the voltage with which the resistance will be measured and the time during which the windings will be tested. It is necessary to measure the resistance between one of the three terminals on the compressor and, for example, a copper tube coming out of the compressor with a voltage of 250-500 V. The resistance should be in the range of 7-10 MOhm. If not, then the compressor also needs to be replaced.

Before taking measurements, carefully read the instructions for your device; high voltage is used, so if used incorrectly, you may receive an electric shock or damage the device.

Three-phase compressors and inverter air conditioner compressors

For three-phase compressors and inverters, the resistance between the windings must be the same, since they do not have a starting winding, but otherwise the method for identifying faults is the same as for a single-phase compressor.

Leak diagnostics

Very often, the service department, even having detected darkening of the thermal insulation, air conditioner oil, or a refrigerant leak, is limited, at best, to installing a filter on the liquid line or eliminating the leak and refueling the air conditioner, while radical measures are needed to save the compressor, which cannot be carried out at the installation site air conditioner

The result of such an attitude is always the same - compressor failure.

I would like to share my experience in repairing air conditioners in situations where the air conditioning compressor can still be saved.

The need to repair the compressor-condensing unit of an air conditioner in a workshop arises not only in an emergency situation, for example, when a compressor fails, but also based on the results of a preventive inspection of the air conditioner. Such situations may arise in the following cases:

  1. Based on the results of express analysis of compressor oil.
  2. If the freon circuit of the air conditioner loses its tightness.
  3. If moisture gets into the freon circuit of the air conditioner.

In these cases, even if the air conditioning compressor is still running, its days are numbered. Urgent resuscitation will help extend the life of the air conditioner.

Express oil analysis. These beautiful words hide quite simple actions:

  1. It is necessary to obtain a sample (take a sample) of refrigeration oil from the freon circuit.
  2. Compare its color and smell with an existing sample of good oil.
  3. Using the existing acid test, test the oil for the presence of acid.

How to take an oil sample for analysis? It is known that oil circulates along with the refrigerant in the freon circuit of the air conditioner. When the air conditioner stops, the oil located on the walls of the pipeline flows down along them. This oil can be sampled through the service port of the air conditioner. For this you will need:

  1. Ball valve with 1/4″ press.
  2. A short hose with a 1/4″ fitting (a hose from a pressure gauge manifold is quite suitable).
  3. Container for collecting oil.
  4. Clean laboratory test tube.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Stop the air conditioner and allow the oil to drain along the walls of the pipeline for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Connect a ball valve to the service port.
  3. Connect the hose to the ball valve. Place the free end of the hose in a container to collect the oil.
  4. Open the tap. The gas coming out of the hose will carry the oil away. All that remains is to collect it in a container. (A little training, a few extra oil stains on your overalls and taking an oil sample is no problem for you.)
  5. Let the oil sit (since the oil contains dissolved refrigerant, it foams).
  6. Drain the sample into a test tube.

The next step in the express analysis is to compare the oil sample with the existing sample by color and smell. To do this, the same amount of oil from the sample and the reference oil are placed in two identical test tubes and compared with each other:

  • dark oil color and a burning smell indicate that the air conditioning compressor has overheated. The cause of overheating could be a refrigerant leak from the air conditioner or operating the air conditioner in the Heat mode at low negative temperatures. In this case, the oil loses its lubricating properties. As a result of oil decomposition, resinous substances may be deposited on the walls of pipelines and internal parts of the air conditioner, which can subsequently cause failure of the air conditioning compressor.
  • A greenish tint to the oil indicates the presence of copper salts in it. The root cause is moisture in the circuit. The acidity test for such oil is usually also positive.
  • Transparent oil with a slight odor, not much different in color from the sample, indicates that resuscitation of the air conditioner is not needed.

And finally, the acid test will either completely dispel our fears, if the sample differs little from the sample, or will confirm the need for emergency intervention. If it turns out that the oil is good and the air conditioning compressor is working normally, you need to return the sampled oil to the air conditioner. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. You need to find the right utensils. A transparent tall glass with a diameter of 3-4 cm is best.
  2. Connect a ball valve with a hose to the service port, just like when taking an oil sample.
  3. Place the free end of the hose into the glass.
  4. Pour enough oil into the glass to cover the hose fitting.
  5. Mark the oil level on the glass.
  6. Briefly open the ball valve so that the freon displaces the air from the hose.
  7. Add the same amount of oil into the glass as was taken for testing.
  8. Turn the air conditioner to Cold.
  9. Close the air conditioner fluid port.
  10. When the pressure in the suction line drops below atmospheric pressure, open the valve and the oil flows through the service port into the air conditioner.
  11. Close the tap when the oil level reaches the mark.
  12. Turn off the air conditioner.
  13. Open the air conditioner fluid port.

Loss of tightness of the freon circuit can be caused by various reasons and does not always lead to catastrophic results.

What matters here is the location of the leak, the amount of refrigerant that has leaked, the time interval between the occurrence and detection of the leak, the operating mode of the air conditioner and other factors. Why is a refrigerant leak dangerous?

  1. The air conditioning compressor, cooled by the refrigerant, overheats as a result of a decrease in the density of the latter.
  2. The compressor discharge temperature rises, hot gas may damage the four-way valve.
  3. The compressor lubrication system is disrupted and oil is carried away into the condenser.
  4. Through the resulting hole, air containing moisture can enter the air conditioner.

Signs associated with a leak:

  1. Darkening of the compressor insulation.
  2. Periodic activation of compressor thermal protection.
  3. Burnt insulation on the discharge pipeline.
  4. The oil is dark in color with a burning smell.
  5. Oil acidity test is often positive.

If the leak is detected on time, the refrigerant has not completely disappeared, the air conditioner did not operate without refrigerant for long, and there are no accompanying signs - repairing the air conditioner in a workshop is not necessary.

The proportion of sudden, catastrophic leaks caused by the destruction of pipelines is very small; leaks more often occur through small leaks in flared joints, and if you constantly monitor the operation of the air conditioner, leaks can be detected in a timely manner. What to pay attention to:

  • No more than 5 minutes after turning on the air conditioner, depending on the selected mode, should produce cold or warm air. If this does not happen, you must immediately turn off the air conditioner and call a repairman.
  • If during operation of the air conditioner the tubes on the outdoor unit are covered with frost, a leak occurs and a technician is needed.

Following these simple rules will help you avoid high costs for air conditioner repairs.

Moisture getting into the freon circuit most often occurs when the air conditioner installation rules are violated.

One of the installation stages, vacuuming the freon line, aims not only to make life difficult for the installer, but also to remove air and water vapor from the installed line. Such surrogates of this procedure as blowing the installed line with refrigerant cannot remove moisture at all, but only turns it into ice on the walls of copper pipes, which then melts, turns into water and does its dirty work.

The danger of moisture getting inside the air conditioner is that it often does not manifest itself until the air conditioning compressor fails. The fact is that all processes in an air conditioner operating in cold mode occur at positive temperatures, and water manifests itself only when it freezes, causing a malfunction of the capillary tube or thermostatic valve. However, by indirect signs it is possible to determine the presence of moisture in the air conditioner: one of the signs of the presence of moisture in the freon circuit has already been discussed; This is a greenish tint to the oil and a positive acidity test. It should be noted that this is an extreme case and urgent intervention is required.

In earlier stages, moisture manifests itself at negative evaporation temperatures, for example when the air conditioner is running on heat at low outside temperatures or when there is a refrigerant leak. In this case, the moisture turns into ice and clogs the capillary tube or nozzle of the expansion valve. The result is that the suction pressure of the air conditioner drops, the compressor temperature rises, and thermal protection is triggered. This cycle is repeated until the compressor burns out. Removing moisture from the freon circuit can also only be done in a workshop.

What checks and how often should be done in order to detect air conditioner disease in time?

  1. Check the operation of the air conditioner every time you turn it on. It was mentioned above. About 5 minutes after turning on, check whether the air conditioner produces cold or heat (depending on the mode). If it is possible to see the taps of the outdoor unit, see if there is frost on them. If the results are negative, you need to turn off the air conditioner and call a technician.
  2. An oil sample is needed in the following cases:
  • For air conditioners accepted for service, during an audit of the technical condition of the air conditioner.
  • For equipment that worked in winter but was not maintained.
  • When you call for repair of an air conditioner that is not in service.
  • If a refrigerant leak is detected from the air conditioner.
  • In any other suspicious situations.

Oil is the lifeblood of the compressor and for an inquisitive technician it can tell a lot about the illnesses of the air conditioner. What is the actual procedure for resuscitating an air conditioner in a workshop and is it really necessary?

It is known, for example, that there are various methods for cleaning the freon circuit of an air conditioner, based on the use of filters that are installed in the gap in the freon circuit and collect harmful substances. Why can’t such methods be used? Why do you need to do this work in a workshop?

The fact is that in the situations described above, what occurs first of all is contamination of the compressor oil or a change in its properties. Methods based on the use of filters are unfortunately ineffective. There are no filters that can restore the lubricating properties of oil subjected to thermal decomposition; removing moisture that is located in the compressor under the oil layer using filters is also extremely ineffective.

Therefore, the only way to clean the compressor oil is to change it. This procedure can only be carried out after dismantling the compressor and is therefore only possible in a well-equipped workshop. Evacuation of refrigerant from the air conditioner. In this case, the following measures are performed:

  1. Refrigerant evacuation, compressor dismantling.
  2. Removing the compressor from oil, washing the compressor.
  3. Evacuation of the compressor.
  4. Filling the compressor with oil, testing the compressor.
  5. Flushing the input circuit of the compressor-condensing unit.
  6. Dismantling the dryer filter, installing the process filter.
  7. Installation of the compressor in the compressor-condensing unit.
  8. Installation of the compressor-condensing unit on the stand.
  9. Refrigerant charging.
  10. Washing the compressor-condensing unit on the stand.
  11. Freon evacuation.
  12. Replacing the dryer process filter with a working one.
  13. Evacuation of the compressor-condensing unit.
  14. Refilling with refrigerant, test run of the repaired unit.

Since contaminated oil is distributed throughout all elements of the air conditioner, some of the cleaning of the freon circuit must be carried out at the installation site of the air conditioner. The purpose of these measures is to prevent dirty oil from entering the repaired unit. These include:

  1. Purging freon lines and the evaporator with dried nitrogen.
  2. Installation of a process filter in the freon line.
  3. Evacuation of the freon line and evaporator.
  4. Start the air conditioner to collect dirt on the filter.
  5. Condensation of refrigerant into the condensing unit.
  6. Removing the process filter.
  7. Evacuation of the freon line.
  8. Putting the air conditioner into operation (test run).

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Date: 02/23/2016

Measuring insulation resistance with a megohmmeter.

A regular tester will not be able to check the insulation breakdown; it measures resistance using a low voltage of 3-9 V. A megohmmeter allows you to measure resistance with a higher voltage of 200-1000 V. But you still need to first “ring” the windings with a multimeter, since you cannot measure resistance with a megohmmeter with a short short circuit of the winding to the housing.

On the device you can select the voltage with which the resistance will be measured and the time during which the windings will be tested.

It is necessary to measure the resistance between one of the three terminals on the compressor and, for example, a copper tube coming out of the compressor with a voltage of 250-500 V. The resistance should be in the range of 7-10 MOhm. If not, then the compressor also needs to be replaced.

Before taking measurements, carefully read the instructions for your device; high voltage is used, so if used incorrectly, you may receive an electric shock or damage the device.

Why does the compressor motor in the refrigerator fail?

Like any other, a refrigeration motor-compressor breaks down for four main reasons:

  • Incorrect operation of the refrigerator. The refrigerator is installed next to a heat source: a radiator or stove, so the engine overheats. Elevated temperatures can cause breakdown of winding insulation. If the refrigerator is connected to a network with large differences in voltage or current without a stabilizer, surges in electrical values ​​can cause insulation overheating. Prolonged overheating violates the integrity of the windings and leads to a short circuit or break.
  • Engine wear . The motor has a working life of hours. After its depletion, productivity drops and the insulating properties of the windings deteriorate. The engine loses power, runs longer without rest, which causes it to overheat. The resistance of the windings becomes lower, the insulation heats up and cracks. Because of this, a short circuit, break or breakdown on the housing may occur.
  • Factory defective engine. Although marriage is a rare reason, it does happen sometimes. During assembly, the winding insulation, contacts, piston or compressor valves may be damaged. During testing, defects will not appear, but when the refrigerator is operating, defects will quickly “come out”, and the equipment will have to be sent in for warranty repair.

Have you checked the refrigerator motor for operation and found a malfunction? Call Ice Man! The technician will come and install a new compressor. We repair after the application within 24 hours, we give a 2-year guarantee on installed components, spare parts and maintenance.


Refrigerator compressor test

In domestic refrigerators, low-power compressors are used, in which the starting winding is connected for a few seconds through a starting relay using a posistor or an electromagnetic relay.

Circuit with electromagnetic relay:

In this case, the current passes in series through the relay coil and the operating winding of the compressor. The starting current is always greater than the operating current, using this principle, the relay is designed so that the starting current closes the relay contacts and connects the starting winding of the compressor, which starts. In this case, the current flowing through the working winding and the relay winding decreases, the contacts open, turning off the starting winding.

The relay also includes a thermal relay that turns off power to the compressor when it overheats.

Circuit with posistor:

In the diagram, the posistor is indicated by the temperature symbol t 0, and the thermal relay by the number 6.

The operating principle is as follows: at room temperature, the posistor has low resistance and directly supplies voltage to the starting winding S. A current flows through it, which heats it up; when heated, the internal resistance of the posistor increases, actually turning off the starting winding a few seconds after the compressor starts. The posistor cools down only after turning off the power from the compressor and, during the subsequent switching cycle, reconnects the starting winding.

Non-inverter refrigerator compressor - what happens?

Piston compressor

The most common and popular type. Such a unit consists of one or more cylinders located vertically or horizontally. The pistons located in these cylinders carry out reciprocating movements using a connecting rod and crank mechanism.

Strengths of this compressor:

  • Simple design;
  • Reasonable price;
  • There are no difficulties with repair or maintenance;
  • The air pressure at the outlet is high;
  • High wear resistance. Perfectly withstands both continuous operation and rare inclusions;
  • Unpretentious in work and maintenance.

Weak sides:

  • Strong vibration and noise;
  • Low performance;
  • Regular maintenance is required;
  • Needs a filter system.

Rotary (screw) compressor

Known since the end of the 19th century. In such cooling units, the pressure difference arising due to the rotation of the rotor and the movable plate changes the rotational energy. Such compressors are installed in some models of Indesit refrigeration household appliances.


  • Significant compression ratio.
  • The absence of elements subject to high loads and regular injection of oil into the steam chamber ensure reliability and durability.
  • Performance can be adjusted by changing the speed at which the rotors rotate.
  • It has little vibration and therefore does not require a solid foundation.
  • Relatively low noise level, so the refrigerator can be installed in any room
  • Small dimensions of the unit itself.


  • Efficiency of changing the state of freon within the system. The constant speed of rotation of the shafts causes different compression forces.

Inverter compressor

It works without interruptions, unlike linear. After the first switch-on, the cooling system lowers the temperature in the chambers to the specified level, then the compressor, using only the necessary power, maintains the conditions necessary to preserve food. Samsung refrigerators are equipped with such units.


  • With rare exceptions, the compressor does not use maximum power in its operation, therefore, compared to other cooling systems, electricity is consumed more economically.
  • Due to their constant operation, such units do not emit loud sounds that usually accompany the startup process of a traditional compressor.
  • Inverter compressors are more durable due to the absence of the need to experience increased loads during constant starts and stops.
  • At first glance, refrigerators equipped with a compressor of this category are more expensive than household appliances with a traditional cooling system. But the high level of energy savings, long service life, and wear resistance make the purchase more profitable.


  • The complexity of the device and production technology make the cost of the finished compressor higher in comparison with simpler types of cooling devices.
  • A voltage drop in the home electrical network can damage the inverter compressor. To avoid such a situation, before purchasing a household appliance with such equipment, it is advisable to check the quality of the wiring and, if necessary, replace weak areas or secure the installation site of the refrigeration unit.

Linear compressor

The operation of such a unit is carried out in three stages: switching on, cooling, switching off. The temperature in the refrigerator chamber is monitored by a sensor; as soon as it exceeds a preset level, the compressor starts. By lowering the temperature as soon as possible, it switches off again. This cycle repeats as long as the refrigerator is connected to the mains. The reciprocating movement of the piston in the cylinder occurs due to the influence of electromagnetic forces, due to which energy losses are reduced and the service life is increased. The energy consumption of such compressors is 40% lower compared to traditional units. Some Electrolux refrigerators are equipped with such units.


  • Increased durability and reliability due to fewer moving parts.
  • The compressor control system helps to minimize temperature deviations in the refrigeration chamber from those set by the owner and improve control over the range of temperature fluctuations.
  • The design and operating system of the compressor allows for economical energy consumption.
  • The stability of conditions inside the refrigeration chamber due to the continuous operation of the cooling system helps to cool products in the shortest possible time and preserve all useful properties.
  • A refrigerator equipped with a linear compressor operates relatively quietly, thanks to the smooth start and stop system of the cooling unit.


  • Each switching on and off of the cooling unit is accompanied by characteristic clicks.
  • When starting up, the compressor experiences maximum load and increases energy consumption.

Dynamic compressor

They are divided into two classes according to the type of fans: axial and centrifugal.

The first use the fact that the compression of the refrigerant occurs subsequent to a change in its speed between the rotor blades and the guide device. In this case, the refrigerant moves in the direction of the rotor axis.

In the second type, a vacuum occurs on the supply side, gas is supplied to the impeller blades. When it rotates, the coolant is thrown away, under the influence of centrifugal force, to the outer radius. At the exit from the wheel, the gas is directed to the diffuser, where its speed drops and the pressure increases.

They are classified according to the following criteria:

  • According to final pressure. The pressure created by the gas flow.
  • By the number of compression stages. Single-stage and multi-stage.
  • By type of drive. Turbine or electric.

Dynamic compressors are characterized by a simple design, durability, and ease of use. The device has small dimensions and weight. The main disadvantage is the low efficiency, which is especially evident at low productivity and high pumping pressures. In such a design it is impossible to obtain a high compression ratio, and therefore create high pressure.

Scroll compressor

The design of this unit includes two spirals - movable and fixed, with the help of which injection is carried out. The fixed one is fixed on the body, and the movable one is fixed on the eccentric. Their profile is carefully selected and form chambers through which gas moves.

As a rule, scroll compressors are used to work with oil-free gases. Their design features make it possible to obtain certain advantages over similar equipment:

  • the motor operates under less loaded conditions;
  • when the refrigerant passes through the housing, intense heat is removed;
  • gas is supplied evenly;
  • high reliability;
  • silent operation.

The active implementation of these machines is hampered by a number of disadvantages:

  • complexity of manufacturing;
  • low productivity.

Scroll compressors are constantly being improved, which makes it possible to promote high-quality samples on the market that can compete with analogues of other types.


Equipment of this type includes high-performance centrifugal compressors. Turbocompressors are used in the production of industrial refrigeration using powerful equipment. They have 2-3 sections with 3-7 steps. Intermediate cooling and stepwise throttling are carried out through pipes located between the sections.

The performance of the unit is regulated by the input control device. In this case, productivity can vary in the range of 100-50% of the nominal value.

Turbochargers operate at high speeds. Therefore, the drive uses a reduction gear.

Hermetic, semi-hermetic and open type compressor

The design of a hermetic compressor means that it is placed in the same housing as the engine. In this case, cooling is carried out due to the passage of refrigerant. These machines are characterized by their efficiency, compact size and versatility. The power of this equipment does not exceed 35 kW.

Semi-hermetic compressors are used when high power is required using compact equipment. Their power reaches 350 kW. In most cases these are piston and screw models. The compressor and electric motor are placed in a collapsible housing, which greatly facilitates repair and maintenance of the equipment. The modes are regulated by closing part of the valves that work for suction. The advantages of such machines include compactness with high power, as well as maintainability.

Open type compressorThe main design feature of the open type compressor is the external motor, which makes it bulky. Despite this, the unit has a number of advantages and is used to produce industrial refrigeration. The mechanical part of the compressor is driven by a shaft that extends beyond its limits and therefore requires a reliable seal. The rotation speed of the compressor and the engine are the same or higher (if a belt drive is used and the pulley diameter is selected).

The advantages of open type compressors include:

  • starting can be done at idle, which allows you to unload the engine;
  • high reliability;
  • ease of repair and maintenance;
  • adjustment of operation is very convenient due to the use of inverters.

Smart compressor in the refrigerator

The smart compressor in Haier refrigerators is advanced technology, energy consumption class A+, low noise level, high reliability, 12-year warranty.

An innovative multilayer thermal insulation filler created on the basis of nanotechnology. It is able to maintain temperature for a long time and thereby save energy.

In the back wall of Haier refrigerators there is a carbon filter that eliminates unpleasant odors from the refrigerator compartment.

Other types of compressors

  • Oil-free. As the name suggests, the unit does not require oil to operate. They are usually installed in refrigeration units.
  • Electrogasdynamic. In this design, the required pressure is obtained due to the appearance of space charges of particles in the electric field.
  • Volume. In such devices, the compression effect is produced using a mechanical device driven by an engine (electric motor). The efficiency of this type of equipment is much higher than that of screw units. Widely used before the advent of inexpensive rotary devices.

Like any device, compressors have their own lifespan and require periodic maintenance.

Checking the starting-protective relays of the refrigerator

Start-protective relays look like this:

Relay with posistor

The round black “pill” with terminals is a thermal relay, which is closed at normal temperatures and opens only when very hot. It is checked with an ohmmeter - the resistance should tend to zero, or in the “continuity” mode - there should be a sound signal when the probes are applied to the terminals.

The same applies to the posistor - in the normal state it is closed. It is usually located inside the relay, between terminals S and R of the compressor. (In the picture above these are terminals on a white base).

Three-phase compressors and compressors for inverter air conditioners.

For three-phase compressors and inverters, the resistance between the windings must be the same, since they do not have a starting winding, but otherwise the method for identifying faults is the same as for a single-phase compressor.

A significant component of a split system, of course, is the refrigeration compressor. It is thanks to this component of the technological scheme of a household or other machine that the cooling effect, as well as the effect of air humidification, is achieved.

If it happens that the compressor unit does not work for some reason, the split system essentially turns into an ordinary windmill. The desired effect from such a “mill” can no longer be obtained, and it’s time for the owner of the system to think about repairs.

However, in order to repair, you need to know how to check the split system air conditioner compressor for malfunction. This is exactly the question we will deal with in our article. We will also consider the module design, common types of faults and provide repair recommendations.

Brands that produce refrigerators with an inventory compressor

In order to truly evaluate the quality, operational efficiency and other functionality, manufacturers subject refrigeration units of this type to lengthy studies. A competent assessment of all these parameters will allow the devices to be durable, safe and, importantly, achieve a high level of ergonomics.

Therefore, only companies that have sufficient conditions for testing devices can launch the production of such models of refrigerators. Today there is the following gradation of brands that produce them.

Popular models of refrigerators with inverter compressor:

  • Samsung;
  • LG;
  • Hitachi;
  • Mitsubishi;
  • Sharp;
  • Kaiser;

All other manufacturers who manufacture refrigeration units with this type of compressor present their own models for sale in a total amount equal to only 3% of the total market. Of course, this does not mean the low quality of products from such brands. But they may offer a lower warranty than manufacturers who have not only produced more, but also tested their electrical appliances to a high level.

Inverter equipment can be equipped with several compressors if it has two separate refrigeration chambers with different temperatures. This design makes it easier to distribute the cold between the opening and mostly closed parts of the refrigerator.

Inverter refrigeration equipment is slowly but confidently gaining popularity among buyers. All this happens thanks to the high technical characteristics of the devices. The latest models of refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines and other “human assistants in everyday life” with similar equipment are appearing.

Compressor module design

To begin with, briefly about the refrigeration compressor, as a module that forms part of the air conditioner. This equipment belongs to electromechanical devices, the distinctive feature of which is the complete sealing of the internal contents.

That is, in case of any mechanical (electrical) malfunctions, you cannot simply take and disassemble such a device, like many others, in order to get to the faulty unit. Everything is much more complicated here. In some cases, you will even have to dismantle the split system.

That is why, in case of serious malfunctions, it is easier to replace a split system refrigeration compressor with a new one rather than try to repair it.

Generally speaking, the mechanical design of a refrigeration compressor resembles that of a traditional air compressor.

The machine also contains a connecting rod and piston system, although often of a rotary type, bearing units, and a valve system. But all this is contained in a hermetically sealed metal case.

There, inside the housing, the electric drive is mounted. The drive system is made in such a way that the winding of wires, which does not have air cooling, receives cooling from the working refrigerant - freon

This fairly effective method of internal cooling ensures the longevity of compressor motors. In practice, malfunctions of electric motors are observed, but quite rarely.

Signs of a compressor malfunction

It should be clear that when the split system is not able to provide the specified temperature, this factor may indicate that the compressor is not working.

In addition, the operation of the air conditioning compressor unit is clearly determined by the characteristic noise effect created by the refrigeration unit. The noise of the equipment cannot be said to be strong, but when the unit is operating, it can be heard reliably.

By the way, again, based on the noise level, some types of defects in the compressor machine are determined. So, if an increased clicking or grinding sound is noted during operation, most likely, wear or damage to the valves can be detected.

With such a malfunction, the performance of the compressor drops sharply, and the body of the device becomes very hot. Ultimately, the internal thermal relay is triggered and the operation of the machine is blocked.

Often there is a situation where almost immediately after starting the compressor, its operation stops. However, the device itself is actually intact and functional.

The cause of the defect in this situation is usually a lack or overfilling of the refrigerant circuit. An emergency stop is provided by a thermal relay, which, by the way, can also fail.

Finally, the owner of a split system may be faced with a working moment - when the compressor unit simply does not start. At the same time, the air conditioner is quite functional in terms of all other functions.

The compressor does not give rise to any evidence of defects - outwardly it looks intact and unharmed. The traditional reason for this option, as a rule, is the inoperability of the starting capacitor with a capacity of 10 μF or more.

The most severe and practically irreparable defect of a split system compressor is an interturn short circuit in the stator windings of the drive motor. True, we should pay tribute - in modern designs of hermetic compressors such a malfunction rarely occurs.

English Version Inverter Refrigerator Compressor Detector Tester


Four in one inverter refrigerator detector: small size, light weight, full function, easy to carry. This can effectively improve service efficiency. Reducing misunderstandings. CAN detector: refrigerator compressor direct start frequency converter (refrigerator frequency converter) detector can directly control the on-board detector of the refrigerator frequency converter to directly evaluate the quality of the bistable pulse valve, adjust the operating frequency of the compressor, monitor the operating status of each frequency.

Purpose: detection of frequency converter board: detection of frequency converter board; Connect the detection line of the detector frequency converter board to the communication interface of the refrigerator frequency converter board (make sure the frequency converter board is accessible before testing. Power supply is 220V) turn on the detector power switch, After the parameters of the detector and the frequency converter are correctly matched, the compressor can start directly. If the compressor starts, it can determine whether the compressor and frequency converter are normal or not. If the compressor does not start, check the compressor with the compressor test function (be careful: After the compressor starts, the test should wait3-5Minute, the test will be performed after the pressure balance in system..)

Frequency conversion compressor test; Connect the detector compressor detection line to the refrigerator compressor, turn on the detector power switch. The detector will automatically match the compressor parameters. Once agreed, the compressor can start straight away. If the compressor does not start, compression failure can be assessed. (Note that once com presses or starts working, wait 3-5Minute before testing the system press ure balancing.) Pulse Solenoid Valve Test: Connect the Solenoid Valve Detection Line Detector to the interface solenoid valve, press the red detection solenoid valve and green key respectively if determine whether the solenoid valve has been replaced twice. (Attention detector output DC220Pulse voltage, do not touch when using. BadDetector has short circuit protection function, short circuit output will not damage the detector

Application examples of Detector1

Haier refrigerator user says that there is no refrigerator, it was found that the inverter compressor does not work door to door inspection Repairman. Frequency converter fault detection is bad with detector. Haier refrigerator leaks more, the teacher also uses the compressor detection function to start the compressor directly, let it run for 1 minute, without raising the temperature in the hand felt high pressure tube. Condemnation of pipeline leakage, after communicating with users, pull back to the store to change pipes and frequency converters. Perfect repair, avoid the embarrassment of the compressor operation, but do not cool after changing the frequency converter board. User trust, improved service Efficiency.

Detector2 application examples

One user said that the refrigerator at home has not been cooled, door to door maintenance check found that the inverter compressor is not working, compressor fault diagnosis by detector, refrigerators often leak, to ensure that nothing is wrong, open the process port without emission Refrigerant after the User's consent. Tell the user to pull back to the shop to replace the compressor and replace the piping, pull back for repair with the consent of the User.

Detector3 application examples

One user said that the refrigerator compartment in the home refrigerator was not cooled, it was found that the solenoid valve had not been reversed by door to door inspection. Diagnosis of solenoid valve faults with a detector, replacement of solenoid valves after pricing for users. Troubleshooting

Detector4 application examples

Haier refrigerator user says that there is no refrigerator, it was found that the inverter compressor does not work door to door inspection Repairman. Frequency converter fault detection is bad with detector. Haier refrigerator leaks more, the teacher also uses the compressor detection function to start the compressor directly. Let it run for 1 minute, burning high pressure pipes. Based on the fact that there is a regular pipeline, after quoting the price for the user. Fast repairs, user trust, improved service Efficiency.

Detector5 application examples

Refrigerator user says it is not REFRIGERATED, the inverter compressor was found not to work when tested by Door to Door Repairer. It is good to evaluate the conversion frequency of the board and compressor detector. Then use a multimeter to measure the motherboard discovery12V power supply talents9.5volts, observing the small release of the power filter capacitor, the refrigerator works normally after replacement. Perfect Repair, Win Use r Trust, Improve Service Efficiency. Avoid going out.

Checking the device depending on the defect

Let's consider the possible actions of a mechanic or split system user, taking into account all the faults noted above.

But first you should take note of the following points:

  1. Such equipment is serviced by specialists. We talked about cleaning the split system yourself here.
  2. The system is filled with chemically harmful substances.
  3. The device operates from a high-potential network.
  4. Electrical, electronic and mechanical knowledge is required.
  5. There is a danger of harm to health.

A calm, reliable and qualified way to check the system is, of course, to turn to professional technicians.

However, the possibility of using personal skills and abilities at your own peril and risk is not excluded. For the second option, we will consider ways to check equipment for malfunctions.

Problem #1 - high level of mechanical noise

So, if a machine makes increased noise that is not typical for normal operation, we can state with high confidence that the internal components are destroyed.

These can be bearing units, valve group parts and others. In such cases, the only possible option is to replace the unit.

Increased noise can also be observed due to excess refrigerant charged into the system. However, in this case, the nature of the noise is clearly different from mechanical noise, and after a short period of operation, the compressor is usually turned off by the automatic system according to the high pressure parameter.

Checking for these two options is accompanied by the following actions:

  1. Connect the pressure gauge station to the pressure side.
  2. Close the system tap on the circuit line.
  3. Monitor pressure readings.

With faulty valves, the noise level usually increases, but the pressure does not actually change or changes only slightly. If the bearings are faulty, an increase in noise will be accompanied by an increase in pressure.

An excessive amount of refrigerant in the circuit will also show an increase in pressure with an increase in noise and subsequent shutdown of the compressor by the automation system (pressure switch). We wrote more about the design of this unit, its operating principle, connection and adjustment in the next publication.

Problem #2 - overflow or lack of freon

A “fault” of this kind is determined, again using a pressure gauge station. It is necessary to disconnect the split system from the network, wait a little, then connect the pressure gauge station and start the air conditioner. Observe the readings on the instruments.

The operating pressure for a household split system of a specific configuration can always be determined by the technical tag (plate) attached to the body of the external module. There, on the plate, the boundary pressure parameters of the discharge and suction contour sections are indicated.

If the table limits are exceeded, this indicates that the system is clearly overfilled with refrigerant. However, the table gives only upper pressure values.

Therefore, the lack of refrigerant is determined somewhat differently. The average suction pressure for household split systems is approximately 4-6 Bar (ATI), depending on the configuration.

When the pressure indicator of the suction part of the circuit at the pressure gauge station is significantly less than the specified range of 4-6 Bar, this factor indicates a lack of filling.

This condition also affects the operation of the compressor, with abnormal noise and intermittent activation of protective systems.

Problem #3 - refrigeration compressor does not start

A common compressor-related defect in split systems is the complete lack of starting time for the refrigeration compressor. In this case, the system successfully switches to cooling mode, all automation devices work normally. Another issue is the condenser fan.

In this condition of the split system, the condenser fan shows somewhat unusual operation. When the air conditioner starts, the fan impeller begins to rotate, but almost immediately the rotation stops.

The indoor unit of the air conditioner continues to function when the compressor of the outdoor unit is not working.

This defect, as a rule, appears on systems that have successfully operated for several years (more than 5). And the reason for this behavior of the system is the starting capacitor connected to the power supply circuit of the compressor motor.

Diagnosing a faulty capacitor is easy. How to do this is below.

Problem #4 - turn-to-turn short circuit of the stator winding

How to determine such a malfunction is a far from ambiguous question. For example, when there is a short circuit of 2-3 turns in a short section, it is almost impossible to determine the defect without the use of a specific tool.

Other variations, when sufficiently distant sections are closed to each other, can, in principle, be determined by simply measuring the resistance of the working windings of the motor stator.

Typically, the winding where there is a “short” winding gives less resistance relative to other windings. However, an accurate motor diagram will be required.

Advantages and disadvantages of an inverter compressor in a refrigerator


It is generally accepted that the advantages of an inverter compared to a standard unit include the following.

Low noise level

This is not entirely true. The quietest of the models presented in the table is standard, not inverter - Siemens KI87SAF30 with a noise level of 35 dB. Next again is the classic Bosch KIS87AF30 with a noise of 36 dB.

Among the inverters, the Samsung RB-31 FERNCSA model closest to them is noisier - 37 dB. Everyone else creates even more noise.

The noisiest model is the non-inverter Liebherr CTN 3663 with a noise level of 43 dB. (see table No. 1).

For comparison: the sensitivity threshold of the human ear is 20 dB. Consequently, a person hears sounds with a level of more than 20 dB. The noise level created by a wall clock is 30 dB, a muffled conversation is estimated at 40 dB. All of the above models of units, except for the one used in the Liebherr CTN 3663, create noise that is less than a muffled conversation.

Longer service life

Typically, refrigeration equipment manufacturers do not indicate service life, limiting themselves only to the warranty period. For both of these parameters, the inverter Liebherr IKB 3660 with a two-year warranty and a service life of 10 years stands out in the above rating. The non-inverter model Liebherr SBSes 7353 has similar parameters.

Also noteworthy is the Liebherr CBN 4815 inverter unit, which comes with a two-year warranty. The service life of the device is not reported. There are also standard “two-year models” - Liebherr CTN 3663. But it is the only one among the models in this class. (see table No. 1).

Consequently, the thesis about a significant difference in the service life of inverter and non-inverter devices does not correspond to reality.

Small limits of temperature change in the refrigerator

Manufacturers do not provide data on this parameter. But after analyzing the operating principle of an inverter refrigerator, we can assume that the temperature range in its cabinet will be less than in a unit with a standard compressor.

Great freezing power

If we do not consider the exclusive Liebherr SBSes 7353 model with two non-inverter compressors and a huge total usable volume of 661 liters, then of the non-inverter models only the Samsung RL-60 GJERS is equipped with a unit that provides slightly more freezing power than the inverter GA-B489 TGRF, Samsung RB-31 FERNCSA , Liebherr IKB 3660.

But the Samsung RL-60 GJERS is not inferior in this parameter to the inverter GA B489 YEQZ and loses to the Liebherr CBN 4815 (see Table No. 1).

Therefore, the statement that high freezing power is typical for inverter devices is not true for all models.

Less energy consumption

Formally, from the point of view of energy efficiency, most of the presented models belong to the A++ category. The only exception is Liebherr SBSes 7353, which belongs to category A.

This is explained simply: the Liebherr SBSes 7353 has two compressors, which is necessary to cool the total useful volume of 661 liters. This is almost twice the volume of other models.

The annual energy consumption of inverter models is in the range of 166-257 kW. The same parameter for all non-inverter devices, except Liebherr SBSes 7353, is in the range of 204-258 kW. At first glance, these are comparable values, if you do not take into account the total usable volume of the refrigerator.

Taking this parameter into account, the leaders in energy efficiency are inverter compressors of the Liebherr IKB 3660 and Liebherr CBN 4815 models. For them, the electricity consumption W/year per 1 liter of useful volume is 417.0 and 542.2, respectively.

They are followed by the non-inverter models Liebherr SBSes 7353 and Liebherr CTN 3663, consuming 656.5 and 658 W/year per liter of useful volume, respectively. But the Liebherr SBSes 7353 has the largest usable refrigerator volume, so its energy efficiency rating is pleasantly surprising.

Oddly enough, the worst model in terms of the parameter under consideration is also an inverter - Samsung RB-31 FERNCSA (see Table No. 3).

Important! It cannot be stated unequivocally that all non-inverter models of units are less economical than inverter ones, although the latter are the leaders.


Disadvantages of inverter refrigerators compared to standard ones:

  1. Higher price. This is confirmed by the data in Table No. 1. The price of inverter models is in the range of 28,502 - 78,560 thousand rubles, and non-inverter 35,650 - 66,390 thousand rubles, not counting the non-inverter exclusive Liebherr SBSes 7353 (from 220,000 thousand rubles).
  2. Smaller selection of products in each price category. Inverter refrigeration systems began to be produced relatively recently, so the number of manufacturers and models themselves is noticeably smaller than non-inverter ones.

According to statistics, 95% of compressors fail due to poor quality of the supply network, manifested in sudden voltage drops.

Important. There are Volt Control voltage control devices that ensure the operation of household appliances when input voltage drops in the range of up to ±25%. They are made in the form of a small block with a socket into which the protected equipment is plugged in. The unit itself plugs into a wall outlet.

Tips for repairing equipment

Internal defects of the split system compressor are corrected exclusively in professional workshops. At home, repairs of such complexity by the owner himself seem irrational, with an extremely low percentage of successful completion.

If the normal operation of the compressor is disrupted due to excess or lack of refrigerant, it is quite possible to solve the repair problem yourself.

In the first case (excess freon), it is enough to simply remove some of the gas from the system. In the second case, you need to do the opposite - fill the system with an additional volume of gas.

When the cause of the compressor inoperability is the starting capacitor, you should open the top cover of the external system unit, having first disconnected the machine from the power supply.

Remove the capacitor and check with a tester in resistance measurement mode (mOhm), alternately touching the working terminals with the probes. A non-working capacitor will not show the discharge effect. This is the reason for replacement.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

This video was filmed by specialists and may be useful to those who are eager to repair a split system compressor that has serious damage.

The operation of modern split systems shows quite long-term operation without the need for repairs. Moreover, if we are talking about serious defects, such as interturn short circuits or mechanical wear.

Simple faults can be repaired quite simply, and in the case of complex defects, replacing the split system with a new one seems like a reasonable solution. Serious repairs will force you to spend the same amount of money as purchasing a new split system requires.

Would you like to share compressor diagnostic methods that we did not talk about in this material? Write your comments, additions and recommendations in the block below.

If you are trying to independently figure out the reason for the breakdown of your split system and find yourself in a difficult situation, do not hesitate to ask for advice from our experts and other site visitors in the comments to this article.

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